Pedijatrijska ambulanta Ljekarna Otočac Ljekarna Brinje Fizikalna medicina i rehabilitacija Stacionar za dijagnostiku i liječenje akutnih bolesti Zdravstvena zaštita žena UZV, RTG i RTG zubi Laboratorijska dijagnostika Patronažna služba Medicina rada Zdravstvena njega u kući Oftalmološka ambulanta U ZAKUPU Zubotehnički laboratorij Obrazac za pristup informacijama – .doc format (.pdf format) Pravilnik o pravu na pristup informacijama […]

Welcome to paradise on river Gacka This border fortress in Otočac lies by the river of Gacka, and the part where the captain is located with most of his men is surrounded with walls with several towers. There is also the church of Saint Mary and the chapel of St Fabian and Sebastian. The rest […]