The old fish drop-off and processing station, or a fishery, has become Pape’s information point, which also covers expositions of fishing tools and the history of Pape and Nida village. It is also possible to rent active leisure equipment, as bicycles, anglers’ boats and catamaran. Opening hours 01.06 – 31.08 Monday closed Tuesday closed Wednesday closed Thursday 15:00 […]

The ethnographic house “Zvanītāji” is a wooden house built at the end of the 19th century, which has still retained its original appearance. In 2000 the house was turned into a museum and equipped with household items typical of a late 19th century. The exposition displays Rucava folk costume, mittens, socks and other hand made […]

Mill in the center of Rucava was built in 1937 and operated by its primary purpose up until the sixties, being an important location for the grain processing in the Rucava County (Paurupe back then). It was also called a “castle of lights” as electricity, produced by steam locomotive to operate the mill, was enough […]

Rucavas novads atrodas pašā Latvijas dienvidrietumu daļā starp Baltijas jūru un Lietuvas Republikas robežu, ko dabā iezīmē abu valstu robežupe Sventāja. Novadā apvienoti divi pagasti – Dunika un Rucava. Rucavas novada slava tālu izskanējusi ar tā bagāto tradicionālās kultūras mantojumu – krāšņo tautastērpu, rakstaino cimdu pūru, atšķirīgo valodu, savdabīgo vienbalsīgo dziedāšanu, daudzveidīgajām tautasdziesmām, ar piejūrai […]