The popular golf course at the Diners Golf Ljubljana is located near Šmarna Gora Hill, next to the local road between Pirniče and Smlednik. This 18-hole course is distinguished by its length (6,200 metres), and dynamic diversity. The course can accommodate up to 120 players at the same time.

The Klet Brda Winery found its refuge in the underground, directly under the mighty Dobrovo Castle. It was constructed in 1957, at a time of a major reconstruction of vineyards, which placed the Brda region on the world wine map. The cellar is located 15 m below the ground – its two levels and tower […]

Traditional Slovenian souvenirs can be bought anywhere in Slovenia under the distinctive mark Rokodelstvo Art & Craft Slovenija. Items made by contemporary Slovenian designers and fashion designers can be found in small boutique shops showcasing unique products or at art markets. Drop by the stores and markets with local products and produce or to shopping centres for […]


MDM d.o.o. is located in Ljubljana-Crnuce, Slovenia and is part of the Structural Steel & Precast Concrete Contractors Industry. MDM d.o.o. has 121 employees at this location and generates $62.91 million in sales (USD). There are 4 companies in the MDM d.o.o. corporate family.

SALOMON d.o.o. Ljubljana is located in Ljubljana-Polje, Slovenia and is part of the Staffing Services Industry. SALOMON d.o.o. Ljubljana has 751 employees at this location and generates $58.72 million in sales (USD). There are 11 companies in the SALOMON d.o.o. Ljubljana corporate family. The firm Podravka d.o.o. Ljubljana was founded in 1974 as a branch […]

SIEMENS d.o.o. is located in Ljubljana, Slovenia and is part of the Wholesale Sector Industry. SIEMENS d.o.o. has 62 employees at this location and generates $44.81 million in sales (USD). There are 3,882 companies in the SIEMENS d.o.o. corporate family.

JOHNSON & JOHNSON d.o.o. is located in Ljubljana, Slovenia and is part of the Wholesale Sector Industry. JOHNSON & JOHNSON d.o.o. has 122 employees at this location and generates $58.13 million in sales (USD). There are 1,229 companies in the JOHNSON & JOHNSON d.o.o. corporate family. Key Principal: Dario Juricic

SŽ, d.o.o. is located in Ljubljana, Slovenia and is part of the Business Services Sector Industry. SZ, d.o.o. has 7,340 total employees across all of its locations and generates $23.06 million in sales (USD). There are 875 companies in the SZ, d.o.o. corporate family.

Manufacturer of power transformers, specialized in production of transformers up to 500 MVA rated power and 420 kV. We are a company that has the capacity to produce energy and power generator transformers up to 500MVA and voltages up to 420kV. We focus mainly on technical areas, such as loss and noise level reduction. Innovative, professional and responsible are the […]

Skupina Orbico je vodilni distributer velikega števila mednarodno zastopanih blagovnih znamk vrhunske kakovosti, ki obsegajo širok asortiment: od izdelkov za nego in lepoto, preko prehrambnih in ne-prehrambnih izdelkov, tehničnih in električnih naprav, do farmacevtskih izdelkov, igrač, tekstila, cigaret, kot tudi motornih olj. Tako obsežen in raznolik nabor blagovnih znamk in izdelkov zahteva visoko stopnjo prilagodljivosti, […]

Summit avto d.o.o. (Summit Auto) is one of the largest and most modern automobile sales & service centers in Slovenia.  At our Flajšmanova 3 location (at the intersection of Šmartinske ceste and Pokopališke ulice), we perform everything connected to the purchase, maintenance, service, registration and insurance of your new or used vehicle.   Our guiding philosophy […]

Danfoss razvija rešitve, ki bodo svetu omogočile ustvarjanje lepše prihodnosti. Energetsko učinkovite rešitve dajejo pametnim skupnostim in panogam možnost ustvarjanja bolj zdrave in udobne klime v naših stavbah in domovih ter zagotavljanja večjih količin hrane z manj odpadki.

