Together, we create unforgettable moments.Offering a new perspective on the timeless city, our hotel Balkan is a sanctuary where everyone feels relaxed, energized, and at home. The history that began in the 19th century continues today… All roads lead to BalkanThe hotel is conveniently located, so you can easily and quickly reach everywhere with a […]
Where to go
Zašto baš MBS? MBS je akronim za “Modern Business School”. Visoka škola modernog biznisa te priprema za savremeno, dinamično tržište na kome u skladu sa razvojem tehnologije brzo nastaju nova zanimanja. Šta je to moderan biznis? Svet se brzo menja, trendovi traju kratko i firme moraju da prate brzi razvoj tržišta kako bi na njemu […]
Unique services and charms of Belgrade Hotel Crystal entered the Belgrade hotel market as one of the first boutique hotels that brought new standards to the industry and captured the attention of tourists and Belgrade’s audience with its urban and chic design. By continuously adapting to new trendsHotel Crystal remains highly positioned on the hospitality […]
Hotel Natalija Residence is the Best Western Premier (BWP) located in Košutnjak Park, just a little outside the center of Belgrade, in an area rich in nature, history, and culture. Business or personal, we guarantee you a great stay. Being just 25 minutes away from the Airport Nikola Tesla and 10 minutes away from the […]
Hotel in the heart of Belgrade Located in the heart of Belgrade, just a few steps from Belgrade’s main street Knez Mihailova, Republic Square and Skadarlija, a bohemian district that carries the spirit of the old city, with restaurants that hosted the greatest legends of Belgrade’s art and academic scene. The National Theater and Knez […]
Balkan Hotel Garni is a great choice for rest and relaxation in Belgrade. The hotel is located in one of the most elite parts of Belgrade and is well connected with the city center. The staff will do their utmost to deliver impeccable service and ensure you have a good rest aftera busy, business day […]
The perfect stay – In the heart of the city Amenities Full Breakfast Bar Gym Air Conditioning High Speed Fiber WiFi Serta® Mattresses Portable WiFi Routers Two Saunas Monsoon Showers Bar Breakfast Whether you are looking for a light breakfast or a hearty Serbian traditional breakfast we have it all. Come and enjoy our hospitality […]
Welcome to the world of supreme luxury and impeccable hospitality – welcome to the Nobel Hotel Group. Nobel Hotel Group is a reputable hotel company, founded in 2023 with the vision of becoming synonymous with excellence in the world of hospitality. Shortly after its creation, the company established itself as a respectable hotel group in […]
Find Joy in the heart of Belgrade Stay in a modern and comfortable hotel in Belgrade in an attractive destination!The modernly equipped accommodation is located on the Danube, overlooking the Kalemegdan Fortress in the heart of Belgrade. Whether you come for business commitments or personal satisfaction and enjoyment, we strive to meet all your needs. […]
Welcome to City Joy, a modern, newly opened hotel located in a quiet part of the center of Belgrade, surrounded by greenery and numerous attractions. Our hotel is ideal for tourist or business trips, with a modern interior that will satisfy all your expectations. Stay in a modern and comfortable hotel in Belgrade at an […]
Dobrodošli u Apartmani Prime Beograd, porodični apartmani ušuškani u srcu Vračara. Udaljen svega 15 minuta hoda od Hrama Svetog Save, Apartmani Prime Beograd predstavlja jedinstveni smeštaj u Srbiji nudeći gostima čak 31 apartmana na jednom mestu. Zbog svoje lokacije koja nudi mir i tišinu u samom centru grada, Apartmani Prime Beograd je idealan izbor i […]
Featuring modern decoration, Eden hotel is situated in Belgrade, in two main shopping and pedestrian zones, KnezMihajlova Street and Terazije Street. This boutique hotel currently has 23 luxury rooms of different categories. Every unit features free Wi-Fi, satellite flat-screen TV, air conditioning, electronic safe,mini bar and kettle… Some units feature a terrace and/or balcony with […]
The charming One Luxury Suites, with its smartly renovated rooms and suites, is the ideal starting point to discover the Serbian capital. In the heart of the city centerLocated in the heart of the city center in the pedestrian zone, it is a short distance to all main attractions like Kalemegdan, Republic square, Skadarska street, […]
