We represent a specialized institution, and we bring together internal and external experts in the fields of research and development, technology transfer, EU funds, financial management and evaluation. In addition, we are engaged in monitoring of the projects necessary for implementation of the Government programs which contribute to technological capacity increase of Montenegrin companies. Our […]
Where to go

Zahvaljujući postavljanju visokih standarda u poslovanju REMONTNI CENTAR je tokom godina stekao veliki broj korisnika usluga iz domena bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu, zaštite od požara, stručnog osposobljavanja za bezbedno rukovanje sredstvima za rad i zaštite životne sredine i postao jedan od lidera u regionu. Pružanjem usluga i uređenjem ovih oblasti, poslodavcu pružamo priliku da […]

Agencija za nadzor osiguranja Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine osnovana je Zakonom o društvima za osiguranje u privatnom osiguranju kao samostalna i nezavisna neprofitna institucija (pravna osoba) Federacije koja ima regulatornu i nadzornu funkciju u oblasti privatnog osiguranja s ciljem zaštite osiguranika i osiguravača, a na dobrobit industrije osiguranja. Sukladno odredbama Zakona o društvima za osiguranje […]

Osnivanje Usvajanjem zakona o sistemu indirektnog oporezivanja 29.12.2003. godine Parlament Bosne i Hercegovine stvorio je pravni osnov za uspostavljanje Uprave za indirektno oporezivanje, najveće institucije na državnom nivou. Tokom 2004. godine izvršeno je spajanje bivših carinskih uprava entiteta i Distrikta Brčko. Uporedo s procesom reorganizacije carinske službe, osnovan je Sektor za poreze, prvi put na […]

Zaštitni fond Republike Srpske je osnovan u skladu sa Zakonom o osiguranju od odgovornosti za motorna vozila i ostalim obaveznim osiguranjima od odgovornosti (Sl.Glasnik Republike Srpske 17/05), Zakon o obaveznim osiguranjima u saobraćaju (Sl.Glasnik Republike Srpske 82/15) i Odlukom o organizovanju Zaštitnog fonda Republike Srpske. Članovi fondasu sva društva za osiguranje koja u Republici Srpskoj […]

OSNIVANJE ZAVODA Člankom 16. Zakona o zdravstvenom osiguranju (”Službene novine Federacije BiH” br. 30/97 i 7/02, 70/08 i 48/11) (u daljem tekstu Zakon o zdravstvenom osiguranju) propisano je osnivanje Zavoda zdravstvenog osiguranja i reosiguranja Federacije BiH, radi obavljanja poslova i ostvarivanja prava iz obvezatnog zdravstvenog osiguranja koja su od interesa za sve županije kao i […]

The Insurance Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established in 2004 under the Law on the Insurance Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH Official Gazette, 12/04). The Agency is an independent organisation reporting to the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Headquarter of the Agency is in Sarajevo. The purpose of the Law on the […]

KLADIONICA PODGODI 13KU TKO SMO MI Lutrija Bosne i Hercegovine je društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću ovlašteno Zakonom o igrama na sreću za priređivanje igara na sreću i igara za zabavu na području Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine. Isključivi vlasnik i osnivač Lutrije Bosne i Hercegovine je Federacija Bosne i HercegovineLutrija Bosne i Hercegovina punopravni je član […]

Services: Audit & AssuranceAdvisoryTax AdvisoryTax Reporting StrategyInternational Private ClientsIndirect TaxLegalSetting up in CyprusGlobal Employee MobilityChinese Businesses Operating from Cyprus

BANK WITH US If you are interested in a career at Eurobank Cyprus click here. If you would like to report a misconduct click here. If you would like to make a complaint please click here.

SECURITAS MONTENEGRO D.O.O. is located in NIKSIC, Montenegro and is part of the Investigation and Security Services Industry. SECURITAS MONTENEGRO D.O.O. has 355 employees at this location and generates $5.29 million in sales (USD). There are 1,928 companies in the SECURITAS MONTENEGRO D.O.O. corporate family.

