The nobility and lavishness of our wine varieties can be attributed to the heritage of a thousand-year old tradition of oenology and viticulture in Slovenian Istria, and are the product of the exquisite natural characteristics of the Istrian soil, and hard-working hands of locals. In Vinakoper, we have been producing top-quality wines with love and […]
Where to go

The Head Office of Intereuropa d.d. parent company is situated in Koper (Slovenia) where it operates via a network of 6 business units. Next to the parent company, the Intereuropa Group also consists of 12 subsidiaries in 9 countries where it has its own companies with the network of business units and logistics terminals. It […]

University of Primorska Is by age and size the third university in Slovenia. It is located in Koper, Izola, and Portorož and is named for the Slovenian Littoral region (Slovenian Primorska), where it is located. The University of Primorska is successfully implementing its two core activities: research and education. In all of its functioning it […]

Oskar in Barbara d.o.o. PE Zobozdravstvena ordinacija Urnik delaPonedeljek13:00 — 19:00Torek08:00 — 13:00Sreda08:00 — 13:00Četrtek13:00 — 18:30Petek08:00 — 12:30

Zdravstvene storitve – Otorinolaringologija in hiperbarična medicina. Prvi privatni center za hiperbarično terapije.

Ultrazvočne preiskaveUZ vratu in ščitniceUZ trebušnih organovUZ dojk in klinični pregledUZ testisov in prostateUZ ožilja nog in rokUZ mišic in mehkih tkivUZ ožilja nog in rokUZ vratnega ožiljaUZ srcaGinekološki ultrazvok Medicinske storitveAmbulanta za proktologijo in abdominalno kirurgijo Ambulanta za spolno prenosljive bolezni ORL – otorinolaringološka ambulanta Gastroenterološka ambulanta Ambulanta za bolezni ožilja Protibolečinska ambulanta Merjenje […]

Skupina OMV na trajnosten način proizvaja ter trži nafto in plin, inovativne oblike energije ter visokokakovostne petrokemične rešitve. S prihodki od prodaje Skupine OMV v višini 23 milijard evrov in približno 20.000 zaposlenimi v letu 2019 je OMV Aktiengesellschaft ena največjih avstrijskih industrijskih družb, ki kotirajo na borzi. Na področju raziskav in proizvodnje ima močni bazi v osrednji […]

Koper, the largest town of Slovenian Istria and the home of about one half of the population of the Municipality of Koper, is also the only Slovenian port; in addition, it also hosts one of the Slovenian universities. Koper is the fifth largest city in Slovenia. Located in the Istrian region in southwestern part of […]