Institute for forage crops Krusevac (IKBKS), is a state research and development institution in applied research in agriculture and animal feed, established as Exemplary farm and garden in 1884. It is specialized in forage crops research since 1959. Nowadays Institute for forage crops has laboratories, fields, infrastructure and 17 researches with different specializations. Their joint […]

The Institute of Agricultural Economics frequently participates in the realization of long-terms projects of the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection, as well as in the projects of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Mining and Spatial Planning, and the projects of agricultural sector adjustment that the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management of […]

Čačanski kraj je od davnina poznat kao izrazito voćarsko područje. U njemu su još u doba Nemanjića gajene razne sorte jabuka, krušaka, šljiva, pa čak i pitomog kestena. Stoga nije slučajno što je na mestu sadašnje lokacije Instituta nakon 1898. godine formiran Voćno-lozni rasadnik, među prvima u tadašnjoj Kraljevini Srbiji. Osnivanjem ovog rasadnika voćarstvu u […]

Federalni agromediteranski zavod Mostar je samostalna federalna upravna organizacija od strateškog interesa za Federaciju Bosne i Hercegovine. Misija Zavoda je kroz stručni rada zasnovan znanstveno-istraživačkim metodama u poljoprivredi i ruralnom razvitku stjecati i prenositi znanja u svrhu gospodarskog, ekološkog i sociološkog održivog razvoja ruralnog prostora Zavod želi unaprijediti proizvodnju hrane, prateću prehrambenu industriju i održivo […]

Delatnost i istorijat Institut za kukuruz „Zemun Polje“ sa 80 godina postojanja i uspešnog rada daje svoj značajan doprinos unapređenju poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Veliki broj stvorenih i priznatih ZP hibrida i sorti u zemlji i inostranstvu su rezultat uspešnog naučnoistraživačkog rada iz oblasti oplemenjivanja. U zemlji je priznato 822 ZP hibrida kukuruza, 9 sorti soje i […]

Podrška klijenata je najbolja nagrada vrtni centar Instagram Your one stop place to shop for seedling flora, various plants, organic soil, organic fertilizer just out of town of Metković in the Neretva region of Dalmatia. 30 Kristian Usic Našu budućnost vidimo u održavanju postojeće kvantitete proizvodnje, povećanju kvalitete kroz uvođenje u proizvodnju sadnog materijala kategorije […]

We focus on quality because we care For more than 30 years the family owned and managed Panchris Group has been a leader in the animal nutrition and health industry in Cyprus. The organisation offers its own products and services and distributes leading brands from international partners. Our products are now exported to several countries […]

We are a dynamic fast growing company in the field of juice production and distribution of Fast-moving Consumer Goods. Our Vision is to provide worldwide High-Quality products at Competitive Pricing, providing to the consumer Best value products. “Zoi” in Greek means life, and we believe that Simplicity makes Life Extraordinary. Therefore, one of our main goals is to […]

Products: Pasta, flour, bulgur, tomatoes, pasta sauces, pulses, rice, ravioli, fresh frozen, boullions, proffesional range. proffesional range

MARTEX is located in CETINJE, Montenegro and is part of the Animal Slaughtering and Processing Industry. MARTEX has 66 employees at this location and generates $13.69 million in sales (USD). There are 6 companies in the MARTEX corporate family.

The old fish drop-off and processing station, or a fishery, has become Pape’s information point, which also covers expositions of fishing tools and the history of Pape and Nida village. It is also possible to rent active leisure equipment, as bicycles, anglers’ boats and catamaran. Opening hours 01.06 – 31.08 Monday closed Tuesday closed Wednesday closed Thursday 15:00 […]

Within the framework of the food surveillance concept “from field to table”, which is a contemporary system conforming to the local conditions of Latvia and the requirements of the European Union, with its principal advantage being the capacity to trace the entire cycle of food production, the Food and Veterinary Service (FVS) started operating under […]