VALIANT d.o.o. is a trading company with the seat in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Main activity of the company is trading with biodiesel, vegetable oils, used cooking oils, and crude oil products.Valiant’s business is growing constantly in terms of volumes as well as in terms of areas covered. Valiant is present in all EU and non EU […]

We are an active partner with the industry, businesses and households, as we share similar values on the same path to a common goal. Choose our Wise Decision for a Clean Future service and let us take care of your waste. After collecting your waste material, we process it and by recycling it close the […]

Pivovarna Laško Union (PLU) is the largest manufacturer of beverages in Slovenia, and employs over 600 people. The company, 100% owned by the Dutch international brewer Heineken, was created in 2016 with the merger of Pivovarna Laško and Pivovarna Union, thus inheriting nearly 200 years of Slovenian brewing tradition. This is the heritage that our staff at Pivovarna […]

The company Ljubljanske Mlekarne was established in 1956 as a company of Glavna zadružna zveza Slovenije (Main Cooperative Union of Slovenia). In the beginning around 200 workers took care to provide 69 thousand litres of milk per day, which was bottled. A year later the company began the production of yoghurt, cream, cottage cheese and […]

The key activity and mission of the ELES Company is the safe and reliable operation of Slovenia’s electric power transmission system, which we provide 24/7 throughout the year. The ELES Company ensures the safe, reliable and uninterrupted transmission of electricity. ELES is the guardian of Slovenia’s electric power transmission system, which is closely connected to […]

Beseda Shell se je prvič pojavila leta 1891 kot blagovna znamka za kerozin, ki ga je na Daljni vzhod prevažala družba Marcus Samuel and Company. Na začetku je to malo londonsko podjetje trgovalo s starinami ter z zanimivimi in orientalskimi morskimi školjkami. Ker so jih viktorijanci uporabljali kot dekoracije za škatlice, so postale tako popularne, […]

Skupina Renault je mednarodno podjetje s francoskimi koreninami in več kot 120-letno zgodovino. Prisotni smo v 128 državah, kjer razvijamo, proizvajamo ter tržimo zasebna in gospodarska vozila, ki se prodajajo pod tremi blagovnimi znamkami: Renault, Dacia in RSM. Zahvaljujoč naši edinstveni zvezi z Nissanom in strateškim partnerstvom smo četrti največji proizvajalec avtomobilov na svetu. Trenutno […]

Porsche Slovenija je uspešno in odgovorno podjetje, ki je v Sloveniji prisotno že od leta 1993. Odlično organizirana in vrhunsko usposobljena prodajno-servisna mreža vrhunskih avtomobilskih znamk je jamstvo za profesionalno delo, kakovost in zaupanje. Porsche Slovenija je uvoznik tehnološko naprednih, družbi in okolju prijaznih vozil avtomobilskih znamk Volkswagen, Audi, SEAT, ŠKODA in Volkswagen Gospodarska vozila, ki jih […]

VSEBINE USPOSABLJANJ – BM Vsa navedena usposabljanja so vsebinsko uravnotežena in uporabljiva vsaka zase ali v kombinaciji z drugimi. Obseg in vsebinske opredelitve so odvisne od potreb in želja naročnika. Najkrajše usposabljanje obsega 3 ure, daljše oblike pa so odvisne od obsega in sestave programov. Glede na vsebine in potencialne udeležence usposabljanj/delavnic/predavanj nudimo naslednje vsebine: […]

For anyone who requires a top-notch individual language course with a set schedule and location and with a tailor-made program and individualized materials.

Poljane grammar school dates back to 1889, when it was originally established as a lower secondary school. In 1900, it expanded into an upper secondary school and was renamed the 2nd Royal State Secondary School of Ljubljana. School reforms throughout the turbulent 20th century brought numerous changes to its name and curriculum. Nevertheless, Poljane remained […]

Zgodovina današnje Gimnazije Bežigrad se začne pisati že leta 1908, veliko pred njenim pričetkom, ko je bila ustanovljena Nemška gimnazija s prevladujočimi nemško govorečimi profesorji in slovenščino kot izbirnim jezikom. Nemška šola je bila že leta 1918 zaprta, štiri leta kasneje pa je bila preimenovana v Realno gimnazijo s slovenskim učnim jezikom. Gimnazija, ki je […]

