Located in the heart of Sarajevo’s historic Baščaršija, Apeiro City Avantgarde offers a unique blend of charm and history. Our five-star hotel is located in a location that abounds in cultural and historical sights that tell the story of the city’s rich past. Apeiro brings a completely different experience to its guests. Within the hotel […]
Where to go
Located in the city center, where hospitality is part of the nature of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Swissotel Sarajevo offers contemporary and modern designed rooms with stunning views, free Wi-Fi, state of the art Wellness and Spa facilities, as well as two restaurants. All of the 218 comfortable rooms and suites of the Swissotel Sarajevo feature […]
Agencija za nadzor osiguranja Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine osnovana je Zakonom o društvima za osiguranje u privatnom osiguranju kao samostalna i nezavisna neprofitna institucija (pravna osoba) Federacije koja ima regulatornu i nadzornu funkciju u oblasti privatnog osiguranja s ciljem zaštite osiguranika i osiguravača, a na dobrobit industrije osiguranja. Sukladno odredbama Zakona o društvima za osiguranje […]
Organizacijska struktura Direktor: Željko Silađi Djelokrug Ured Vlade Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine za zakonodavstvo i usklađenost sa propisima Evropske unije daje Vladi Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine stručna pravna mišljenja o prednacrtima, nacrtima i prijedlozima zakona, o njihovoj usklađenosti sa Ustavom i pravnim sistemom, drugih propisa koje donosi Parlament Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, predsjednik i potpredsjednici […]
O Domu naroda Dom naroda se organizira i radi po Ustavu Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, zakonu i Poslovniku. Ako neko pitanje organiziranja i rada Doma naroda Parlamenta Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine nije uređeno Poslovnikom, uređuje se zaključkom. Zaključak se primjenjuje danom donošenja, ako zaključkom nije drugačije određeno. Dom naroda radi u sjednicama. Sjednice Doma naroda […]
The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of FBiH performs administrative and other technical tasks that are under the authority of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, relating to: survey, real estate cadastre establishment and updating, utility cadastre, with the exception of the tasks for which the authority was devolved by the law […]
Bosna i Hercegovina ima dugu tradiciju organiziranja asocijacija obrtnika i drugih poslovnih subjekata. Tokom vremena pređen je isti ili sličan put kakav su prošle većina zemalja Evrope. Po modelu javno-pravnih asocijacija, privredne komore u Bosni i Hercegovini pojavile su se prije gotovo 100 godina. Po uzoru na austrijsko zakonodavstvo 1909. godine osnovana je Trgovinsko-obrtnička komora […]
Institut za akreditiranje Bosne i Hercegovine (BATA) je samostalna upravna i neprofitna institucija koja vrši akreditiranje tijela za ocjenjivanje usklađenosti u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH). BATA je uspostavljena Zakonom o osnivanju Instituta za akreditiranje BiH (“Službeni glasnik BiH”, br. 10/02), a na osnovu Zakona o akreditiranju BiH (“Službeni glasnik BiH”, br. 19/01). Uspostavljena je radi […]
Ured koordinatora za reformu javne uprave u BiH osnovan je Odlukom Vijeća ministara u oktobru 2004. godine, slijedom preporuke Studije izvodljivosti za BiH. Formiranje Ureda je bio odgovor na potrebe građana za efikasnijom i odgovornijom javnom upravom na svim nivoima vlasti, sposobnom za preuzimanje obaveza u procesu eurointegracija BiH.Ured je pokretačka snaga reforme javne uprave […]
Agencija za zaštitu ličnih podataka u Bosni i Hercegovini je samostalna upravna organizacija čija nadležnost i djelokrug poslova su propisani Zakonom o zaštiti ličnih podataka („Službeni glasnik BiH“ broj: 49/06, 76/11 i 89/11). Poslovi iz nadležnosti Agencije su:nadgledanje provođenja odredbi ovog Zakona i drugih zakona o obradi ličnih podataka;postupanje po podnesenim prigovorima nosioca podataka;podnošenje Parlamentarnoj […]