FLORIS to nie tylko Kwiaciarnia i biznes. To nasza MISJA, to sposób w jaki postrzegamy Świat. Pamiętamy, że „florystyka to pasja, ciężka praca, ciągłe wyzwania”. Witamy serdecznie w naszym Świecie Kwiatów. Mamy na Imię Kasia i Ola razem tworzymy Kwiaciarnię FLORIS i Studia Dekoratorsko – Florystyczne w Kluczach przy ul. Zawierciańskiej 6a (powyżej Biedronki). Kwiaciarnia posiada […]

Osnivanjem Ustanove za parkove i ukrasno bilje 06.ožujka 1953.godine započela je sustavna briga za zelenilo na dubrovačkom području.  Vrtlar d.o.o. tvrtka je tradicije dulje od šest desetljeća, tvrtka koja se svih tih godina vješto utkala u živote naših sugrađana i tako postala sastavni dio života i u sretnim i u tužnim trenucima. Naša čvrsta tradicija […]

Proizvodnja sirovih ulja i masti, obrt za uzgoj i preradu maslina, djevičansko ulje Musca, 1000 stabala maslina, sorte, sorta, buža, carbonaza, morasola, prvoklasno ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje, oleificio Tonin, uljara “Tonin”, zdravlje, Đurđica Pastrovicchio, maslinarstvo, maslinici, ljekovito djelovanje, tajna zdravlja i dugovječnosti.

The past ten years have been marked by a dramatic development of olive growing in the Istrian peninsula, largely owing to the rediscovery of this plant, once grown almost along the entire coastline as a part of social and cultural life of its inhabitants. Various factors have caused a great loss of interest for olive […]

Naši počeci proizvodnje organsko – mineralnih supstrata i poboljšivača tla datiraju još iz 70-tih godina prošlog stoljeća, a od 1990 g. poslujemo na tržištu pod imenom agroHoblaj d.o.o. Dugogodišnje iskustvo, suvremena tehnologija, inovativnost, fleksibilnost te brza i neometana nabavka kvalitetnog materijala osigurava nam poziciju vodećeg proizvođača plodnih supstrata. Konstantno ulaganje u obrazovanje te praćenje aktualnih trendova daje dodatnu vrijednost našoj usluzi i čini nas pouzdanim […]

Renta-a-car and point of sale for vehicles:faema llc offers you rental cars for wide range usage from personal to cargo and commercial transport on extremely favorable conditions gps tracking.We offer installation service of gps tracking devices for vehicles, boats, etc..additional. We sell quality hospitality equipment and supplies and provide repair services. We also offer high […]

U cilju proizvodnje prepoznatljivih, tipičnih vina, karakterističnih za naše podneblje i našu vinariju, prerađujemo samo grožđe iz vlastitih vinograda. Položaj naših vinograda daje našim vinima posebnost i izuzetnu kvalitetu. Bijela vina su puna, ekstratna, voćnog mirisa, a crno vino je puno, snažno, mirisom na šumsko voće, višnju, šljivu… Graševina Kvalitetno suho vino Sortni sastav: Graševina 100 %. […]

Discover the Croatian Danube with Iločki podrumi Iločki Podrumi (ILOK CELLARS) are located on the right bank of the river Danube, in the most easterly located town of Republic of Croatia, in Ilok, the town of antiques and wines. Here, we continue the two thousand year old tradition of vine cultivation and wine production of […]

Kas mes esame? 2002 m. kovo mėn. pradėjo darbą nauja, moderni Lietuvos įmonė UAB „ALETOVIS“ šaltojo spaudimo būdu gaminanti sėmenų aliejų, kanapių sėklų aliejų  Išspaustas aliejus atitinka visus kokybės, higienos bei maisto saugos reikalavimus. Jis apdorojamas tik mechaniniais būdais, naudojant plovimą vandeniu, savaiminį nusodinimą, filtravimą. Jame yra išsaugomos visos gamtos dovanotos pirmapradės medžiagos. Tai nepakeičiamos polinesočiosios […]

Opening Hours Mon: Open 24 hours Tue: Open 24 hours Wed: Open 24 hours Thu: Open 24 hours Fri: Open 24 hours Sat: Open 24 hours Sun: Open 24 hours Mūsų įmonė pasižymi profesionalumu, atsakomybe, pagarba klientams, darbuotojams, visuomenei. Darbe vadovaujamės atsakomybės principu, todėl vykdome visus prisiimtus įsipareigojimus.