Since 2007, College of Accounting is creating the environment, which offers our students professional development and generation of quality knowledge, implemented later at their work. Our mission is put into effect through activities that encourage students for intellectual curiosity, academic excellence and enable them broad insight into the business world and management, which is the […]

Higher School of Applied Sciences (VIST) is higher education and research organisation which implements 1st and 2nd cycle programmes Cosmetics and Photography – only ones of a kind in Slovenia. We are active in the field of dermocosmetic research, where our main focus is on influence of products, nutrition and procedures on skin. Study programs […]

Artifex je vrhunska plesna šola in plesni studio. Plesna skupina z vrhunskimi rezultati doma in po svetu. Koreografi in plesni učitelji z mednarodnimi izkušnjami. Koreografi za nastope na največjih odrih in produkcijah (Videospoti, koncerti, TV oddaje TV showi, muzikali, reklame, castingi..). Največji slovenski plesna Facebook platforma z več kot 120.000 sledilci. Lastna glasbena in video […]

Studio Dansa je plesni zavod, ki sta ga leta 2009 v želji po več swing plesnih dogodkih ustanovili Anja Prešern in Tanja Vojnović. Iz te želje je tekom let Dansa zrasla v vodilno organizacijo swing plesov v Sloveniji.Delo v zavodu v veliki meri sloni na prostovoljnem delu in kolektivnem grajenju plesne skupnosti.Poleg plesnih tečajev organiziramo […]

The organization Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia was established on the principles and experiences of the international network Nomad Dance Academy (NDA), which is active in the Balkans and connected to other countries. The essential vision of NDA is to contribute to the professionalization of contemporary performing arts in Slovenia and the Balkans through a structure […]

The Ljubljana-based Faculty of Media was founded on 15 February 2008 and is one of the newest higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia. In the 2008/09 academic year the Faculty began to conduct its Media and Journalism study programme at undergraduate and master levels. Both study programmes offer students a combination of knowledge […]

The Academy of Visual Arts (AVA), Ljubljana offers advanced undergraduate and postgraduate (MA) programms in contemporary visual arts. It is a school that encourages its students to develop into confident, creative, and independent professional artists. AVA programms are approved by SQAA. AVA’s mission is to establish a strong, successful and recognisable institutional identity with a […]

GEA College is a modern centre of education and a guide to business excellence. GEA College has been a synonym for business education with focus on entrepreneurship and management since its establishment in 1990. Our study programmes are designed to pursue global trends, international standards in the field of education and training, and mostly the demand […]

V Izobraževalnem centru energetskega sistema – ICES razvijamo izobraževalne programe in izobražujemo zaposlene za aktualne delovne procese v proizvodnji, distribuciji in prenosu električne energije. Študentom in udeležencem usposabljanj zagotavljamo pridobitev znanj in spretnosti, ki posameznikom in podjetjem pomagajo uresničiti njihove cilje in doseči konkurenčno prednost. Ponudba izobraževanj vsebuje naslednje programe. Javno veljavna višješolska strokovna programa: […]

Javni zavod Cene Štupar – Center za izobraževanje Ljubljana si že od leta 1959 prizadeva za pestro ponudbo izobraževalnih programov za vse generacije. Kot ena izmed največjih organizacij na področju izobraževanja odraslih v Sloveniji se zavedamo, kako pomembno je, da udeležencem ponudimo aktualne vsebine in različen nabor formalnih ter neformalnih programov. Prav tako se zavedamo, […]

The Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) (Slovene: Institut “Jožef Stefan”) is the largest research institute in Slovenia. The main research areas are physics, chemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, information technologies, reactor physics, energy and environment. At the beginning of the 2013 the institute had 962 employees, 404 of them were Ph.D scientists. The mission of the Jožef […]

Faculty of Law and Business Studies (FLBS) follows the vision and the mission of its founder, Catholic Institute. Catholic Institute makes research from the fields of social studies and humanities. In particular, its prime aim is to set up the foundation for the Catholic University by establishing higher education institutions, libraries, research centers and student […]