OSNIVANJE ZAVODA Člankom 16. Zakona o zdravstvenom osiguranju (”Službene novine Federacije BiH” br. 30/97 i 7/02, 70/08 i 48/11) (u daljem tekstu Zakon o zdravstvenom osiguranju) propisano je osnivanje Zavoda zdravstvenog osiguranja i reosiguranja Federacije BiH, radi obavljanja poslova i ostvarivanja prava iz obvezatnog zdravstvenog osiguranja koja su od interesa za sve županije kao i […]
Mission Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is a State Agency established with the mission to: Attract and maximize the flow of foreign direct investment into Bosnia and Herzegovina, and encourage existing foreign investors to further expand and develop their businesses in BiH.Facilitate the interaction between public and private sectors, and […]
Federalni zavod za statistiku je najznačajniji službeni izvor informacija u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine, nezavisan u izboru izvora podataka, statističkih metoda i procedura, odluka koje se odnose na sadržaj, formu i vrijeme distribucije kao i odluka koje se odnose na zaštitu povjerljivosti podataka. Podaci i informacije do kojih dolazi putem svojih istraživanja su veoma priznati […]
MISIJA Direkcije za evropske integracije je stalno, samostalno i stručno tijelo Vijeća ministara Bosne i Hercegovine, nadležno za koordiniranje procesa i aktivnosti institucija koje proizlaze iz integracije BiH u Evropsku uniju. Nadležnosti Direkcije odnose se na ispunjavanje obaveza integracije, usklađivanje zakonodavstva s acquis-em, finansijsku pomoć EU za BiH, prevođenje propisa i drugih dokumenata te komuniciranje […]
URŽ je institucija sa visokim stepenom nezavisnosti, za svoj rad odgovara direktno Parlamentarnoj skupštini BiH. Osnovna nadležnost URŽ-a je razmatranje i rješavanje žalbi u postupku javnih nabavki. URŽ, kao nezavisna institucija, kvalitetom svojih usluga i efikasnošću, je prepoznata kao institucija od suštinskog značaja u procesu javnih nabavki. Namjera je URŽ u našoj zemlji učiniti takvom […]
Preduzeće / Naziv Sjedište Članovi Društva / Osnivači KJKP “Sarajevogas” d.o.o. SarajevoKantonalno javno komunalno preduzeće “Sarajevogas” d.o.o. Sarajevo Trg Fadile Odžaković Žute 471000 Sarajevo Kanton Sarajevo Sarajevogas je osnovan 8. maja 1975. godine u Sarajevu. Preduzeće je osnovano Odlukom Skupštine grada Sarajeva da kao pravni subjekt. Tokom izgradnje gradskog gasnog sistema, obavlja funkciju investitora i […]
Odbor državne službe za žalbe (u daljem tekstu: Odbor), kao stalno tijelo Vijeća ministara Bosne i Hercegovine, osnovan je Odlukom o osnivanju Odbora koju je donijelo Vijeće ministara Bosne i Hercegovine („Službeni glasnik BiH“, broj: 16/02 i 1/04). Nadležnosti Odbora su propisane Zakonom o državnoj službi u institucijama BiH. Sukladno članku 63. Zakona o državnoj […]
NADLEŽNOSTI CENTRA ZA UKLANJANJE MINA U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI Donošenjem Zakona o deminiranju 2002. godine uspostavljena je centralna struktura BHMAC na državnom nivou pri Ministarstvu civilnih poslova BiH, u cilju unaprjedjenja funkcionalnosti strukture, ali i osiguranja kvaliteta, ekonomičnosti i efikasnosti cjelokupnog procesa. Kao stručna služba Komisije za deminiranje u BiH, formira se Centar za uklanjanje mina u Bosni i Hercegovini/BHMAC.BHMAC […]
„BAGS ENERGOTEHNIKA“ d.d. Vogošća je kompanija koja se bavi proizvodnjom i distribucijom energetskih medija „BAGS ENERGOTEHNIKA“ d.d. Vogošća je kompanija koja se bavi proizvodnjom i distribucijom toplotne energije i distribucijom vode. Osnovana je 1974. godine s ciljem tehnološke podrške kompanijama u industrijskom kompleksu UNIS Vogošća. Po strukturi kapitala, „BAGS ENERGOTEHNIKA“ d.d. Vogošća je dioničko društvo […]
Ured za zakonodavstvo Vijeća ministara Bosne i Hercegovine (u daljem tekstu: Ured) utemeljen je Zakonom o Vijeću ministara Bosne i Hercegovine („Službeni glasnik BiH“, br. 30/03, 42/03, 81/06, 76/07, 81/07, 94/07 i 24/08). Odlukom o Uredu za zakonodavstvo („Službeni glasnik BiH“, broj 45/04) uređen je djelokrug Ureda, način rada i upravljanja, kao i druga pitanja […]
Prva arhivska ustanova u BiH i član Međunarodnog arhivskog vijeća Arhiv Bosne i Hercegovine, prva moderna arhivska ustanova u Bosni i Hercegovini, osnovan je 1947. godine, rješenjem Vlade Narodne Republike Bosne i Hercegovine br. 1061 od 12. decembra 1947. Taj datum danas se obilježava kao Dan arhiva Bosne i Hercegovine. 1965. godine, na osnovi odredbi […]
