Grigeo, AB is the only paper and wood industry company group in Lithuania and one of the largest in the Baltic countries. The Group includes the following companies: Grigeo, AB, Grigeo Packaging, UAB, Grigeo Klaipėda, AB, Grigeo Baltwood, UAB, Grigeo Recycling, UAB and Mena Pak, AT. Our business processes cover almost the entire processing cycle of […]
Where to go
Grigeo, AB is the only paper and wood industry company group in Lithuania and one of the largest in the Baltic countries. The Group includes the following companies: Grigeo, AB, Grigeo Packaging, UAB, Grigeo Klaipėda, AB, Grigeo Baltwood, UAB, Grigeo Recycling, UAB and Mena Pak, AT. Our business processes cover almost the entire processing cycle of […]
Grigeo, AB is the only paper and wood industry company group in Lithuania and one of the largest in the Baltic countries. The Group includes the following companies: Grigeo, AB, Grigeo Packaging, UAB, Grigeo Klaipėda, AB, Grigeo Baltwood, UAB, Grigeo Recycling, UAB and Mena Pak, AT. Our business processes cover almost the entire processing cycle of […]
Grigiškės – išskirtinė Vilniaus dalis. Tai atskiras miestas Vilniaus miesto savivaldybėje, tiesa – seniūnijos teisėmis. Toks administracinis miesto mieste statusas Lietuvoje yra vienintelis. Grigiškės turi savo vėliavą ir herbą (dail. K. Juodikaitis) – į jį buvo perkeltas istorinis popieriaus vandenženklis, vaizduojantis tauro galvą su kryžiumi, kurį apsivijęs žaltys, amžinybės ir ilgaamžiškumo simbolis. Šiuo metu mieste […]