Univerzitetna psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana (v nadaljevanju UPK Ljubljana) je javni zdravstveni zavod, ki opravlja zdravstveno dejavnost na sekundarni in terciarni ravni ter izobraževalno in raziskovalno dejavnost na področju zdravstva. Ustanovitelj UPK Ljubljana je Republika Slovenija. Ustanoviteljske pravice in obveznosti izvršuje Vlada Republike Slovenije. UPK Ljubljana posluje s tujino z imenom: Univerzitetna psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana – […]

Komu priporočamo preventivni pregled?– osebam nad 40 let,– osebam, ki želijo izvedeti več in odkriti težave pravočasno– osebam s preveliko telesno težo,– osebam s holesterolom, povišanim krvnim tlakom,– sladkornim in ledvičnim bolnikom,– osebam, ki imajo v družini bolezni srca in ožilja,– osebam, ki imajo občutek mraza ali bolečine v nogah,– dolgoletnim kadilcem (tudi tistim, ki […]

Hess Medical Ltd. was established in 2017 as a startup for the development of smarter healthcare solutions. Three years into running some highly competent people joined the team which marked the start of a project codenamed Human Performance Centre.

Primadent je zobozdravstvena klinika in znak zaupanja, ki je podeljen samo izbranim slovenskim zobozdravnikom. Znak Primadent pacientom sporoča visoko kakovost storitev in ugodne cene. Primadent zobozdravstvo je bilo prvo ustanovljeno v Kopru skupaj z Mirjano Tavčar, dr. dent. med, ki ima več kot 25 letne izkušnje v stomatologiji. Je prva prejemnica znaka zaupanja Primadent, ki dokazuje navišje zadovoljstvo vseh naših pacientov.Skozi leta so tovrstni […]

Estetika Fabjan is a family-owned company with nearly 25 years of tradition in plastic, reconstructive, and cosmetic surgery. Patients are advised comprehensively about the benefits, limitations, and risks of individual procedures and provided a safe, ethical, and confidential treatment. Staff with international knowledge and years of experience provide a professional and uncompromising approach to the […]

CHIC CLINIC aesthetic surgery founded in 1999. Expertise, effort, innovation and world-wide learning from experts who can to offer new and valuable knowledge. The pioneers in the field of : ultrasound liposuction, lipolysis, usage of Restylane, real surgical chemical peeling EXODERM Fintsi, APTOS facial thread lifting, MACS lift – real surgical, vertical face lift etc.

The beginning of rehabilitation in Slovenia cannot be precisely defined, however it started to develop rapidly after 1952. The first incentive came from an academic, professor Bogdan Brecelj, who in 1947 initiated the establishment of the school for physical therapists. In 1953, professor Brecelj with the assistance of international experts combined international experiences and the […]

Leading European manufacturers of household appliances, with a history reaching back as far as 70 years. Across 90 countries worldwide technologically advanced, innovative, energy-efficient and beautifully designed household appliances that provide a simple, intuitive user experience and make their lives easier. Production facilities across Europe, in Slovenia, Serbia and the Czech Republic, as well as […]

Comprehensive health care for young people during studies. The Student Health Center of the University of Ljubljana is located on Aškerčeva street (between Filozofska fakulteta and Fakulteta za strojništvo). The nearest parking is available 500m away. The bus stop is in front of the building on Aškerčeva street. The Student Health Center of the University of Ljubljana […]

As a principal national institution, the Institute supervises programs on the comprehensive management of cancer diseases in terms of prevention, early detection, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation, research and education. A multidisciplinary approach to cancer treatment and team work, significant achievements in medical work and scientific research, fruitful cooperation with local health institutions and effective integration […]

Podjetje Widex A/S z Danske, ki ga zastopamo, ima na trgu dolgoletno tradicijo – na trgu je že od leta 1956. Njegova prednost je v tem, da se od vsega začetka ukvarja izključno z razvojem in proizvodnjo slušnih aparatov. Widex je z leti razvil veliko slušnih aparatov, ki so po obliki, kakovosti in funkcionalnosti pripomogli, da ga danes prištevajo […]