Agencija za državnu službu je državna institucija Bosne i Hercegovine zadužena da osigura realizaciju procesa zapošljavanja državnih službenika na zahtjev institucija; da pomaže institucijama u realizaciji njihove kadrovske politike, organizacionog razvoja kao i pri uspostavljanju jedinstvenog informacionog sistema za upravljanje ljudskim resursima u institucijama BiH; osigurava obuku i razvoj državne službe; te obavlja i druge […]
The Insurance Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established in 2004 under the Law on the Insurance Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH Official Gazette, 12/04). The Agency is an independent organisation reporting to the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Headquarter of the Agency is in Sarajevo. The purpose of the Law on the […]
BHŽJK djeluje kao zajednički međunarodni željeznički predstavnik Entiteta i novog željezničkog sektora u Bosni i Hercegovini, uz poštivanje posebnog članstva željezničkih kompanija u međunarodnim organizacijama BHŽJK je osnovana za zajedničku dobrobit Federacije BiH i Republike Srpske i njena svrha je da uspostavi institucionalizovanu saradnju među Entitetima i da omogući donošenje odluka kako bi se neometano, […]
KLADIONICA PODGODI 13KU TKO SMO MI Lutrija Bosne i Hercegovine je društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću ovlašteno Zakonom o igrama na sreću za priređivanje igara na sreću i igara za zabavu na području Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine. Isključivi vlasnik i osnivač Lutrije Bosne i Hercegovine je Federacija Bosne i HercegovineLutrija Bosne i Hercegovina punopravni je član […]
Psihijatrijska bolnica Kantona Sarajevo (Bolnica Jagomir) namijenjena je za stacionarno liječenje i psihorehabilitaciju pacijenata oboljelih od akutnih psihoza, pogorašanja hroničnih psihoza, depresivnih poremećaja, težih oblika psihoneurotskih oboljenja, te drugih urgentnih psihijatrijskih poremećaja. U ambulanti za katamnestičko praćenje ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom obavljamo kontrolne posthospitalne preglede naših pacijenata. Hospitalizirani pacijenti imaju obezbijeđene preglede interniste, usluge EEG […]
O nama Šema organizacione strukture DOLASCI ODLASCI Web check-in Red letenja USLUGE Cjenovnici Usluga fastlane Reklamiranje Iznajmljivanje prostora Sponzorstva Punjenje električnih automobila Usluge opskrbe gorivom Cargo Catering Centar za obuku Slot request Zahtjev za dozvolu za kretanje Najava za Vozila Parking Duty Free Shop Aviokompanije O nama Otvorenost : 04:00 – […]
BH Gas d.o.o. Privredno društvo za proizvodnju i transport gasa BH-Gas d.o.o. Sarajevo je osnovala Vlada Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine 1997. Godine. Društvom upravlja osnivač Vlada Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine putem organa Društva koje čine: Skupština, Nadzorni odbor, Odbor za reviziju i Uprava Društva. Javni oglasi Novosti Zahtjev za pristup informacijama O nama Historija djelatnosti […]
Trnovo se nalazi na 43° 39´ 31″ sjeverne geografske širine i 18° 26´ 42″ istočne geografske dužine, na 850 m nadmorske visine, u brdovitim predjelima Treskavice i Jahorine. Smješteno je u međuplaninskom prostoru Bosne i Hercegovine, južno od Sarajeva, površine 138 km² i sa1983 stanovnika. Samo urbano područje Trnova karakteriše izdužen oblik, položen u pravcu […]
Tašlihan (u prevodu kameni han) je bivši karavan-saraj koji se nalazio na mjestu sadašnjeg vrta hotela “Evropa” u Sarajevu. On je treći po redu izgrađeni kameni karavan-saraj u Sarajevu. Sagrađen je u razdoblju od 1540-1543. godine iz zaostavštine Gazi Husrev-bega, poslije njegove smrti. Consider book of ra tipps automaten. Dograđen je uz Gazi Husrev-begov bezistan, s njegove zapadne strane. Bio je kvadratne osnovice, […]
The Gazi Husrev-beg Library is a public library in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina founded in 1537, and is part of a larger complex with Gazi Husrev-beg Madrasa. It holds one of the most important collections of Islamic manuscripts in Bosnia-Herzegovina, including many originally donated by Gazi Husrev-beg. The collection survived through Bosnian war and Siege of Sarajevo. The library also holds a sizable number of books, journals, […]
