Where to go
Monday – Friday 09:00 – 16:30 Saturday 10:30 – 13:00 Municipal Library Opening hours The library is closed on Sundays and public holidays.
Ogres Centrālā bibliotēka dibināta 1928.gadā, kad Ogre iegūst pilsētas statusu. Laiks, kad Ogres Centrālo bibliotēku vadīja Ligita Zadvinska, sakrīt ar jaunu laiku sākumu Latvijas valsts vēsturē. Strauji un mērķtiecīgi tika uzsāktas pārmaiņas bibliotēkā, tapa pirmie veiksmīgie projekti. Kad Ogres Centrālo bibliotēku vadīja Maruta Jēkabsone, bibliotēku ikdienas darbā ienāca jaunās tehnoloģijas un darbību uzsāka Latvijā vēl […]
The Private School Marie-Consolatrice in Esch-sur-Alzette is a private Catholic high school for young girls of all faiths. The school, which is now part of elisabeth , was founded in 1888 by the Sisters of St. Elizabeth Congregation. It was then the first school for girls in the country. Currently, around 500 students, coming from all the south of […]
The Classical Lycée d’Echternach is one of the only establishments in Luxembourg to offer: classical secondary education with the classical secondary school leaving certificate of sections A, B, C, D, E, G and I general secondary education with the general secondary school leaving certificate of the CG, SO and IG sections of the technical regime, […]
For the 2009/2010 school year, 945 students enrolled in individual and group lessons, reaching a total of 1,400 enrollments. The pupils of Dudelange provide the highest percentage (+ 40%) followed by the pupils of Bettembourg (+ 20%) and Roeser (+ 15%), the other pupils coming from other municipalities. These figures confirm that the development of the school […]
A FULL-TIME SCHOOL The current way of life (long working days for parents), the importance of non-school activities for the acquisition of social skills and the development of everyone’s tastes and gifts, leads the school to open up more. The EIDE primary school is open Monday to Friday from 6.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. The hours […]
The Conservatoire du Nord: with a common ambition towards a vital and diversified musical, choreographic and theatrical education Resulting from the merger between the “School of Music of Diekirch” and the “Conservatory of Music of the City of Ettelbruck” in 2002, the Conservatoire du Nord is organized and managed by an inter-municipal union for the […]
Izglītība nav sagatavošanās dzīvei, izglītība ir dzīvesveids. John Dewey Filozofs, Izglītības reformators Māci bērnam būt līderim, un risināt interesantas problēmas. Seth Godin Autors, Uzņēmējs Bērniem jāmāca domāt, nevis ko domāt. Margaret Mead Antropoloģe
Studentu un mācībspēku bibliotēka, kuras krājums un bezmaksas interneta pieejas punkti ar piekļuvi abonētām pilnteksta datubāzēm nodrošina pilnvērtīgu Ventspils Augstskolas mācību procesu. Dibināta 1997.gada augustā.
Library for children and adults with varied book collection, culture and lifelong education events, free of charge access to internet and subscribed full text data bases. In library’s building also Inhabitant information centre and Pārventas’ affiliate of digital centre are located.