Dom sodi med javne socialno varstvene zavode in nudi socialno in osnovno oskrbo, zdravstveno nego, fizioterapijo ter aktivnosti delovne terapije 206 starejšim stanovalcem, ki bivajo na stanovanjskih oddelkih in v dveh negovalnih oddelkih, ter 13 mlajšim invalidom, ki bivajo v pritličju v enoposteljnih sobah. Starejšim obiskovalcem so na voljo naslednje sobe: 103 enoposteljnih, 51 dvoposteljnih, 2 triposteljni sobi […]

V Diagnostiki Clarus brez odvečnih čakalni vrst opravljamo celovite in dobro organizirane managerske preglede, preglede s področja medicine dela, prometa in športa, ki jih določuje Zakon o varnosti in zdravju pri delu ter nudimo pester nabor samoplačniških specialističnih ambulant.

Očesna ordinacija dr. Petre Popović je specialistična očesna ordinacija s podeljeno koncesijo iz oftalmologije. V prijetnem vzdušju in urejeni okolici vam nudimo oftalmološke storitve (pregledi, diagnostika, zdravljenje) in svetujemo pri izbiri kontaktnih leč in očal. V optiki ponujamo korekcijska in sončna očala priznanih blagovnih znamk v različnih cenovnih razredih. Poleg okvirjev za odrasle, mladino in otroških okvirjev ponujamo […]

Dom starejših občanov Ljubljana – Šiška stoji od leta 1978 v soseski Dravlje. Pred Domom je čudovit park z obilo zelenja in različnimi kotički, namenjenimi druženju stanovalcev in obiskovalcev. V parku imamo sprehajalne poti in vadbeni park za starejše z zmanjšano mobilnostjo. V neposredni bližini Doma so trgovina, pošta, avtobusna postaja, tržnica, cerkev… Dom ima tudi lastno kavarno s […]

Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana je javni zdravstveni zavod, ki opravlja zdravstveno dejavnost na sekundarni in terciarni ravni ter izobraževalno in raziskovalno dejavnost. Izjemoma izvajamo tudi primarno zdravstveno dejavnost. Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana je največja zdravstvena ustanova v Sloveniji. 31. decembra 2019 je bilo v UKCL 8.359 zaposlenih in 2.138 bolniških postelj. Te številke Univerzitetni klinični […]

V Centru Celostne Oskrbe vam ponujamo zdravstvene in terapevtske storitve v multidisciplinarnem timu. Usmerjene k uporabniku, so visoko strokovne, kakovostne in cenovno dostopne vsem na območju Ljubljane. Storitve zdravstvene nege in oskrbe, fizioterapije, delovne terapije, hišnika ter čiščenje. Vse kar potrebujete, da kljub bolezni in oslabelosti lahko ostanete v domačem okolju. V naših prostorih izvajamo […]

Center Fizioterapije Ljubljana je zasebni center, ki se ukvarja z fizioterapijo, obravnavo posameznikov po možganski kapi, po nezgodnih poškodbah možganov in ostalih nevroloških stanjih. Center Fizioterapije Ljubljana je vpisan v register zasebnih zdravstvenih delavcev pri Ministrstvu za zdravje in ima uradno dovoljenje za izvajanje storitev fizioterapije.

GenePlanet is the leading European provider of innovative healthcare and lifestyle solutions based on preventive genetic testing. Specialised in preventive genetic tests that are intended for the end user. Clinical genetic tests which help doctors with their therapeutic procedures, and blood tests for monitoring individuals’ current state. Providing people with information which can help them […]

Medex je eden vodilnih evropskih proizvajalcev prehranskih dopolnil na osnovi čebeljih in drugih naravnih pridelkov. S svojimi izdelki je prisoten na več kot dvajsetih trgih v Evropi in po svetu. Ustvarja tržne niše, inovativne oblike ter skrbi za nenehen razvoj izdelkov in blagovne znamke. Medexovi izdelki temeljijo na standardizirani in kontrolirani vsebnosti glavnih učinkovin, s […]