Pioneer Valley is a recreational and entertainment center and zoo located in Koševo neighborhood, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. History Recreation and entertainment center “Pioneer Valley” and the zoo is the oldest zoo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the Austro-Hungarian period it was located in Ilidža, but later it was relocated to the northeastern part of Sarajevo, just 2 kilometers away from downtown, in the municipality […]
The Emperor’s Mosque is an important landmark in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, being the first mosque to be built (1457) after the Ottoman conquest of Bosnia. It is the largest single-subdome mosque in Bosnia and Herzegovina, built in the classical Ottoman style of the era. It was built by one Isaković-Hranušić who dedicated it to the Sultan, Mehmed the Conqueror, the […]
The Avaz Twist Tower is a 172 m tall skyscraper in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is the headquarters for Dnevni avaz, a Bosnian newspaper company. The tower is located in the Marijin Dvor city neighborhood, Sarajevo’s central municipality. Construction began in 2006 and was finished two years later in 2008. The tower is notable for its twisted facade. It is currently the tallest skyscraper in the former Yugoslavia. […]
Atrijum Polyclinic is one of the leading and most well-equipped private polyclinics in Sarajevo, and its main advantage is that its staff includes highly educated and expert medical professionals. Services Internal medicine Family medicine Sports medicine Systematic reviews Radiology Cardiology Pulmonology Ophthalmology Laboratory Orthopedics Acupuncture Ultrasound diagnostics Contact us by phone: +387 (0) 33 467-444 […]
Specijalna bolnica za oftalmologiju Svjetlost vodeća je oftalmološka ustanova u regiji koja pruža kompletnu uslugu. Poznata je po najvišim standardima tehničke podrške i ljudskog znanja te se konstantno pokazuje kao predstavnik najnovije tehnologije u oftalmološkoj praksi. USLUGE Lasersko skidanje dioptrije Starosna dioptrija Očna mrena Dijabetes i retina Transplantacija rožnice Djeca i strabizam Liječenje glaukoma Plastični […]
The Bijambare (Cyrillic: Бијамбаре) area, well-known for its cave complex, is located on the far north-eastern slopes of Ilijaš, a small town near Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is accessible by the main road Sarajevo–Olovo, from which an asphalt road branches out leading towards a mountain home and the especially known Bijambare cave. Large parts of these caves are open […]
Heritage Hotel Gate of Sarajevo is located in Sarajevo’s Old Town, close to numerous restaurants and bars and opposite the Isa-Beg’s Tekija, the city’s oldest institution. It features a garden with a summer terrace and offers free WiFi access. All rooms are air-conditioned and feature a satellite TV and a mini-bar. Each unit comes with […]
The White Fortress (Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian: Bijela Tabija / Бијела Табија) is an old fort overlooking the historic core of Sarajevo. It is a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bijela Tabija is 667 metres (2,188 ft) above sea level. Bijela Tabija is a protruding part of the wall of what was historically known as the old Vratnik City, and dominates the Eastern, the natural entrance to […]
Vječna vatra (the Eternal flame) is a memorial to the military and civilian victims of the Second World War in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The memorial was dedicated on 6 April 1946, the first anniversary of the liberation of Sarajevo from the four-year-long occupation by Nazi Germany and the fascist Independent State of Croatia. The memorial was designed by architect Juraj Neidhardt and is located […]
The Gallery 11/07/95 is a memorial art gallery located in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a public institution dedicated to preserving the memory of the Srebrenica genocide. It was established on 12 July 2012 by a team headed by Bosnian photographer Tarik Samarah in cooperation with the governments of the Sarajevo Canton and the Republic of Turkey. The gallery is housed in an Austro-Hungarian building overlooking the Sacred Heart Cathedral. The gallery’s showpiece […]
