Zašto baš MBS? MBS je akronim za “Modern Business School”. Visoka škola modernog biznisa te priprema za savremeno, dinamično tržište na kome u skladu sa razvojem tehnologije brzo nastaju nova zanimanja. Šta je to moderan biznis? Svet se brzo menja, trendovi traju kratko i firme moraju da prate brzi razvoj tržišta kako bi na njemu […]
Where to go

Prirodno-matematički fakultet je obrazovno-naučna ustanova koja ostvaruje akademske studijske programe i razvija naučnoistraživački i stručni rad u svim oblastima obrazovno-naučnog polja prirodno-matematičkih nauka. Prirodno-matematički fakultet je osnovan 1999. godine, izdvajanjem odgovarajućih studijskih grupa iz sastava Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu. Danas je u sastavu Fakulteta šest Departmana: Matematika, Računarske nauke, Fizika, Hemija, Geografija i Biologija i ekologija. Od osnivanja Fakulteta do danas je preko 5000 studenta završilo sve nivoe studija. […]

Fakultet za državne i evropske studije (FDES) sa sjedištem u Podgorici, osnovan je 2005. godine putem javno-privatnog partnerstva. Osnivači FDES-a su Glavni grad Podgorica, Fakultet za državne i evropske studije iz Kranja (Slovenija), Agencija za lokalnu demokratiju i partnerstvo iz Podgorice, kao i dva fizička lica iz Italije i Slovenije. Programi FDES-a, na osnovnim i […]

Gradska biblioteka u Vršcu osnovana je odlukom Magistrata krajem 1887. godine kao Gradska javna i školska biblioteka, a počela je sa radom za javnost 15. januara 1888. godine. Osnivač ove biblioteke i njen prvi bibliotekar bio je Feliks Mileker (1858-1942), poznati istoričar i arheolog, i pisac velikog broja knjiga i studija. Posle osnivanja Muzeja, od […]

Ravnateljica:Irena Ivanović, prof.; tel. 043/771-939 Zbornica: tel. 043/247-726 Tajnica: Administracija: Računovodstvo: Višnja Sudarević, up. 043/771-014 Dijana Kranjčectel. 043/771-014 Ivana Vinceković, dipl. 043/227-013 STRUČNI SURADNICI Pedagoginja Knjižničarka Iva Šimek, mag. pedagogijetel. 043/227-014 Suzana Pušić, dipl. bibliotekartel. 043/220-996 UPISI u prvi razred šk. god. 2024./2025. Odluka o upisu učenika u I. razred srednje škole u […]

Мисија и Визија Института Музиколошки институт САНУ у Београду основан је 1947. године као први музиколошки институт у тадашњој држави. Институт спроводи проучавање историје и теорије музике, затим етномузикологије, естетике музике. Истраживања су усмерена на српску музику и њене везе са музичким стваралаштвом и културом у суседним и европским земљама, као и у свету. Поред […]

Od prapočetka, od Prve generalne skupštine Udruženja za osnivanje javne opštinske biblioteke, 2. januara 1859. godine, Gradska biblioteka u Somboru bila je neprekidno do 1920. podstanar Gradske kuće. Njen utemeljitelj i dugogodišnji bibliotekar bio je finansijski službenik Karlo Bijelicki (1813-1878). U najranijim decenijama postojanja glavninu knjižnog fonda činila je nemačka knjiga. Od 22.687 knjiga u […]

Medicinski fakultet Osijek osnovan je 1998. godine i ubraja se među mlađe medicinske fakultete u Hrvatskoj. Konkretni napori za otvaranje medicinskog fakulteta u samom Osijeku mogu se pratiti od 1969., kada je ravnatelj bolnice u Osijeku dr. Martin Dičić pozvao na inicijalni radni sastanak vezan uz osnutak studija predstavnike Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu: tadašnjeg […]

Institut kao centar izvrsnosti i jedan od lidera naučnotehnološkog razvoja i inovacija u lancu hrane u Evropi i svetu. MisijaPostizanje vrhunskih naučnoistraživačkih rezultata u cilju povećanja konkurentnosti srpske privrede, kroz unapređenje proizvodnje bezbedne i zdrave hrane, koja doprinosi zdravlju i boljem kvalitetu života ljudi. VizijaInstitut kao centar izvrsnosti i jedan od lidera naučnotehnološkog razvoja i […]

Nakon razvojačenja Vojne krajine, u čijem sastavu se nalazio i ogulinski kraj, grad Ogulin se počeo, krajem 19. stoljeća, brže razvijati kao administrativni i gospodarski centar. Činovničke i trgovačke obitelji željele su svoju djecu školovati u mjestu stanovanja pa je već 1906. godine građanstvo tražilo osnivanje gimnazije, ali austro-ugarske vlasti nisu udovoljile zahtjevu. Gimnazija je […]

Историја Народна библиотека Бор најзначајнија је институција која се бави библиотечко-информационом делатношћу у граду Бору. Почетак библиотечко-информационе делатности у борском крају везује се за оснивање читаонице у селу Злоту, која је била прва сеоска читаоница у Кнежевини Србији. Ова читаоница основана је на Светога Саву 1869. године и у свом фонду имала је четрнаест књига […]