Optotek specializes in developing innovative optical and laser solutions and technologies for applications in medicine and life environmental. Over the years Optotek has developed and produced a range of custom made (OEM) laser systems, assemblies and sub-assemblies. Equipment built by Optotek is in use on all continents of the world, including instrumentation installed at the […]

Fotona’s decades-long experience in the laser industry began more than 50 years ago in 1964, producing frontline laser devices for defense, optical communications, industrial, dental and medical applications throughout this time. Fotona today is a world-leading medical laser company recognized for its innovative, award-winning laser systems for applications in aesthetics & dermatology, dentistry, surgery and gynecology. Based in […]

Iskra is a globally recognized provider of intelligent Industrial solutions and cutting-edge electrotechnical products. Iskra new technologies in following strategic business areas: Energy sector Electrotechnical components Efficient installations Traffic Telecommunications Security, supply and facility management

Transport freight throughout Western Europe, particularly to Great Britain, Ireland and the Benelux countries. Carry any type of general freight of normal dimensions irrespective of quantity. PETRANS D.O.O. ACTIVITIES ARE: International transport in the territory of Western Europe, particularly Great Britain, Sale of KÖGEL trailers, KÖGEL, Sale of HUMBAUR trailers, HUMBAUR, Goods storage and transhipment, sale of ferry tickets, Transmission, […]

Bayer is a Life Science company with a more than 150-year history and core competencies in the areas of health care and agriculture. With our innovative products, we are contributing to finding solutions to some of the major challenges of our time. The Bayer Group comprises 392 consolidated companies** in 87 countries. Global headquarters are in […]

IMS INVEST was founded in 1999 as a part of reorganization of IMS GROUP’s profit centers. At the beginning the primary business was construction of business premises for the purpose of letting. In 2001 IMS INVEST expended its activity to road construction, manufacturing of composed bitumen and low temperature asphalt binders on the basis of […]

Inden was established in 2016 with the purpose of advanced information solution development in the field of industry and energy. The founders and sole owners of the company are two long-time friends and co-workers from their postdoctoral times at Faculty of Electrotechnics, University of Ljubljana, Andraž Žertek, PhD and Dušan Božič, PhD. Today, Inden is […]

Začetek skupine In Time sega v daljne leto 1991, ko je bilo v Zagrebu ustavljeno prvo podjetje skupine. Na Hrvaškem je podjetje hitro zraslo v eno največjih zasebnih kurirskih služb, zahvaljujoč tudi dejstvu, da je bilo od samega začetka agent ene največjih mednarodnih kurirskih služb TNT Global Express , Logistics & Mail. Hiter razvoj matičnega […]

Who can install roof in Ljubljana? Are you planning to renovate your roof or have a new roof? Is your roof needs to be fixed? You’re in the right place now! In able for you to have a new roofing system, you must seek professional help in planning the perfect roof for your home or business.

Prefabricated houses ekokoncept are made in Slovenia. In production modern cutting-edge technology is used to make, prepare and construct all the elements necessary for an accurate and fast assembly on site.

Od ustanovitve leta 1989 je Medis odprl podjetja in predstavništva še v Avstriji, Bolgariji, Bosni in Hercegovini, na Hrvaškem, v Litvi (od koder pokriva vse baltske države), Madžarskem, v Severni Makedoniji (od koder pokriva tudi Kosovo), na Slovaškem (od koder pokriva tudi Češko), v Srbiji (od koder pokriva tudi Črno goro), prisoten pa je tudi v Albaniji in na Portugalskem. Partnerjem […]


SAP stands for Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing (Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung in German). SAP was founded in 1972 in Walldorf, Germany and now has offices around the world.  Originally known for leadership in enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, SAP has evolved to become a market leader in end-to-end enterprise application […]

Halcom-CA is the first certification agency in the world whose clients can access multiple accounts with different banks in Slovenia and abroad with just one digital certificate. The same digital certificate is also your ticket to safe e-transactions on various portals in Slovenia. They create safe, efficient and reliable technological solutions that put an excellent […]