The Yellow Fortress or Yellow Bastion (Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian: Žuta Tabija, Serbian Cyrillic: Жута Табија) is a cannon fortress at the entrance of the “Walled City of Vratnik”. It was built between 1727 and 1739 in area called Jekovac, close to the Jajce Barracks and the Jekovac water reservoir. It served as one of the defense points against the Austro-Hungarian troops in 1878. The fortress was […]
Sarajevska pivara is a Bosnian brewing company based in Sarajevo. Histor The Sarajevska pivara opened in 1864 as the first local industry and shortly became one of leading producers in Bosnia, with considerable amounts exported to Montenegro, Croatia and Albania. Just before World War I, Sarajevska Pivara was producing 116,000 hectoliters per year, and in 1916 it passed the limit of 150,000 hl. Today’s President of the […]
Energoinvest is a multidisciplinary engineering and energy company with headquarters in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. History Energoinvest was established as a small design office under the name of “Elektroprojekt” in 1951 with Emerik Blum at the top of the company. Energoinvest has developed into a modern European company whose business is based on the system engineering model of the realized project “turnkey”. […]
The Spring of the Bosna river is a public park featuring the system of numerous springs of the River Bosna at the foothills of the Mount Igman, on the outskirts of Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Entry Adults: 2 KM (local currency: convertible mark) Pensioners, students, disabled: 1 km Children from 7–16 years old: 1 km Children with special needs or up to 7 years old: Entry […]
This complex of outdoor and indoor pools with thermal water and numerous animations offers fun and recreation for the whole family. Restaurant Tropical Garden, located within the Thermal Riviera, offers specialties of local and international cuisine. Category Price All-day ticket – weekdays (adults) 13 KM All-day ticket – on weekends (adults) 15 KM All-day ticket […]
Offering stunning panoramic views on Sarajevo, Kibe Mahala offers a selection of the finest Bosnian national dishes, whereof the famous spit-roasted lamb, and a wide assortment of wines from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. Over the years, this widely known establishment has welcomed prominent figures from all over the world and representing all spheres […]
Safija’s incarnates all those marvellous features that are intrinsic part of genetic heritage of these regions, Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. It cherishes a spirit of a long gone, but fine times, when people were devotedly appreciating kindness, modesty, refinement, good manners, hospitality, culture, arts… Times when it was equally important to take special care […]
The War Childhood Museum is a historical museum in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina that opened in January 2017. The museum presents the experiences of children who lived through the war in Bosnia, told through objects, video testimonies, and excerpts from oral histories. The 2018 Council of Europe Museum Prize, one of the most prestigious awards in the museum industry, was awarded to the […]
The Museum of Sarajevo 1878–1918 (Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian: Muzej Sarajevo 1878–1918 / Музеј Срајево 1878–1918) is located near the Latin Bridge in central Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The building had been Moritz Schiller’s Delicatessen in 1914, the year that Franz Ferdinand, the heir-presumptive of Austria Hungary was shot dead by Gavrilo Princip from the street corner outside, indirectly starting World War I. Museum The permanent exhibition holds a collection […]
Svrzo’s House is an old house in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina that was established when the Ottoman Empire ruled the area. It is a branch of the Museum of Sarajevo. It is typical in that it has living quarters for the men, the women, and the servants. The house is in extremely well preserved condition, which is noteworthy in that the house […]
The Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a museum in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.The Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina by architect Boris Magaš, 1963. It holds more than 400,000 historical artifacts. The musem was founded on 13 November 1945 and took its present name in 1993, having at one point been called the Museum of the Revolution of Bosnia […]
Unioninvest d.d. Sarajevo is a Bosnian construction and engineering company based in Sarajevo. It is a legal successor of Unioninvest, one of the ten most important companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina until 1992 and respectable name in the business world. Unioninvest was among the first companies which started with water treatment, treatment of sun energy, provision of gas. It acted on foreign […]
Energopetrol is a Bosnian oil company based in Sarajevo. It was founded in the 1960s as a part of the Energoinvest corporation. Its logo includes the orange letters “EP” in a serif font surrounded by an orange circle. Due to large debt and general failure of management, the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as majority owner, privatized 67% of its stake within the […]
The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the central bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, located in the capital city, Sarajevo. The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established in accordance with the Law adopted at the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina on June 20, 1997. It started its operation on August 11, 1997. The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina […]
A unique blend of lifestyle, Bosnian originality, warmth, sportiness and recreation turn the Pino Nature Hotel into a special location on Trebevic mountain at 1070 meters above sea level. A mountain masterpiece in the heart of Sarajevo. Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the few countries in the world that can brag about having a […]
Sunnyland is the first amusement park with Alpine Coaster in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is located near the capital city of Sarajevo, on the Olympic Mountain Trebević. From the city center to the great entertainment it only takes a five minute drive. The main attraction of our park is Alpine Roller Coaster which operates on […]
The ski resort Malo Polje – Igman is located in the Canton of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina). For skiing and snowboarding, there are 3 km of slopes available. 3 lifts transport the guests. The winter sports area is situated between the elevations of 1,160 and 1,492 m. Igman is a mountain with extremely high concentration of ozone, and as an […]
The ski resort Babin Do – Bjelašnica is located in the Canton of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina). For skiing and snowboarding, there are 12.5 km of slopes available. 8 lifts transport the guests. The winter sports area is situated between the elevations of 1,270 and 2,067 m. General season: mid December – late March Opening times: 08:00 – 16:00 […]
Bloom redefines education and learning as organic processes that bring out the full potential of human beings and have the power to transform individuals, communities and systems. PRESCHOOL – CHILDREN’S HOUSE LOWER & MIDDLE PRIMARY, GRADES 1- 6 UPPER PRIMARY (GRADES 7-9) & HIGH SCHOOL (GRADES 1-4)
The Sutjeska National Park is a national park located in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Established in 1962, it is Bosnia and Herzegovina’s oldest national park. It includes the highest peak of Maglić at over 2,386 metres (7,828 ft), on the border with Montenegro. The Montenegrin part of Maglić massif in the park has also formed the Trnovačko Jezero (Trnovačko Lake). The Strict Nature Reserve “Perućica”, […]
Gazi Husrev-beg’s madrasa in Sarajevo has been operating continuously for over 470 years, and as such is one of the few not only in BiH but also in the world. The madrasa currently has 480 male and female students distributed in 16 classes, two male and two female classes in each generation. Most of the […]