Историјат Настанак било које установе није могуће разумети без познавања социокултурног контекста у времену када је формирана. Завод за проучавање културног развитка улази у интелектуално поље /…/ без историјски створеног културног легитимитета, јер научне традиције у овом пољу истраживања није било. Избор назива установе сведочи о недоумици како означити њену основну делатност, њену програмску оријентацију. […]

Prva arhivska ustanova u BiH i član Međunarodnog arhivskog vijeća Arhiv Bosne i Hercegovine, prva moderna arhivska ustanova u Bosni i Hercegovini, osnovan je 1947. godine, rješenjem Vlade Narodne Republike Bosne i Hercegovine br. 1061 od 12. decembra 1947. Taj datum danas se obilježava kao Dan arhiva Bosne i Hercegovine. 1965. godine, na osnovi odredbi […]

ИСТОРИЈА Године 1865. новосадска Даница објавила је вест о отварању Србске читаонице у Белој Цркви у броју 33, који је изашао из штампе 30. новембра (Подлистак, страна 792). Читаоница је почела са радом 22. новембра, а налазила се у хотелу Мичин. Претпоставља се да је делатност ове библиотеке била од стране надлежних власти забрањена, јер […]

EKONOMSKI FAKULTET U RIJECI Konkurentno znanje, iskustvo i praksa temelj su uspjeha. Naši studenti budućnost su svih nas. studijski programi nastavnici i istraživanja život na efri Study Programs in English UNDERGRADUATE study program INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS GRADUATE study program INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS POSTGRADUATE study programs MOBILITY programs Transfer from the foreign university International Advisory Board for study […]

“OČEKUJU VAS ZADAĆE I CILJEVI KOJI SE MOGU UČINITI PREVELIKIMA ZA LJUDSKE SNAGE. NE DAJTE SE OBESHRABRITI!” (SV. IVAN PAVAO II.) O NAMA Škola nije samo obrazovna institucija, već zajednica ljudi koji u njoj provode veliki dio svog vremena i koja čini važan dio njihovog života. Kroz nastavu, druženje, razgovore, izlete i aktivnosti svi mi […]

Grad Ozalj, koji već više od osam stoljeća ponosno stoji visoko uzdignut na klisuri iznad rijeke Kupe, prekrasna je top destinacija za sve ljubitelje izleta u prirodu. Privlačno je to mjesto za život od rimskog doba i poneki se rimski temelj još krije ispod dvorca. Stari grad Ozalj mjesto je otkud su Zrinski i Frankopani […]

The Cyprus Forestry College is a Government International Institution of Tertiary Education situated at Prodromos village in Lemessos district. The language of instruction is English. Since its establishment in 1951, the college has trained students from Africa, Europe, Asia, Middle East, Pacific, Latin America, and the Caribbean in the general principles of forestry and forestry […]

Monday – Friday 09:00 – 16:30 Saturday 10:30 – 13:00 Municipal Library Opening hours The library is closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Quimper is a commune and capital of the Finistère department of Brittany in northwestern France. The name Quimper comes from the Breton kemper, meaning “confluent”. Country France Region Brittany Department Finistère Mayor (2020–2026) Isabelle Assih Area1 84.45 km2 (32.61 sq mi) Population (2017-01-01) 62,985 Density 750/km2 (1,900/sq mi) Time zone UTC+01:00 (CET) Summer (DST) UTC+02:00 (CEST) Geography The city was built on the confluence of the Steir, Odet and Jet rivers Breton language The municipality launched a linguistic plan through Ya d’ar brezhoneg on 6 […]

Žabljak is a small town in northern Montenegro. It has a population of 1,723. Žabljak is the seat of Žabljak Municipality (2011 population: 3,569). The town is in the centre of the Durmitor mountain region and with an altitude of 1,456 metres, it is the highest situated Balkan town. Tourism Žabljak is centre of Montenegro’s mountain tourism. The entire area of Durmitor mountain is […]

The newest international school in Montenegro, the French-European EFEP, opened in September 2018. The certificate is confirmed by the French Ministry of Education and is accepted worldwide. The main language is French, but Montenegrin and English are also taught from the beginning. A fourth language — German or Italian — offered in middle school. Some […]

The school Dukley Academy, education center in Budvais a full-fledged educational center that provides the curriculum in the framework of the Russian Ministry of Education. The program also includes in-depth study of English language, computer science, social and humanitarian projects. The older pupils are offered a boarding package (1950 euros per month).

School “Adriatic College” is a unique project in the education system of Montenegro.Our main task is to provide students with the most modern education that meets the highest European standards. The large area of the school includes: spacious bright classrooms with panoramic windows; equipped chemical and physical laboratories; informatics room with modern equipment; large and […]

QSI International School of Montenegro is a nonprofit institution using an American, international model of education. It offers a high-quality education in the English language for preschool, elementary, and secondary school students through to graduation. The primary purpose of the school is to meet the needs of expatriate children living in Podgorica who require this […]

Vatel has 50 hospitality management schools located in Europe, in the Americas, in Asia and in Africa. They share the same mission: preparing the younger generations to build their professional futures in the international hospitality and tourism management industries. Vatel has decided to: – Teach management techniques based on two centuries of history in the […]

Arcadia Academy is a British International School located in Kotor, Montenegro, for boys and girls aged 3-18. Arcadia Academy is the first and only Cambridge International School (IGCSE) in Montenegro, as well as the first and only COBIS (Council of British International Schools) full member, also licensed by the Montenegrin Ministry of Education.

