Relax and enjoy at our hotel in Banja Luka The new state-of-the-art lobby at Courtyard provides greater flexibility and choices for our guests. At the center of it all is Bar, your destination for a great breakfast, or drinks and dinner during the evening. You’ll also enjoy inviting, flexible spaces where you can work or […]

MisijaAgencija za državnu upravu kao samostalna republička upravna organizacija obezbjeđuje upravljanje procesom zapošljavanja državnih službenika, pruža podršku republičkim organima uprave u upravljanju ljudskim potencijalima, priprema i sprovodi obuke i stručno usavršavanja zaposlenih u republičkoj upravi, vodi Centralni registar kadrova i pomaže republičkim organima uprave u izradi kadrovskih planova, vodi i organizuje polaganje stručnog ispita za […]

Osnivanje Usvajanjem zakona o sistemu indirektnog oporezivanja 29.12.2003. godine Parlament Bosne i Hercegovine stvorio je pravni osnov za uspostavljanje Uprave za indirektno oporezivanje, najveće institucije na državnom nivou. Tokom 2004. godine izvršeno je spajanje bivših carinskih uprava entiteta i Distrikta Brčko. Uporedo s procesom reorganizacije carinske službe, osnovan je Sektor za poreze, prvi put na […]

Zaštitni fond Republike Srpske je osnovan u skladu sa Zakonom o osiguranju od odgovornosti za motorna vozila i ostalim obaveznim osiguranjima od odgovornosti (Sl.Glasnik Republike Srpske 17/05), Zakon o obaveznim osiguranjima u saobraćaju (Sl.Glasnik Republike Srpske 82/15) i Odlukom o organizovanju Zaštitnog fonda Republike Srpske. Članovi fondasu sva društva za osiguranje koja u Republici Srpskoj […]

Фонд за заштиту животне средине и енергетску ефикасност Републике Српске, је основан као правно лице са јавним овлашћењима, чија су права, обавезе и одговорности утврђене Законом о Фонду и финансирању заштите животне средине Републике Српске (“Службени гласник Републике Српске”, број 117/11), Статутом Фонда и другим прописима. Оснивач Фонда је Република Српска, оснивачка права и дужности […]

Direkcija za civilno zrakoplovstvo Bosne i Hercegovine (BHDCA) je upravna organizacija nadležna i odgovorna za obavljanje funkcije regulatora i nadzora, te izdavanje dozvola, potvrda i certifikata u oblasti civilnog zrakoplovstva i kontrole letenja, osnovana 1997. godine sa ciljem da odgovori obavezama Bosne i Hercegovine kao države članice Međunarodne organizacije civilnog zrakoplovstva (International Civil Aviation Organization […]

Odlukom Vlade Republike Srpske, 2023. godine, dotadašnji Zavod za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju “Dr Miroslav Zotović” (osnovan je 1996. godine, Odlukom Vlade Republike Srpske, radi obavljanja zdravstvene djelatnosti kao društvene djelatnosti od posebnog interesa) mijenja naziv u JZU Institut za fizikalnu medicinu, rehabilitaciju i ortopedsku hirurgiju “Dr Miroslav Zotović” Banja Luka. Institut “Dr Miroslav Zotović” […]

KRAJINA PETROL Kvalitet i tradicija povezani u jednom imenu Usluge Prodaja naftnih derivata i tečnog naftnog gasa Dostava tečnog naftnog gasa Vaganje vozila Vaganje vozila Trenutne cijene Eurodizel 5: 2,35 KM/litEurodizel 5 regresirani: 1,50 KM/lit (- 0,85 KM)BMB 95: 2,35 KM/litAUTOGAS: 1,21KM/litGAS U BOCAMA: 24,00 KM/10kgGAS U BOCAMA- kućna dostava: 27,00 KM/10kgGAS U CISTERNI: 0,95 […]

Javna zdravstvena ustanova „Zavod za stomatologiju“ osnovana je Odlukom Vlade Republike Srpske broj 04/1-012-222594/10 od 16.12.2010. godine, kao zdravstvena ustanova sekundarnog nivoa u kojoj se pacijentima pružaju specijalističke usluge iz svih oblasti stomatologije oralne hirurgije;preventivne i dječije stomatologije;bolesti zuba i endodoncije;bolesti usta i parodontologije;stomatološke protetike iortopedije vilice ambulanti 0 doktor 0 tehničara 0 tisuća korisnika […]

Opšte informacije o kompaniji ………. Kompanija “Elektroprenos – Elektroprijenos BiH” a.d. Banja Luka je osnovana Zakonom o osnivanju kompanije za prenos električne energije u Bosni i Hercegovini (Službeni glasnik BiH broj 35/04) i nastala je prenosom sredstava, obaveza i vlasničkih prava nad imovinom neophodnom za prenos električne energije i djelatnosti koje se odnose na prenos, iz […]

Dentistry Simić Dent, was founded by Dr Gordana Simic, situated in an extremely attractive location, in the center of Banja Luka (across from the old bus station). Thanks to the expertise of physicians, according to the latest equipment and the most modern standards and top quality materials, which are used by us, we are able […]