SAVA OSIGURANJE is located in PODGORICA, Montenegro and is part of the Insurance Carriers Industry. SAVA OSIGURANJE has 137 employees at this location and generates $13.22 million in sales (USD). There are 34 companies in the SAVA OSIGURANJE corporate family.

Societe Generale bank Montenegro was a bank operating in Montenegro. Founded in 1906 as Podgorička banka (Bank of Podgorica), it offered services in corporate and retail banking. The bank provides a range of depository and lending services, which include checking accounts, savings accounts, money market accounts, commercial loans, consumer loans and construction, mortgage loans, safety deposit boxes, VISA credit cards, […]

Komercijalna banka Budva is a bank operating in Montenegro. History The bank was established and is owned entirely by Komercijalna banka of Serbia, in November 2002 as the bank’s subsidiary in Montenegro. Services It offers its services through a network of 8 branches: in Budva, Podgorica, Herceg Novi, Ulcinj, Kotor, Rožaje, and two in Bar. Komercijalna banka Budva offers traditional banking products and services, which include […]

The Central Bank of Montenegro is the central bank of Montenegro. Although Montenegro does not issue its own currency after it unilaterally adopted the euro in 2002, the stated mission of the central bank is to establish and maintain a sound banking system and monetary policy.

Crédit Agricole Serbia is a part of the Crédit Agricole Group, one of the 10 largest financial institutions in the world with A + credit rating that demonstrates its stability and strength even in challenging times. Working every day in the interest of clients and the society is the basic principle of Crédit Agricole Bank, […]

Throughout its long history, AIK Banka has gained the reputation of a reliable, stable and efficient financial institution dedicated to providing high-quality banking services in line with the modern banking trends and focus on the requirements of its clients whose satisfaction is a benchmark of success. The Bank is highly active in the area of […]

The status, organisation, mandate and functions of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS), as well as its relations with other bodies of the Republic of Serbia and international organisations and institutions are regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia (RS Official Gazette, No 98/2006) and the NBS Law (RS Official Gazette, Nos 72/2003, […]

CALI Europe is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Insurance Carriers Industry. CALI Europe has 70 employees at this location and generates $9.96 million in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 3,400 companies in the CALI Europe corporate family.

Pictet SICAV (dr.Eur.) is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Other Investment Pools and Funds Industry. Pictet SICAV (dr.Eur.) has 1 employees at this location and generates $2.18 billion in sales (USD).

Skyworks Luxembourg S.à r.l. is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Management of Companies and Enterprises Industry. Skyworks Luxembourg S.à r.l. has 4 employees at this location and generates $1.92 billion in sales (USD). There are 45 companies in the Skyworks Luxembourg S.à r.l. corporate family.

Schroder International Selection Fund is located in Niederanven, Luxembourg and is part of the Other Investment Pools and Funds Industry. Schroder International Selection Fund generates $2.64 billion in sales (USD). There are 187 companies in the Schroder International Selection Fund corporate family.

Cardif Lux Vie is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Insurance Carriers Industry. Cardif Lux Vie has 220 employees at this location and generates $2.44 billion in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the Cardif Lux Vie corporate family.

Invista European Real Estate Holdings S.à r.l. is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Management of Companies and Enterprises Industry. Invista European Real Estate Holdings S.à r.l. has 15 total employees across all of its locations and generates $2.67 million in sales (USD). (Employees and Sales figures are modelled). There are 2 […]

SOCFINAF S.A. is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Management of Companies and Enterprises Industry. SOCFINAF S.A. has 20,105 employees at this location and generates $472.58 million in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 13 companies in the SOCFINAF S.A. corporate family.

Lombard International Assurance Holdings S.à r.l. is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Management of Companies and Enterprises Industry. Lombard International Assurance Holdings S.à r.l. has 1 employees at this location and generates $177,914 in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 28 companies in the Lombard International Assurance Holdings S.à […]

Swiss Re Europe Holdings S.A. is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Management of Companies and Enterprises Industry. Swiss Re Europe Holdings S.A. has 1 employees at this location and generates $177,914 in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 304 companies in the Swiss Re Europe Holdings S.A. corporate family.