The High School of Music in Sarajevo originates from the Regional Music School, which was founded in 1920. Her successor in the work was the State Music School. DIRECTIONS – Sarajevo High School of Music Arts, culture and public information: General musician (4 years)Soloist musician (4 years)
The Third Gymnasium in Sarajevo is a public high school located in the municipality of Novo Sarajevo. The current director of the school is Salihović Senada. The school was founded after World War II, in 1948. This was the third gymnasium in Sarajevo and for most of its history it was known by the name […]
The First Gymnasium in Sarajevo is the oldest secondary school in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was founded in 1879 by a decree of the Provincial Government, and by a decision of the Austrian Emperor and Hungarian King Francis Joseph. School Day is celebrated on April 6. History The first director of the school was dr. […]
Tobacco Factory Sarajevo (abbreviated FDS) is a Sarajevo company engaged in the processing of tobacco products. Founded in 1880, FDS is one of the four first industrial companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first factory of this company was located in the Sarajevo neighborhood of Marijin Dvor. In 1960, the company moved with its production […]
Bjelašnica is a mountain in central Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is found directly to the southwest of Sarajevo, bordering Mt. Igman. Bjelašnica’s tallest peak, by which the whole mountain group got its name, rises to an elevation of 2067 meters (6782 feet). Other notable peaks are Krvavac (2061 m), Mali Vlahinja (2055 m), and Hranisava (1964 m). The Bjelašnica […]
… in 2004. Dr.Al-Tawil internship office was opened, which soon grew into the Dr.Al-Tawil Polyclinic. Since the establishment of the Polyclinic, there is a biochemical laboratory. In 2007 we purchased equipment and equipped a room for invasive cardiac procedures. endoscopic examination methods-gastroduodenoscopy and rectoscopy and colonoscopy with biopsy are introduced.In 2009 and 2010, we expanded […]
Udruženje „Srce za djecu oboljelu od raka“ osnovano je u aprilu 2003. godine. Tokom narednih 15 godina, Udruženje je od inicijalne ideje neformalne grupe roditelja i prijatelja djece oboljele od raka, izraslo u respektabilnu organizaciju koja broji preko 400 članova i koja je postala sinonim za borbu protiv raka kod djece u BiH. Djeci oboljeloj […]
Bolnica Jagomir Psihjatrijska bolnica Kantona Sarajevo (Bolnica Jagomir) namijenjena je za stacionarno liječenje i psihorehabilitaciju pacijenata oboljelih od akutnih psihoza, pogorašanja hroničnih psihoza, depresivnih poremećaja, težih oblika psihoneurotskih oboljenja, te drugih urgentnih psihijatrijskih poremećaja. U ambulanti za katamnestičko praćenje ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom obavljamo kontrolne posthospitalne preglede naših pacijenata. Hospitalizirani pacijenti imaju obezbijeđene preglede interniste, […]
J.U. Opća bolnica “Prim. dr. Abdulah Nakaš” Sarajevo ima veoma dugu i bogatu tradiciju. Nastala je još u 19. vijeku i od tada prošla je kroz mnoge istorijske epohe – turska vremena, austrougarski period, vremena obiju Jugoslavija, pa sve do današnje Bosne i Hrecegovine. Turski period (1866-1879) Osnovao ju je, kao tursku vojnu bolnicu, Topal […]
Class d.d. Sarajevo (abbreviated only Klas) is a Bosnian company listed on the Sarajevo Stock Exchange SASE, which is engaged in the production of pasta, confectionery and confectionery products based in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo. Klas is one of the leading producers of pasta, confectionery and confectionery in the countries of the former Socialist Federal […]
Konceptualno Klinika urgentne medicine (KUM) čini jedinstvenu i savremenu kliničku jedinicu prema svim ACEP standardima (American College of Emergency Physicians). Osnovni cilj i zadatak KUM-a je da prepozna, prati i započne inicijanli tretman svih hitnih stanja sa posebnom pažnjom na bolesti i povrede koje ugrožavaju život. U KUM-u kao interdisciplinarnoj jedinici, uz timski rad specijalista […]
JKP GRAS Sarajevo (Public Utility Company – City Traffic Sarajevo) is a utility transport company based in Sarajevo. Public transport is performed in the form of tram, bus, trolleybus and minibus traffic in the city of Sarajevo and its suburbs. In addition, GRAS also performs inclined elevator traffic at Ciglane. Until 1992, GRAS also operated […]