PU “Center for Adult Education and Training of the Technical Profession” Živinice aims to: Increase the quality and effectiveness of the education and training system in accordance with the new requirements of a knowledge-based society and changes in patterns of teaching and learning; Access to education and training in accordance with the principles of lifelong […]
PU “Center for Adult Education” Tuzla was created in response to the needs of the labor market, in a way that we have defined the offer of adult education programs through the required occupations, ie knowledge and skills needed for faster development, not only in business but also in public sector of society. Based on […]
Social Education Center Banja Luka (SEC) is an institution specializing in vocational education of adults in the field of social occupations. The SEC is a dynamic institution in which the educational process is conducted according to andragogical standards. The SEC’s educational offer is within four sectors that are directly related to the SEC’s identity: Health […]
The High School of Music in Sarajevo originates from the Regional Music School, which was founded in 1920. Her successor in the work was the State Music School. DIRECTIONS – Sarajevo High School of Music Arts, culture and public information: General musician (4 years)Soloist musician (4 years)
RADNO VRIJEME / WORKING HOURS ponedjeljak, četvrtak, petak 7:00-22:00 Monday, Thursday, Friday 07:00-22:00 dnevni odmor / daily rest 11:00-11:30 /17:30-18:00 utorak, srijeda, subota, nedjelja 09:00-17:00 Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday 09:00-17:00 dnevni odmor / […]
Što reći o našoj knjižnici? Počeci knjižničarstva u Pazinu vezani su uz osnivanje čitalačkih društava i hrvatskih čitaonica krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća. Tako je s ciljem prosvjećivanja širih društvenih slojeva 7. veljače 1909. godine otvorena prva Pučka knjižnica u Pazinu. Pučke knjižnice imale su važnu ulogu u širenju informacija u kraju u kojem […]
Radno vrijeme: Ponedjeljak, srijeda, petak, subota: 9-13, utorak, četvrtak: 14-18 Djelatnost Gradske knjižnice Novigrad-Cittanova temelji se na Zakonu o knjižnicama, NN 105(1997), i Zakonu o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o knjižnicama, NN 104(2000). Sukladno Standardima za narodne knjižnice, NN 58(1999), prema broju stanovnika i veličini područja, Gradska knjižnica Novigrad-Cittanova svrstava se u VII. tip knjižnice, za […]
Obavljanje djelatnosti Pučkog otvorenog učilišta Labin ustrojeno je po podružnicama i odjelima i to: Narodni muzej Labin, Autoškola Labin, Kinoprikazivačka djelatnost, Glazbeno-scenska djelatnost, Odjel za obrazovanje odraslih, Gradska galerija Labin i Odjel zajedničkih poslova.
Centar “Liče Faraguna” je posebna odgojno-obrazovna ustanova za učenike s teškoćama u razvoju. Centar polaze učenici u dobi od 7 do 21 godinu, po programu za stjecanje kompetencija u aktivnostima svakodnevnog života i rada, a sudjelovanjem u raznim aktivnostima uključeni su u život lokalne zajednice. Učenici Centra pripadaju području grada Labina, okolnih općina te području […]
ODJEL ZA ODRASLE Na odjelu za odrasle nudimo knjižnične usluge odraslima, studentima, srednjoškolcima i umirovljenicima. Pristup knjižnom fondu u najvećem je dijelu slobodan što znači da traženi naslov korisnik smije samostalno pronaći na policama koje su dostupne korisnicima. Beletristika čini najveći dio fonda za odrasle i raspoređena je u književnosti pojedinih naroda, a ostala su […]
Gradska knjižnica i čitaonica Buzet djeluje u sastavu Pučkog otvorenog učilišta “Augustin Vivoda” Buzet. Obavlja bibliotečno-informacijske djelatnosti. Knjižnica je organizirana kao gradska knjižnica s čitaonicom i studijskim odjelom te kao takva obavlja svoju funkciju i zakonom propisanu djelatnost na području grada Buzeta i njegove šire okolice (općine Lanišće, Oprtalj, Motovun, Lupoglav, Cerovlje). Korisnicima knjižnice, s […]
Djelatnosti: Muzejska, knjižnična, izložbena, informacijska, glazbeno-scenska, obrazovna, izdavačka RADNO VRIJEME – 08:00h – 15:00h SADRŽAJ: Gradska knjižnica Zavičajni muzej Kino Izložbe Manifestacije Obrazovanje Kaštel Petrapilosa Kalendar događaja
Trenutno knjižni fond broji 20.000 knjiga. Informatizirana, omogućen pristup internetu na četiri računala za sve posjetitelje. Osnovan je i dječji odjel. Članovi knjižnice su odrasli građani i učenici osnovnih i srednjih škola. Usluge knjižnice koriste i stanovnici općina Grožnjan, Brtonigla i Oprtalj.