Morgan Stanley Investment Management offers a range of investment and risk management solutions to institutional and professional investors worldwide.

Amundi, the French and European leader, publicly traded asset manager, with a global presence It has become the reference player in serving retail banking networks in Europe and Asia. Created in 2010, Amundi boasts a remarkable growth and track record and has demonstrated its ability to develop quickly, thanks to its corporate culture, its open […]

Eastspring Investments, part of Prudential plc, is a global asset manager with Asia at its core, offering innovative investment solutions to meet the financial needs of clients. At the heart of Eastspring is a strong connection with our shared purpose – Experts in Asia. Invested in Your Future. – and this clearly guides everything we […]

The Allianz Group is one of the leading integrated financial services providers worldwide. Allianz is getting behind the Olympic & Paralympic Movements as the Worldwide Insurance Partner from 2021 until 2028. As well as supporting the Olympic & Paralympic Movements with insurance solutions and services, we’ll be sharing some exciting ways for the global Allianz […]

About JAB Consumer Fund Driven by investor demand to participate in the investment strategy of JAB Holding Company, JCF was established in 2014. JCF is a Luxembourg based regulated investment fund comprised of institutional investors, family offices, endowments and other professional investors. JCF is managed collectively with JAB Holding Company by the same group of […]

Our purpose, to act for human progress by investing for what matters, is central to every action we take as a business. As a responsible investor, business and employer, we actively invest for the long-term so that our clients, our people and our communities can move forward. The combination of responsible, active and long-term defines […]

SOGELIFE, the life insurance company of Societe Generale Assurances in Luxembourg, offers life insurance solutions for an international and wealth management clientele in different countries in Europe: Luxembourg, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, United Kingdom, Monaco, Spain and the Czech Republic. SOGELIFE works in open architecture in collaboration with private banks, custodian banks, management companies as well as a diversified distribution […]

Docler Holding is a multinational enterprise, headquartered in Luxembourg since 2013, which counts about 1500 employees worldwide. The company started in 2001 as a garage project, powered by the ideas and visions of young and enthusiastic Hungarian entrepreneurs. Today, Docler Holding has created and developed a large number of highly diversified companies, all gathered under […]

The State Bank and Savings Fund is the leading national financial institution founded in 1856 and governed by the law of March 24, 1989. BCEE is a commercial bank wholly owned by the government of Luxembourg. Nowadays, it provides all the functions of a commercial bank, including retail banking and private banking. In terms of total assets BCEE is the third-largest bank in […]

Banque Raiffeisen is a Luxembourgish banking and financial services company. Founded in 1926, it is one of the oldest banks in Luxembourg. The bank is independent from foreign shareholders. It is a member of the International Raiffeisen Union (IRU), which is an association of cooperatives based on the ideas of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen. History Since its creation in 1926, Raiffeisen Luxembourg […]

Banque de Luxembourg is a financial institution in Luxembourg, which primarily focuses on wealth management and high-net-worth individuals. History Founded in 1920, the history of Banque de Luxembourg is closely tied in with the rise of the financial centre of Luxembourg. 1920 : Banque d’Alsace et de Lorraine, later Crédit Industriel d’Alsace et de Lorraine (CIAL), opens its first branch in […]

The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the central bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, located in the capital city, Sarajevo. The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established in accordance with the Law adopted at the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina on June 20, 1997. It started its operation on August 11, 1997. The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina […]

La Caixa, also known as the “La Caixa” Foundation is a not-for-profit banking foundation based in eastern Spain. Originally a savings bank (caja), it reorganized in the 2000s and 2010s: Its commercial assets are managed under its subsidiary CriteriaCaixa, which also has partial ownership of La Caixa’s old banking business CaixaBank; those are used to fund La Caixa’s Obra Social — social, cultural, scientific, […]

The Mondragon Corporation is a corporation and federation of worker cooperatives based in the Basque region of Spain. It was founded in the town of Mondragon in 1956 by José María Arizmendiarrieta and a group of his students at a technical college he founded. Its first product was paraffin heaters. It is the seventh-largest Spanish company in terms of asset turnover and the leading business group in the Basque Country. At the end […]

