Základné údaje o obciGeografická poloha obce: 48°56′03″S 21°20′31″V Susedné obce: Kokošovce, Žehňa Celková rozloha obce: 958 ha (9,58 km²) Nadmorská výška: 446 m n. m. Počet obyvateľov k 31.12.2021: 701 obyvateľov Život obce bol už od najstarších čias spätý s dvomi základnými činnosťami, ktorými sa živilo miestne obyvateľstvo – poľnohospodárstvo a lesohospodárstvo. Vďaka tomu obec […]

Beautiful opal mines  in eastern Slovakia are admired in the whole world and now the mines became a valuable technical monument. In the territory of mountains Slanské vrchy between village called Zlatá Baňa and village called Červenica are the famous Slovak opal mines. Opals from Slovak opal mines are highly appreciated in the world markets for their unique characteristics. Their […]

The tourist attraction of Spišská Magura and the spa Vyšné Ružbachy are several craters. The craters of Ružbachy have nothing to do with volcanoes or volcanic eruptions. They are results of the collapsed travertine monticules, which precipitated around the mineral springs rich in calcium. There are four big and several small travertine craters in the spa of Vyšné Ružbachy. Kráter is […]

Štrbské Pleso – above Žabí potok – Chata pod Rysmi – Váha – Rysy – Chata pod Rysmi – crossroads above Žabí potok – Chata Popradské pleso – Symbolický cintorín – crossroads below Popradské pleso – Popradské pleso-zastávka – Štrbské Pleso (8 1/2 hours) Mountain range: The High Tatras (Tatranský NP)Region: Tatras Starting point: Štrbské Pleso, railway station, […]

FNsP JA Reimana Prešov is the third largest Slovak hospital. It has been providing continuous health care to its patients since 1935. Every year, 45,250 patients are hospitalized, approximately 443,560 patients are treated on an outpatient basis, 15,770 surgeries are performed and 2,560 babies are born. Within the representation of individual specialties, it is the most comprehensive […]

The first data on organized health care in Poprad date back to the beginning of the 20th century. The Tatra Hospital in Poprad – Spišská Sobota was opened on December 10, 1911. In 1918 , the hospital became the property of the Czechoslovak Red Cross. During the period of the pre-Munich republic, it was expanded at a cost of half […]

The University of Prešov is the only public university in the Prešov self-governing region of Slovakia. It focuses on the areas of social, natural, and theological sciences, sport, arts, management, and health care. It was established by law in December 1996 by splitting the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice into the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice […]

Elnec is a Slovak manufacturer of device programming systems for programmable integrated circuits. Current products Elnec production can be divided into groups: Multiprogramming systems (Production programmers) – Used for programming devices in high volumes by Electronics manufacturers and programming centers. Elnec BeeProg+ programmer Universal programmers – Designed for individual users (new electronics products development, chip tuning) and small manufacturers of electronics. Specialized […]

Prešov is a city in Eastern Slovakia. It is a seat of the administrative Prešov Region (Slovak: Prešovský kraj) and Šariš as well as the historic Sáros County of the Kingdom of Hungary. With a population of approximately 90,000 for the city, and in total about 110,000 in the metropolitan area, it is the third-largest city in Slovakia. It lends its name to the Eperjes-Tokaj Hill-Chain.  There […]