Roche farmacevtska družba d.o.o. je hčerinsko podjetje in del skupine Roche, ki skrbi za dostopnost zdravil, in vitro diagnostičnih (IVD) medicinskih pripomočkov in storitev matične družbe v Sloveniji. Začetki delovanja segajo v leto 1996, ko je bila ustanovljena podružnica, ki se je leta 2005 preoblikovala v podjetje Roche farmacevtska družba d.o.o. Ta združuje poslovanje obeh […]

Philip Morris Ljubljana d.o.o. is a Slovenian wholesaler of tobacco products. The company is part of the Philip Morris Group. Nov 27, 1991 – Philip Morris Ljubljana d.o.o. is established in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, as a subsidiary of Switzerland-based Philip Morris S.A.

Salus d.d. is a Slovenian wholesaler of pharmaceutical, medical and related products. The Salus Group is specialised to provide complete distribution, promotion and active sales services as well as value added services necessary for the medicinal product or medical device to be placed on the market it represents a vital link in the supply of […]

Semenarna Ljubljana d.o.o. is a Slovenian producer of seeds and seedlings. In Semenarna Ljubljana preserve indigenous Slovenian varieties, domesticated varieties and we develop new Slovenian varieties. Semenarna Ljubljana maintains seeds for over 70 different varieties and 26 different plant species, of which there are 37 autochthonous Slovenian varieties. Semenarna Ljubljana has great success in producing […]

Silgan Kovinska Embalaza Ljubljana d.o.o. is a Slovenian producer of light metal packaging and caps for the chemical, cosmetics and food industries. It also manufactures decorative packaging. The company has an ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems certificate, valid until Jan 31, 2021.

E.ON Ljubljana d.o.o. is a Slovenian electricity trading company. It is part of the Germany-based RWE Innogy Group. RWE is now part of the international E.ON Group, one of Europe’s largest energy network operators and energy solution providers with more than 50 million customers. As part of the E.ON Group, they offer advanced solutions that […]

Programi vrtca in poslovni čas Vrtec Ledina je javni vrtec, ki se nahaja v samem središču Ljubljane, na Čufarjevi ulici 14. V 26 igralnicah dnevno ustvarja in se uči 440 otrok, v starosti od 1–6 leta. Program poteka v 26 oddelkih. V 22 oddelkih se izvaja dnevni dopoldanski program vključno z oddelkom prilagojenega programa, v 2 oddelkih se […]

Private Penguin Kindergarten is the only private kindergarten that can boast of its own program approved by the ​ strokovnega sveta RS za splošno izobraževanje ​ ( ​ Expert Council of the Republic of Slovenia for General Education) ​ (ID 184072 01, based on decision 602-8 / 1997). The program follows the planned annual work […]

The goal of Pedenjped Preschool is to provide children with optimal conditions in which they can develop their potentials and freely express their ideas, knowledge, skills, creativity – a place where they can develop their critical thinking and become responsible individuals of our society. They participate in national and international projects that help fully integrate […]

Fridolin, an international, multilingual private kindergarten, is welcoming you in Rožna Dolina in Ljubljana. The kindergarten Fridolin opened its doors in October 2015 and got its name after a good friend, a kind-hearted, playful little boy called Frido, who travels around the world and makes a lot of new friends along the way. The private international kindergarten […]

The European School Ljubljana, the only school in Slovenia implementing the European Schools international programme, was established in January 2018 by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. It is run as a part of the Ljubljana School Centre with 100 years of tradition. In the 2018/2019 school year the European School Ljubljana implemented the […]

Ljubljana International School is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA-CESS). MSA-CESS accreditation is an external, objective validation of school quality and student achievement. Only schools that meet a high standard of institutional mission, goals, performance, and resources may receive MSA-CESS accreditation. PRESCHOOL 3-5 YEAR OLD Preschool offers a program of interwoven […]

The French school of Ljubljana is a multilingual kindergarten and school that, since 1992, has welcomed children of all nationalities from 2 up to 15 years old. The French School is approved by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and follows the French Educational Program. The school is also accredited by the Slovenian Ministry of […]