Grigeo, AB is the only paper and wood industry company group in Lithuania and one of the largest in the Baltic countries. The Group includes the following companies: Grigeo, AB, Grigeo Packaging, UAB, Grigeo Klaipėda, AB, Grigeo Baltwood, UAB, Grigeo Recycling, UAB and Mena Pak, AT. Our business processes cover almost the entire processing cycle of […]

Grigeo, AB is the only paper and wood industry company group in Lithuania and one of the largest in the Baltic countries. The Group includes the following companies: Grigeo, AB, Grigeo Packaging, UAB, Grigeo Klaipėda, AB, Grigeo Baltwood, UAB, Grigeo Recycling, UAB and Mena Pak, AT. Our business processes cover almost the entire processing cycle of […]

Grigeo, AB is the only paper and wood industry company group in Lithuania and one of the largest in the Baltic countries. The Group includes the following companies: Grigeo, AB, Grigeo Packaging, UAB, Grigeo Klaipėda, AB, Grigeo Baltwood, UAB, Grigeo Recycling, UAB and Mena Pak, AT. Our business processes cover almost the entire processing cycle of […]

Grigiškės – išskirtinė Vilniaus dalis. Tai atskiras miestas Vilniaus miesto savivaldybėje, tiesa – seniūnijos teisėmis. Toks administracinis miesto mieste statusas Lietuvoje yra vienintelis. Grigiškės turi savo vėliavą ir herbą (dail. K. Juodikaitis) – į jį buvo perkeltas istorinis popieriaus vandenženklis, vaizduojantis tauro galvą su kryžiumi, kurį apsivijęs žaltys, amžinybės ir ilgaamžiškumo simbolis. Šiuo metu mieste […]