RADNO VRIJEME Ponedjeljak – četvrtak 9:30 – 19:00 Petak 9:30 – 15:00
Public Open University Čakovec is a public adult education institution and one of the leading adult education institutions in the Republic of Croatia. It is a member of the Croatian Association for the Education of Adults seated in Zagreb. It was founded in 1950 as Workers’ University, which was followed by a merger with People’s […]
Gradska knjižnica Vukovar, prva javna knjižnica u Vukovaru, otvorena je 11. prosinca 1947. s početnim fondom od 1.116 knjiga. S rastom knjižničnog fonda mijenjala je prostorije u kojima je djelovala, a u organizacijskom pogledu bila je tijekom vremena u sastavu različitih institucija. Samostalna ustanova postala je 1976. godine. Od 1961. Gradska knjižnica Vukovar bila je […]
Pučko otvoreno učilište „Matija Antun Relković“ Nova Gradiška svoje postojanje pravda od davne 1963. godine. POUMAR je ustanova za kulturu i obrazovanje, a svoju djelatnost obavlja kao javnu službu. Učilište djeluje od 1963. godine, utemeljeno kao Centar za kulturu i obrazovanje odraslih, 1968. godine preimenovano u Narodno sveučilište „Matija Antun Reljković“, a od 1997. djeluje […]
KNJIŽNICA ZA NAJMLAĐE Stotine naslova za vaše najmilije, od slikovnica do gradiva za školarce ..
Pedagoginės psichologinės pagalbos skyrius Centralizuotas biudžetinių įstaigų buhalterinės apskaitos skyrius Mokytojų švietimo skyrius
Tamsalu Sports Center has a modern swimming pool , which has created ideal conditions for athletes, amateurs and children. The pool has 4 tracks with a length of 25m Depth is between 1.25 and 1.85 The average water temperature is 28 – 29 ° The swimming pool uses state-of-the-art water treatment and ventilation equipment. All guests are […]
Welcome to the International School of Düsseldorf. ISD has a proud tradition of providing an innovative, holistic education that encourages all students to be successful and responsible in an evolving world. We believe that student well-being is the foundation for success at school and beyond. Our exceptional faculty work collaboratively to provide a challenging and supportive […]
TIAS offers a wide and varied range of training and learning paths. Including MBA courses, Executive Masters, Advanced Programs, InCompany, Masterclasses and TIAS8hrs. We offer our courses online, on-site and in hybrid form. Most of the TIAS courses take place at the Tilburg or Utrecht locations . TIAS: the business school for leaders of the future Poverty, scarce resources, climate change, […]
Östhammar’s cultural school is a free, municipal, artistic and educational leisure activity. We turn to children and young people in Östhammar municipality from year 1 to high school and we offer music in preschool to all preschools. If there is space, people over the age of 19 can be admitted to the cultural school’s courses. Everyone over […]
Nässjöakademin is part of Nässjö learning center and has educations within polytechnics as well as courses and educations for companies and organizations in our premises. The Nässjö Academy has existed for more than 20 years and since the educations are always adapted to the needs of the labor market, the educations over the years have […]
The music school wants to give all children and young people in Lidköping municipality a fun-filled and educational music experience. We are a school full of music! Play an instrument or take singing lessons With us you get to learn to play an instrument or take singing lessons. You also get the opportunity to play […]
To participate successfully in society, it is important to master the Dutch language and to know how Dutch society is organized. We provide a wide range of courses and training for both old and newcomers for the learning and practical application of the Dutch language, including integration courses , state exam programs , literacy courses and language training for companies and municipalities. We combine learning […]
The Deventer Learning School is a primary school located in the center of the city of Deventer. Although the school has a history of more than a century, it has only been called Deventer Learning School since October 1, 1983. For this it was called Rijkskerschool. A name that indicated that this was a training school for […]
What does Mondo taalbureau bv do? Mondo taalbureau bv provides tailor-made integration courses and language lessons Dutch for foreigners, Dutch for Dutch, in the form of private or group lessons. Vision: There is a place in the world for every person. Mondo wants to assist the Dutch and the foreign student in acquiring the Dutch language. We […]
The ISK (International Transition Class) is a course for foreign-language students between 12 and 18 years of age. In the ISK, pupils are welcomed from all parts of the world who do not yet or insufficiently master the Dutch language. The pupils in the ISK learn enough Dutch in an average of two years to be […]
ISK Zutphen is the school for non-native speakers in Zutphen for children from the age of 12 to 18 years. Children who have little or no command of the Dutch language can learn the language at our school in approximately two years. A team of enthusiastic teachers and teaching assistants is available every day to assist students […]