The National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in central Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was established in 1888, having originally been conceived around 1850. In 1913, the museum building was expanded by the Czech architect Karel Pařík who designed a structure of four symmetric pavilions with a facade in the Italian Renaissance Revival style. The four pavilions contain […]
Bjelašnica is a mountain in central Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is found directly to the southwest of Sarajevo, bordering Mt. Igman. Bjelašnica’s tallest peak, by which the whole mountain group got its name, rises to an elevation of 2067 meters (6782 feet). Other notable peaks are Krvavac (2061 m), Mali Vlahinja (2055 m), and Hranisava (1964 m). The Bjelašnica […]
Sarajevo City Hall (Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian: Gradska vijećnica Sarajevo / Градска вијећница Сарајево), known as Vijećnica, is located in the city of Sarajevo. It was designed in 1891 by the Czech architect Karel Pařík, but criticisms by the minister, Baron Béni Kállay, caused him to stop working on the project. It was initially the largest and most representative building of the Austro-Hungarian period […]
Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque is a mosque in the city of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Built in the 16th century, it is the largest historical mosque in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one of the most representative Ottoman structures in the Balkans. Being the central Sarajevo’s mosque since the days of its construction, today it also serves as the main congregational mosque of […]
The Sarajevo Tunnel also known as Tunel spasa (Тунел спаса, English: Tunnel of rescue) and Tunnel of Hope, was a tunnel constructed between March and June 1993 during the Siege of Sarajevo in the midst of the Bosnian War. It was built by the Bosnian Army in order to link the city of Sarajevo, which was entirely cut off by Serbian forces, with Bosnian-held territory on the […]
Baščaršija is Sarajevo‘s old bazaar and the historical and cultural center of the city. Baščaršija was built in the 15th century when Isa-Beg Isaković founded the city. Baščaršija is located on the north bank of the river Miljacka, in the municipality of Stari Grad. On Baščaršija there are several important historic buildings, such as the Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque and sahat-kula. Today Baščaršija is the major […]
Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST) is a private university, located in metropolitan area of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, within the municipality of Ilidža, 10 miles west from Baščaršija. The university offers bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and doctorate degrees. The university is in partnership with University of Buckingham of the United Kingdom. The Sarajevo School of Science and Technology is an English language-based university. On 6 June […]
The International University of Sarajevo (IUS) is a privateuniversity located in the capital city Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The university was established by the Foundation for the Development of Education in 2004–2005. IUS is open to students from all over the world, and the language of instruction and communication is English. It offers four year education according to Bologna system (model 4+1+3 with B.S. […]
The International Burch University is a private university established in 2008 in Sarajevo. Officially accredited and/or recognized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Sarajevo Canton, International BURCH University is a small coeducational higher education institution.
The University of Sarajevo is a public university located in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is the largest and oldest university in the country, as well as the oldest institution of tertiary learning in the former Yugoslavia, tracing its initial origins to 1537 as an Islamic madrasa. With 20 faculties, three academies and three faculties of theology and with 30,866 enrolled […]