Passenger Up to the early forties, Malta enjoyed the facilities of airdromes which were built to serve the military roles of the British Empire. These airdromes were situated one at Hal Far, built in 1920 in the south of the island to cater solely for the purposes of the Royal Air Force. Another one was […]

Banco Santander, S.A. is a Spanish multinational financial services company based in Madrid and Santander in Spain. Additionally, Santander maintains a presence in all global financial centres as the 16th-largest banking institution in the world. Although known for its European banking operations, it has extended operations across North and South America, and more recently in continental Asia. It is considered a systemically important bank by Financial Stability Board. Many subsidiaries, such as Abbey […]

Banco de Sabadell, S.A. is a Spanish multinational financial services company headquartered in Alicante and Barcelona, Spain. It is the fifth-largest Spanish banking group. It includes several banks, brands, subsidiaries and associated banks. It is a universal bank and specialises in serving small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the affluent with a bias towards international trade. As of January 2016, the total assets […]

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. better known by its initialism BBVA, is a Spanish multinational financial services company based in Madrid and Bilbao, Spain. It is one of the largest financial institutions in the world, and is present mainly in Spain, South America, North America, Turkey, and Romania. The bank was founded as Banco de Bilbao, on May 28, 1857, in Bilbao. BBVA’s operational headquarters are located in Madrid, in […]

WEB CHECK-IN — > FLIGHTS There are several Bus Transfers from the airport to Dubrovnik. Official shuttle bus – More — > Public bus transport – More — > KORKKYRA SHUTTLE – More — > Taxi services Taxi stop is in front of the passenger terminal of Building B (Domestic and International Arrivals) Taxi Stop […]

PUTNICI Gate to Istria KAKO DOĆI DO ZRAČNE LUKE Dolazak do Zračne luke Pula je jednostavan: Pogledajte opće upute niže ispod ovog teksta. Usluge: TRAVEL RETAIL AND DUTY FREE CAFFE BAR VIP PUTNICI BUSINESS LOUNGE REGISTRACIJA ZA LET ZABRANJENI PREDMETI !!! Na Vaš upit zrakoplovne kompanije će Vam ponuditi više informacija za unošenje oružja i […]

Stanobiro d.o.o. Županja je tvrtka osnovana 1998 godine, s osnovnom djelatnošću upravljanja stanovima i stambenim zgradama, osnivač i vlasnik tvrtke je Grad Županja. Pored osnovne djelatnosti tvrtka je registrirana za obavljanje niza drugih djelatnosti od kojih su najistaknutije naplata parkiranja na javnim parkiralištima u Gradu Županji, upravljnje kinom Mladost Županja, upravljanje gradskim autobusom, projektiranje, nadzor […]

ČISTOĆA ŽUPANJA d.o.o. je osnovana 06. veljače 2014. godine podjelom društva KOMUNALAC d.o.o. (koji je osnovan dana 10.10.1971. godine), a koja podjela je uvjetovana odredbama Zakona o vodama. ČISTOĆA ŽUPANJA je trgovačko društvo koje je u stopostotnom vlasništvu Grada Županja. PREDMET POSLOVANJA: – Skupljanje otpada za potrebe drugih– Prijevoz otpada za potrebe drugih– Posredovanje u organiziranju oporabe […]

Radno vrijeme:24/7 svaki danod 0 do 24h AutoKlarić vučna služba djeluje od 1988.g. Vršimo asistenciju – posredništvo za sva europska osiguranja, autoklubove, kasko osiguranja i euro+ mobilna jamstva za Republiku Hrvatsku i susjedne države. Našim klijentima jamčimo korektan odnos te sve usluge i prava koje im jamči njihova domaća ili inozemna osiguravajuća kuća.

Proizvodi: PVC stolarija, PVC ograde, ALU stolarija, ALU ograde, PVC grilje, sjenila, garažna vrata, prozorske klupice, komarnici, Z-LINE ograde. Usluge: Servis i održavanje, set za čišćenje, energetska obnova obiteljskih kuća.