UNITED KIDS INTERNATIONAL Montenegro is a one of a kind in Montenegro, multi-level classroom, learning institution.UKIM was founded in 2016 by a parent that identified a clear need for Podgorica to have affordable and quality education in English.UKIM offers Preschool and Elementary&Middle School education to local and expatriate children in Podgorica.

Knightsbridge Schools International Montenegro, also known as KSI Montenegro, is a co-educational, private international day school and boarding school for students aged 3–18. The school is located in Tivat, Montenegro. The school is part of Knightsbridge Schools International (KSI), a pair of international schools based in Colombia and Montenegro and is affiliated with Knightsbridge School in London.

Faculty of Management – Herceg Novi or Fakultet za menadžment – Herceg Novi – private higher education institution in Montenegro. Faculty of Management – Herceg Novi began its history in 2009. Faculty of Management – Herceg Novi is among the best educational institutions in Montenegro, that is among the top 5 universities according to the national rankings. Despite […]

Let Faculty of transport, communications and logistics be your final choice! With us you’re already in future, one step ahead everyone! FSKL is a unique higher education institution dealing with the education of engineers in the field of transport, logistics and communications.

First study program of hospitality management (catering, tourism recreation and entertainment, tourist attractions, tourist services, tourist shops …) in Montenegro and one of the few in the region (Rochester Dubrovnik and Faculty of Tourism and hospitality management Opatija); The subjects of operational character (Theory of restaurant service in I semester, Hospitality operation and Preparation for […]

Mediterranean University is a university located in Podgorica, Montenegro. It was founded on 30 May 2006, is the first private university established in Montenegro and is organized in 6 faculties. The university is member of the Balkan Universities Network. Study programmes Undergraduate Faculty of Tourism “Montenegro Tourism School” – Tourism and Hospitality Management Faculty of Economics and Business – […]

The University of Donja Gorica also known as simply UDG is a private university located in Donja Gorica, a suburb of Podgorica, Montenegro. The University was established in 2007, as the second private university in Montenegro. Its building covers an area of 16,700 m2 and currently represents the largest privately owned facility in the country. Organization The University comprises the […]

The University of Montenegro Faculty of Drama (Montenegrin: Fakultet Dramskih Umjetnosti Univerziteta Crne Gore Факултет Драмских Умјетности Универзитета Црне Горе) is one of the educational institutions of the University of Montenegro. The Faculty is located in Cetinje, in the building of the former Turkish embassy to Montenegro. Organization Undergraduate and postgraduate specialist studies at the Faculty are provided for the following study groups: Acting […]

The University of Montenegro Faculty for Sport and Physical Education (Montenegrin: Fakultet za sport i fizičko vaspitanje Univerziteta Crne Gore Факултет за спорт и физичко васпитање Универзитета Црне Горе) is one of the educational institutions of the University of Montenegro. Its building is located in Nikšić. History The Department for Physical Culture existed in Nikšić since 1963, as part of the Teaching Faculty (later Faculty of […]

The University of Montenegro Faculty of Philosophy is one of the educational institutions of the University of Montenegro. The building is located in Nikšić, close to the city center. Organization The Faculty of Philosophy is a complex educational and scientific institution which organizes undergraduate, specialist and postgraduate studies as well as doctoral studies within its main activities. Undergraduate […]

The University of Montenegro (Montenegrin and Serbian: Универзитет Црнe Горe / Univerzitet Crne Gore) is a national public university of Montenegro. Its central administration and majority of constitutive faculties are located in the country’s capital Podgorica, with dislocated faculties in Nikšić, Cetinje and Kotor. Institution was founded in 1974 and it is currently organized in 19 faculties.
Plužine is a town in northwestern Montenegro. In 2011 it has a population of 1,341. Location Town is located near the Piva lake (Pivsko) in the northwestern mountainous region of Montenegro, close to the Durmitor National Park area. Plužine is the administrative centre of Plužine Municipality and also unofficial centre of Piva region, named after the Piva River and historical tribe of Piva (Pivljani). Transport […]

Today, the college occupies an area of around 4000 m2, and offers lecture halls, IT classrooms, laboratories and a library fully equipped to ensure a quality learning environment.

One of the greatest successes of the Faculty was the second place in the World in 2010 in Microsoft’s “Image Cup” competition in the category of software design for solving merciful problems of humanity, which is considered to be the greatest success of Serbian informatics until now. We have been the fourth as the most […]

Activities of the Balkan Association Balkan Association of pedagogical, teacher-training and related faculties held a scientific conference on the theme Multiculturalism of education in the Balkans. Ten administrators took part in the conference who, from the point of view of education in their countries ( Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnian Federation – Eastern Sarajevo and Mostar, Albania […]