JSC „Margunas“ was founded in 1998. It is Lithuanian capital company, whose core activity is wholesale and retail trade of chemical substances. Today Margunas is one of the leading companies in chemical material distribution in CEE region. Since its establishment, the primary focus of the company has been quality in all aspects of the business, […]

Das sind wir!Herzlich Willkommen im Naturwarenzentrum Dreieich! Genießen Sie die freundliche und besondere Atmosphäre in unserem Bio-Fachmarkt mit einem Vollsortiment von über 10.000 Bio-Artikeln, welches wir fortlaufend für Sie auf neueste Trends, Entwicklungen und Angebote biologischer Lebensmittel und ökologischer Naturwaren anpassen. „Wir“ – das sind im Naturwarenzentrum Dreieich rund 20 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, die allesamt […]

Pall associates around the world are unified by a singular drive: to solve our customers’ biggest filtration, separation and purification challenges. And, in doing so, advance health, safety and environmentally responsible technologies.  Our industry-leading technologies and solutions are at work in countless applications, safeguarding health, protecting critical operating assets, improving product quality, and minimizing emissions […]

Ever since the company’s beginning in 1884 with the invention of glass-lined steel (Glasteel®), Pfaudler has continued to be an industry leader, providing solutions to meet customers’ specific requirements in the chemical, pharmaceutical and other processing industries. Today, Pfaudler is a global Group offering an extensive range of corrosion-resistant technologies, systems and services, employing over 1,500 people with manufacturing […]

Denteck is an internationally operating company with modern production facilities. At our headquarters in Zoetermeer we produce various solutions of the purest quality, mainly based on Ethyl Alcohol for the pharmaceutical, health and food industries, among others. Because we produce all our products in-house, we have control over every step in the production process; from raw material to […]


DSM N.V. (Royal DSM, commonly known as DSM), is a Dutch multinational corporation active in the fields of health, nutrition and materials. Headquartered in Heerlen, at the end of 2017 DSM employed 21,054 people in approximately 50 countries and posted net sales of €8.632 billion. Organization DSM’s five business groups are clustered according to product and market combinations, with the business group […]

LetsGrow.com was founded over 20 years ago and is the data platform for the horticultural sector, both nationally and internationally. Any Greenhouse production company can get connected to the LetsGrow.com platform to gain insight in what is happening in your greenhouse. Using your own data and analysing it, we supply analyses and advice, which lead to better […]

ABEA is a company that produces olive oil in their factories in Crete, Greece. Their headquarters are based in the city of Chania. In the 2017 Cretan Olive Oil Competition, ABEA finished 5th in the “Honorable Mentions” list for the “Organic Olive Oil” award. Their shop, headquarters, and factories are all based within the Chania regional unit. Products Olive Oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil […]

TZAFETTAS SA based in Tyrnavos-Central Greece produces and exports authentic Greek cheeses (Goat cheese, Light, Dry Myzithra, Anthotyro) and P.D.O. (Feta – Manouri – Galotyri Spread etc.) of premium quality and nutritional value, for more that 80 years, true to the tradition and the values of its founder and in accordance with the international standards […]

Agronic Oy (Agronic Ltd.) is a Finnish manufacturer of agricultural equipment. The company is located in Haapavesi, Finland. Agronic Oy has a daughter company Prodevice Oy. The main products are round balers, bale wrappers, slurry tanks and umbilical slurry systems. Around 50% of products are exported to more than 20 countries all over the world. The company co-operates with Japanese company Takakita.