Welcome to the best five-star deluxe hotel in Belgrade. It has a perfect location which is only a couple of minutes away from the National Theater, Knez Mihailova Street, the National Museum, Botanical Garden Jevremovac, the bohemian quarter Skadarlija and the medieval Kalemegdan Fortress. Like no other hotel in Serbia, Prezident Palace Belgrade Hotel represents […]
Get to know Belgrade in the right way Within the space of a few minutes wandering around the side streets of Belgrade I am shown a mural depicting a beautiful woman; the tomb of an ancient Ottoman warriors; a “concept store” selling quirky designer goods that wouldn’t be out of place in Soho in London; […]
The origin of the Institute goes back to the Institut des Études balkaniques founded in Belgrade in 1934 as the only of its kind in the Balkans. The initiative came from King Alexander I Kargeorgevic, while the Institute’s scholarly profile was created by Ratko Parezanin and Svetozar Spanacevic. It published Revue internationale des Etudes balkaniques, […]
The Institute of Forestry, founded by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, will soon be celebrating 70 years of successful practice of basic, applied and development research in the field of forestry and environmental protection and improvement. Researchers of the Institute of Forestry are leaders and members of many highly rated international and national […]
In order to establish more efficient operation of water transport, especially inland ports and harbors, Government of the Republic of Serbia in the year of 2013. Formed Port Governance Agency (PGA) as a state administrative body that has multiple roles in the development of water transport. In addition to the clearly defined development goals for […]
Misija i vizija MisijaDoprinos podizanju kvaliteta obrazovanja i razvoju nauke i kulture u Republici Srbiji, izradom udžbenika i modernih nastavnih sredstava vrhunskog kvaliteta, objavljivanjem i promocijom posebnih i značajnih dela iz ove oblasti. VizijaLiderska pozicija u izdavanju udžbenika, modernih nastavnih sredstava, posebnih i značajnih dela uz saradnju sa eminentnim referentnim institucijama, organizacijama i pojedincima na […]
The Institute of Agricultural Economics frequently participates in the realization of long-terms projects of the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection, as well as in the projects of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Mining and Spatial Planning, and the projects of agricultural sector adjustment that the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management of […]
Мисија и Визија Института Музиколошки институт САНУ у Београду основан је 1947. године као први музиколошки институт у тадашњој држави. Институт спроводи проучавање историје и теорије музике, затим етномузикологије, естетике музике. Истраживања су усмерена на српску музику и њене везе са музичким стваралаштвом и културом у суседним и европским земљама, као и у свету. Поред […]
Zavod obavlja i druge poslove od interesa za Republiku Srbiju, kao što su: izrada i štampanje geoloških karata razmere 1:25000 i sitnije razmere, izrada specijalističkih i tematskih geoloških karata (metalogenetskih, odnosno mineragenetskih, geomagnetskih, gravimetrijskih, radiometrijskih geohemijskih, hidrogeoloških,inženjerskgeoloških, strukturno-tektonskih, seizmičkih, geoekoloških i drugih), uključujući i izradu geoloških podloga za potrebe prostornog planiranja, vrši istraživanja i monitoring […]
Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije je naučno-istraživačka institucija, smeštena u Beogradu, čiji je rad usmeren na istraživanje srpske i jugoslovenske istorije u 20. i 21. veku. Osnovan pre više od šest decenija, Institut ima bogatu tradiciju izučavanja važnih društvenih, političkih, ekonomskih, kulturnih i spoljnopolitičkih procesa koji su oblikovali srpsku i jugoslovensku prošlost. Institut ima razvijenu […]
U službi zdravlja od 1926. godine Rukovodstvo Instituta čine: Direktor InstitutaTehnički direktorPomoćnik direktora za kvalitetPomoćnik direktora za naukuPomoćnik direktora za opšte, finansijske i pravne posloveUpravnik zavoda za zdravstvenu zaštitu – Tehnički rukovodilac laboratorijaUpravnik zavoda za kontrolu hrane i lekova – Tehnički rukovodilac laboratorijaRukovodilac Centra za tretman infektivnog, veterinarskog i medicinskog otpada Naučni institut za veterinarstvo […]
The mission of ITS SASA is to encourage and promote fundamental and applied research in those areas of engineering and natural sciences that focus on the development of multifunctional nanostructured materials, biomaterials, sensor systems and photovoltaic power sources. The aim of the research conducted at ITS SASA is to develop innovative technologies that can be […]