In ancient Greece, the agora was the market place, the place where social life took place. A place for meeting, education, politics and trade. The Agora foundation originated from a meeting of different organizations and schools on philosophical and educational points. These merged in 2001 into one large organization. Agora is a foundation for special primary education […]
In the menu you can choose which information about the rates of the DJ School Zaanstad you want to view. A price indication is therefore stated with the various options. Basic DJ / beginners DJ course Advanced DJ course Separate DJ Lesson DJ Introduction lesson Group DJ Les Producer Les DJ workshop Company outing Schools Children’s […]
Children not only learn at school but also at home, on the street, in clubs and from friends. In order to optimize the development opportunities of children, these learning situations should be more attuned to each other. Moreover, not all children are given the same opportunities to develop at home or in their spare time. Familiarity […]
We offer the children an environment in which they can develop into independent personalities, who are able and willing to take responsibility for themselves, their environment and the society of which they are a part. The Montessori philosophy is the guiding principle for our school. MONTESSORI EDUCATIONOur school works according to the vision of the educationalist Maria […]
At Niekée VMBO you will work from day one with the four VMBO profiles Production, Installation and Energy (PIE), Media Design and ICT (MVI), Care & Welfare (Z&W) and Horeca, Bakery and Recreation (HBR). In well-equipped practice rooms and laboratories you can discover many hours a week from year 1 which profile and profession suits you best. We coordinate […]
Dutch in Dordrecht is more than just a language institute. With us, people of different nationalities and cultures come together with one goal: to feel at home in the Netherlands. We offer language courses at every level and customization is also possible. In addition, we regularly organize fun activities where you not only get to know the Dutch […]
The Timothy School teaches and educates from and according to the Bible. The aim of education and upbringing at our school is to prepare children for the future through primary and secondary education. Preparing it for the future includes personal education and social responsibility. Vision Identity and quality are the golden thread at our school, as an […]
If you are concerned about learning online or have had bad experiences in the past, then it’s time to think again. BLTC is offering high quality, interactive English lessons direct to your home. So what makes the classes with BLTC different? All online courses are live with BLTC teachers BLTC teachers are highly qualified, have […]
The School of Dance and Circus is a Swedish institution offering higher education in the fields of dance education, folk dance, dance, dance therapy, historical dance, choreography and contemporary circus. Circus programme Attendance at the circus school is awarded on the basis of live auditions held in Stockholm, with tests of physical strength, flexibility, endurance, and theatrical skill. In addition, each applicant is required to give a demonstration of […]
French School in Gothenburg was founded in 1992 in Gothenburg by Medborgarskolan. The reason was the influx of families from France, after a collaboration between the automobile manufactures Volvo and Renault started. The school is located in the district of Landala. The school offers classes from kindergarten to ninth grade. And the premises are situated in Viktor Rydbergsgatan and Landalagången. School profile is French. […]
Adolf Fredrik’s Music School is a general municipal junior high school in Stockholm, Sweden with a focus on choral music, and highly competitive admission based on audition in singing and musical ability. The school has two campuses and three youth choirs of high international standard. Many professional musicians are alumni. This article is about the music school and its associated youth […]
Pagosmio Foreign Language Centres provides: bright, modern and spacious rooms with natural ventilation a few children in the classroom at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other sophisticated digital platform, fiber optic internet and interactive whiteboards frequent disinfection and antiseptics in all areas Programs English French German Italian Spanish Chinese Japanese
Lord Byron Language Schools is a reputable and long established provider of second language programmes in new and innovative ways accredited by EAQUALS and QLS. Exam Centre for Cambridge Esol Exms, TIE, Trinity College, City & Guilds & TESPiS ( Chemistry, Art Conservation and Therapists ). High success rates in all exams. Experts in IELTS, […]
ECFL was established in 1991 by Emmanouella Christodoulou as an innovative educational setting which would embrace children and inspire them to learn and love the English language. Nowadays, this knowledge has become an integral skill for a future young job seeker and successful human being in general. Thus, it is the right of all children […]
