Nemocnica v súlade so svojím predmetom činnosti poskytuje zdravotnú starostlivosť pre spádovú oblasť cca 150 000 obyvateľov – U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o., Moldava n/B., časť okresu Košice II. Pre Žilinský, Banskobystrický, Prešovský a Košický kraj poskytuje špecializovanú zdravotnú starostlivosť v odbore popálenín a rekonštrukčnej chirurgie. V rámci slobodnej voľby lekára je nemocnica otvorená aj […]

The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice is a public single faculty university in Košice, Slovakia that provides undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate education in veterinary medicine, animal science, cynology, pharmacy and food safety. The university was established as the Veterinary College in Košice (Slovak: Vysoká škola veterinárska v Košiciach) by the Act of the Slovak National Council No. 1/1950 Coll. of 16 December 1949 on the establishment of the Veterinary College […]

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice is a university located in Košice, Slovakia. It was founded in 1959 and is organized into five faculties. The university is named after Pavel Jozef Šafárik, a 19th-century Slovak philologist, poet, and historian. Organization These are the 5 faculties in which the university is divided into: Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Science Faculty of Law […]

Technical University of Košice is the second largest university of technology in Slovakia. University structure Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Aeronautics.

U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. is a steel company located in Košice, Slovakia. In November 2000, the ownership of the complete metallurgical operation of former Východoslovenské železiarne (VSŽ) Košice (East Slovakian Ironworks, Košice) was transferred to U.S. Steel.

Košice is the largest city in eastern Slovakia. It is situated on the river Hornád at the eastern reaches of the Slovak Ore Mountains, near the border with Hungary. With a population of approximately 240,000, Košice is the second-largest city in Slovakia, after the capital Bratislava. Being the economic and cultural centre of eastern Slovakia, Košice is the seat of the Košice […]