Историјат Настанак било које установе није могуће разумети без познавања социокултурног контекста у времену када је формирана. Завод за проучавање културног развитка улази у интелектуално поље /…/ без историјски створеног културног легитимитета, јер научне традиције у овом пољу истраживања није било. Избор назива установе сведочи о недоумици како означити њену основну делатност, њену програмску оријентацију. […]
Istorijat Donošenjem Zakona o Državnoj Arhivi Kraljevine Srbije 2/14. decembra 1898. godine osnovan je Državni arhiv Srbije. Osnivanje Državnog Arhiva Srbije Ideja o osnivanju ustanove koja bi prikupljala i čuvala dokumenta koja su nastala radom državnih organa, institucija i pojedinaca prvi put se javlja na sastancima Društva srpske slovesnosti 1846. godine. Već sledeće godine u […]
O RHMZ RHMZ Srbije je referentna ustanova sa punom odgovornošću za izradu i prezentovanje prognoza vremena i voda, davanje upozorenja i najava za vanredne i opasne meteorološke i hidrološke pojave. Organizaciona struktura Međunarodni panel za klimatske promene – IPCC Zadatak IPCC je da na osnovu rezultata monitoringa i istraživanja u okviru Globalnog klimatskog osmatračkog sistema […]
Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu je posebna organizacija u sistemu državne uprave Republike Srbije u čijoj su nadležnosti poslovi koji se odnose na prava industrijske svojine i autorsko i srodna prava. Delokrug rada Zavoda za intelektualnu svojinu propisan je članom 36. stav 1. Zakona o ministarstvima („Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije”, br. 128/20 i 116/22). Na osnovu […]
Republički zavod za statistiku je posebna organizacija obrazovana u skladu sa članom 26. Zakona o ministarstvima („Službeni glasnik RS“, br. 44/14, 14/15, 54/15 i 96/15). Republički zavod za statistiku, u tom smislu, obavlja stručne poslove koji se odnose na donošenje programa, organizaciju i sprovođenje statističkih istraživanja, odnosno izradu metodologije, prikupljanje, obradu, statističku analizu i objavljivanje […]
Задаци и услуге Службе Амбуланте Актуелно Анализа здравственог стања становништваСпровођење мера за спречавање, сузбијање и лечење заразних болестиЗдравствена заштита свих популационих група становништваУнапређење репродуктивног здрављаСпецифична заштита менталног здравља становништва Континуирано спровођење здравствене делатностиОбављање лекарских прегледа лица пре ступања на рад и систематских прегледа радникаОрганизовање и континуирано спровођење здравствених програма за промоцију здрављаПалијативно збрињавање пацијената у […]
Mi brinemo o Vašim najmilijim bakama i dekama Za prvoklasnu negu u našem domu PREMIUM LUX za stare brine se iskusan, profesionalan i nadasve brižan tim stručnjaka različitih profila. Naše usluge Želimo da vam predstavimo nešto sto niste imali prilike da imate u svom okruženju, a to je briga o vašimnajmilijim bakama i dekama… Komfor […]
The major activities of the Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade are higher education and scientific work both of which are very significant for the Republic of Serbia and integrated in the international, especially European, educational and scientific environment. Educational and scientific work at the Faculty is conducted and organized in the way established by the […]
In the future, we see the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Belgrade as an active and internationally recognized factor in promotion of existing and creation of new knowledge from the field of physical education, sport and related scientific disciplines within higher education, based on outcomes of studying and principles of […]
The Faculty of Music in Belgrade is the main state and the most prominent higher education music institution in Serbia, continuously existing since its foundation in 1937. As the largest of the faculties within the University of Arts in Belgrade, the Faculty of Music academic and instructional staff comprises over two hundred teachers and teaching […]
Euromedik je najveći privatni zdravstveni sistem u Srbiji, osnovan 2002. godine sa ciljem da korisnicima omogući najkvalitetniju medicinsku uslugu od strane vodećih specijalista i subspecijalista iz gotovo svih oblasti medicine, uz korišćenje najsavremenije i sertifikovane medicinske opreme. RADNO VREME: Pon. – Petak: 07:00 – 21:00 Subota: 07:00 – 15:00 Nedelja: Neradni dan KAO GRADSKI PREVOZMOŽETE […]