Papaeliou Schools of Foreign Languages offers part time courses for inexperienced teachers from October to January. Trainees are introduced to foreign language teaching theory, methodology and in-class practice. Teachers who have successfully completed their training programme are given the opportunity to join the faculty. Contact the School directly to information on course fees. Teachers who […]
Founded in 1958, the school offers excellent language tuition from highly experienced and qualified teachers in a beautiful and friendly environment. Great emphasis is placed on tailoring to the individual needs of students. This helps them develop the confidence to express themselves fluently in English. Info +302610223905mob: +306937217508
Modern Classrooms Comfortable, novel classrooms that offer ideal learning conditions with interactive HD whiteboards in every classroom. Computer Lab Computer lab for teaching e-learning languages and use of tablets as an accompanying educational tool. Cinema Auditorium Cinema auditorium aimed at learning foreign languages and cultivating critical thinking through presentations and entertainment. LANGUAGE COURSES Complete integrated courses […]
The “KOSMOS” Foreign Language Centers are known and recognized in the local community for the excellent quality of studies they offer and the thousands of students who have studied and graduated from us can attest to that.Our good reputation is due to the fact that we always meet the needs of our students, personally dealing […]
QLS-Quality in Language Services is a non-profit network of quality Foreign Language Centers which aim at developing a modern educational environment for their students. Since 2002 QLS has drawn on the dynamic co-operation of highly successful schools throughout Greece which share the vision of creating learning environments of a European standard, where learners have the […]
To ELC Language Centre ( E uropean L anguages C entre) it was founded in Kalamata in 2006 , and is thought brought a new impetus to language learning in our city. The ELC with only graduate professors from Greek and foreign universities, and with many years of experience in foreign language teaching, is today considered one of the most prestigious foreign language tutoring centers. The ELC is distinguished for the correct learning infrastructure it provides to students and […]
The Lambraki Foreign Language Center makes learning languages easy and fun, using all modern methods, such as audiovisual media, interactive whiteboards, computers, experiential teaching, etc., using language from the first moment. Responds to the needs of students with knowledge, experience, love for the child and a sense of responsibility. The Lambraki foreign language classroom is the […]
With experience, knowledge and above all love for what we do, at the Grivaki Foreign Language Center, we evolve for you and using the appropriate pedagogical methods, we achieve the correct learning of Foreign Languages. The parents who have chosen the Grivaki Foreign Language Center, know the quality of the education we offer to their children […]
Andrioti School is located on the beautiful green and charming island of Corfu, Greece. The school is housed in the quiet residential area of Garitsa, on the central-eastern coast of the island, within walking distance of the picturesque Garitsa Bay and the historical Town Centre. Students have everything needed readily available, to enjoy the natural […]
Real Education is located in the historic and momentous Greek city of Athens. With several schools throughout the biggest Greek cities, the Real Education Group has its headquarters in Athens, where students enjoy their modern and inviting facilities. The school is surrounded by attractions such as The Pallas Theatre, numerous museums, several shops and The […]
Berlitz provides a comprehensive portfolio of programs designed to help develop a workforce and leadership that are prepared to succeed in today’s rapidly changing world. Berlitz can help your organization obtain the language skills necessary to succeed in the international marketplace. Berlitz Athens Language Center offers the full range of language instruction programs to meet […]
CS Athens – American Community Schools of Athens is a private school offering international JK–12 education to local, national and international students in Greece. ACS Athens embraces American educational philosophy, principles and values. It is located in Chalandri in the Athens area. Programs IB/APTHE INSTITUTE IFLEX EDTECH STANDARDIZED TESTING EDUCATIONAL TESTING OLP LEP SPACS MINDFULNESS STUDIOS INTERNSHIPS DOGS IN LEARNING SPORTS […]
Whatever you want to become, we offer you that opportunity! Our schools offer education that matches your talents and interests.In this way we train you to become a well-developed and self-confident world citizen with a diploma at your level. A student who is able to contribute to the further construction and improvement of our society.To this […]