Avant Tecno Oy is an industrial company operating in Ylöjärvi , which manufactures Avant brand small or multi-purpose loaders . The company originated from the bankruptcy of the agricultural machinery manufacturer Ylö -ehdaat Oy in 1991, when the founders of the new company bought the manufacturing rights for the Ylökatti skid steer loaders from the bankruptcy estate and began to develop the equipment further.  More than 25,000 […]

The history of the Opočno dairy dates back to 1936. It was built in the heart of eastern Bohemia in today’s Hradec Králové region. It processes the highest quality milk from the foothills of the Orlické Mountains, one of the least ecologically polluted areas. In the past, the dairy was owned by the Dutch companies NUTRICIA […]

In addition to Pilsner beer, spas and mineral springs, cheese production is also an integral part of Western Bohemia. The company TANY in Nýrsko, specializing in the production of consumer processed popular cheeses, is one of their most important producers not only in this region but in the Czech Republic in general. The umbrella trademark is […]


We are professional producer of high-quality supplementary pet food for dogs, cats, rodents and other small animals in Czech republic. Our company was established in 1992 so we have been in this business for more than 29 years. We consider ourselves professionals. Having said that we can provide you with complex services. Our main goal […]

Organica Technologies is an organization that builds wastewater treatment plants that can be used in agriculture, irrigation or municipal areas using patented technology. The company’s goal is to treat, recycle, and conserve wastewater.  Technology Organica’s wastewater treatment processes the water with the use of living organisms, specifically a ‘Fixed-Bed Biofilm Activated Sludge’ process. The organism’s ability to self-organize maximizes biological degradation […]

About the history of brewing in Most The royal city of Most has had the right to brew beer since the Middle Ages. It was granted to him in 1273 by King Přemysl Otakar II. and its production at that time was one of the leading city privileges. In the almost two-kilometer circuit, a ban on further brewing […]

Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s., known in English as the Pilsner Urquell Brewery, is a Czech brewery opened in 1842 and headquartered in Plzeň, Czech Republic. It was the first brewery to produce pale lager, branded as Pilsner Urquell; the popularity of Pilsner Urquell resulting in it being much copied so that more than two-thirds of […]

Kofola is a carbonated soft drink produced by Czechoslovakian company Kofola, headquartered in Ostrava, Czech Republic. It is the principal rival of Coca-Cola and Pepsi in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The company is one of the leading soft drinks producers and distributors in Central and Eastern Europe.

Jan Becher is a Czech liqueur company headquartered in Karlovy Vary. The most famous product of Becher is Becherovka. The company Jan Becher — Karlovarská Becherovka, a.s., dates back 200 years to the first decade of the 19th century. In 1807, Josef Becher, a pharmacist from Karlovy Vary (then called Karlsbad), started selling bitters made […]

Pivovar Samson a.s., formerly known as Bürgerliches Brauhaus Budweis is a brewery founded by mostly German-speaking burghers of the city of České Budějovice (in German Budweis) in the Kingdom of Bohemia, Holy Roman Empire in 1795. Its beer was known as Budweiser Bier or Budweiser Bürgerbräu since 1802 and as trademark officially since 1899. In […]

Agrofert is a Czech conglomerate holding company headquartered in Prague, Czech Republic. It operates agriculture, food, chemical, construction, logistics, forestry, energy and mass media industries in the European Union and China with over 250 subsidiary companies. Most of them are owned directly by AGROFERT, a.s., the minor part of the portfolio consists of companies in […]

Foss is a global provider of high-tech analytical solutions used mainly in the agricultural and food industries. The company is headquartered in Hillerød, Denmark.

DLF Seeds A/S (formerly DLF-TRIFOLIUM A/S) is a global seed company dealing in forage and amenity seeds, sugar and forage beet seed, seed and ware potatoes and other crops. The company is headquartered in Roskilde, Denmark. DLF is the global market leader and provides grass and clover seeds to more than 100 countries. DLF’s research […]

Danish Agro is a cooperative farm supply company headquartered in Karise south of Copenhagen, Denmark. It is owned by 12,000 Danish farmers. Danish Agro traces its history back to 1901 when Stevns Foderstofforening was founded on the Stevns Peninsula. Since then the company has been through numerous mergers and in 2006 it changed its name […]

Semenarna Ljubljana d.o.o. is a Slovenian producer of seeds and seedlings. In Semenarna Ljubljana preserve indigenous Slovenian varieties, domesticated varieties and we develop new Slovenian varieties. Semenarna Ljubljana maintains seeds for over 70 different varieties and 26 different plant species, of which there are 37 autochthonous Slovenian varieties. Semenarna Ljubljana has great success in producing […]