ARNI plus je privatna ZU specijalistička ambulanta fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije. U sklopu Arni centru radimo Bicom biorezonantnu dijagnostiku i terapije , nutricionistički pregled i fizikalnu terapiju DTS kičmenog stuba. Zdravstvena ustanova ARNI plus je broj 1 CENTAR ZA KIČMU u Republici Srpskoj (Banja Luka), ambulanta fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije koja je svoju djelatnost posvetila […]

Banski Dvor is a building and cultural center in Banja Luka. It was built in the period 1931-32 as the seat of Duke (“Ban“) of Vrbas Banovina, an administrative region of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Nowadays In 1998 Banski Dvor officially became a public cultural institution and nowadays is the most important cultural center of the city […]

Ethno Village – Museum Ljubačke Doline covers an area of about 2 hectares in the village of Ljubačevo, about 17km south of Banja Luka.  Ljubačevo, as a rich region, in addition to the Ethno village also boasts a beautiful view of the canyon Tijesno and it is a true ecological oasis for nature lovers, herbalists, […]

Музеј Републике Српске званична је институција Републике Српске и културна установа у саставу Министарства просвјете и културе Републике Српске. Влада Републике Српске је Музеј Републике Српске прогласила централном установом заштите покретних културних добара Републике Српске. Сједиште Музеја Републике Српске се налази у Улици Ђуре Даничића бр. 1 у Бањој Луци. Организација У саставу Музеја Републике Српске дјелују седам организационих јединица: 1. Центар […]

Mtel a.d. Banja Luka (formerly Telekom Srpske) is a telecommunications company based in Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The company is owned by Telekom Srbija, and is the second largest telecommunications company in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the biggest one listed on the Banja Luka Stock Exchange, with the market capitalisation of about 540 million euros. The company’s main business is fixed and mobile telecommunications in domestic […]

Incel is a company based in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, originally manufacturing cellulose, viscose and paper products. Established in 1954, it was a major industrial conglomerate in the field during the Socialist Era, employing up to 6,500 workers. Following a period of decline in the 1980s and the Bosnian War in the 1990s, the factory collapsed, and was subsequently split into several smaller enterprises. […]

Social Education Center Banja Luka (SEC) is an institution specializing in vocational education of adults in the field of social occupations. The SEC is a dynamic institution in which the educational process is conducted according to andragogical standards. The SEC’s educational offer is within four sectors that are directly related to the SEC’s identity: Health […]

Pan-European University APEIRON is a private university founded in 2005 with its headquarters in Banja Luka. By April 2008, 716 students had graduated from this university and 2,398 students were in the process of studying. It consists of the following faculties located in the same building: Faculty of Business Economics – College of Modern Management […]

The University of Business Studies is an academic institution that grew out of the Faculty of Business Studies in Banja Luka. In 2006, the consent of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska was obtained. This University was founded with a basic commitment to introduce the most modern contents and programs […]

The University of Business Engineering and Management (PIM University) is a higher education institution within which the first educational institutions were established in June 2003. The university is based in Banja Luka, and departments exist in Trebinje, Brcko District, Uzice and East Sarajevo. The first study programs at the time of establishment were in the […]

Kappa Phi College of Communications in Banja Luka (English: The Banja Luka College of Communications Kappa Phi) is an independent higher education institution in Banja Luka. The college was founded on August 21, 2000 under the name of the Faculty of Communication in Banja Luka, and is the oldest private higher education institution in Bosnia […]

The Kastel Fortress is a fortress located in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fortress is medieval but is situated on the site of previous fortifications going all the way back to Roman and even pre-Roman times. The fortress is relatively well-preserved, and is one of Banja Luka’s main attractions, situated on the left bank of the Vrbas river in the very center of […]

Ferhat Pasha Mosque also known as the Ferhadija Mosque, is a central building in the city of Banja Luka and one of the greatest achievements of Bosnia and Herzegovina‘s 16th century Ottoman Islamic architecture in Europe. The mosque was demolished in 1993 at the order of the authorities of Republika Srpska, and was rebuilt and opened on 7 May 2016. Commissioned by the Bosnian Sanjak-bey Ferhad […]

The Kastel Fortress is a fortress located in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fortress is medieval but is situated on the site of previous fortifications going all the way back to Roman and even pre-Roman times. The fortress is relatively well-preserved, and is one of Banja Luka’s main attractions, situated on the left bank of the Vrbas river in the very center of […]

The University of Banja Luka is the second-oldest university in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A public university, it is the flagship institution of higher education in Republika Srpska, one of two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As of 2018–19 school year, there are 11,186 enrolled students. The university grew out of faculties established in Banja Luka after the end of the World War […]

Pošte Srpske is one of three companies responsible for postal service in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The other two are BH Pošta and Hrvatska pošta Mostar.

Banjalučka Pivara or Banja Luka Brewery, is a Bosnian brewing company based in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country’s second-largest city. The company was founded as part of activities by the Trappist order in the village of Delibaša. After World War II the brewery was nationalized and in 1975 included in newly founded company “Bosanska Krajina”. 145 years ago, in a small place […]