Zastupnički dom saziva se prvi put najkasnije 20 dana nakon objave rezultata glasovanja.Sazivanje prve sjednice vrši predsjedatelj prethodnoga saziva i predsjeda sjednicom do izbora novoga predsjedatelja Zastupničkoga doma. Ukoliko predsjedatelj iz prethodnoga saziva nije u mogućnosti sazvati sjednicu Zastupničkoga doma, sjednicu će sazvati najstariji zastupnik novoga saziva Zastupničkoga doma. Zastupnički dom sastoji se od 98 […]
Where to go

The Institute for Information Technologies Kragujevac, founded on June 6, 2019 by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, is a state scientific institute and the last member of the University of Kragujevac. The founding of the institute, part of the University of Kragujevac, created an institutional framework for all ambitious scientists […]

In order to establish more efficient operation of water transport, especially inland ports and harbors, Government of the Republic of Serbia in the year of 2013. Formed Port Governance Agency (PGA) as a state administrative body that has multiple roles in the development of water transport. In addition to the clearly defined development goals for […]

MisijaAgencija za državnu upravu kao samostalna republička upravna organizacija obezbjeđuje upravljanje procesom zapošljavanja državnih službenika, pruža podršku republičkim organima uprave u upravljanju ljudskim potencijalima, priprema i sprovodi obuke i stručno usavršavanja zaposlenih u republičkoj upravi, vodi Centralni registar kadrova i pomaže republičkim organima uprave u izradi kadrovskih planova, vodi i organizuje polaganje stručnog ispita za […]

Organizacijska struktura Direktor: Željko Silađi Djelokrug Ured Vlade Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine za zakonodavstvo i usklađenost sa propisima Evropske unije daje Vladi Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine stručna pravna mišljenja o prednacrtima, nacrtima i prijedlozima zakona, o njihovoj usklađenosti sa Ustavom i pravnim sistemom, drugih propisa koje donosi Parlament Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, predsjednik i potpredsjednici […]

O Domu naroda Dom naroda se organizira i radi po Ustavu Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, zakonu i Poslovniku. Ako neko pitanje organiziranja i rada Doma naroda Parlamenta Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine nije uređeno Poslovnikom, uređuje se zaključkom. Zaključak se primjenjuje danom donošenja, ako zaključkom nije drugačije određeno. Dom naroda radi u sjednicama. Sjednice Doma naroda […]

Misija i vizija MisijaDoprinos podizanju kvaliteta obrazovanja i razvoju nauke i kulture u Republici Srbiji, izradom udžbenika i modernih nastavnih sredstava vrhunskog kvaliteta, objavljivanjem i promocijom posebnih i značajnih dela iz ove oblasti. VizijaLiderska pozicija u izdavanju udžbenika, modernih nastavnih sredstava, posebnih i značajnih dela uz saradnju sa eminentnim referentnim institucijama, organizacijama i pojedincima na […]

МИСИЈА И ВИЗИЈА ПРЕДУЗЕЋА У динамичном периоду свог развоја није било лако опстати, а уједно и задржати и унапредити се у стручном моралу. Јавно предузеће је то успело захваљујући својим стручњацима и њиховом перманентном и константном раду на свим нивоима просторног и урбанистичког планирања, као и у сфери надзора и пројектовања објеката нискоградње и високоградње. […]

The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of FBiH performs administrative and other technical tasks that are under the authority of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, relating to: survey, real estate cadastre establishment and updating, utility cadastre, with the exception of the tasks for which the authority was devolved by the law […]

Ured koordinatora za reformu javne uprave u BiH osnovan je Odlukom Vijeća ministara u oktobru 2004. godine, slijedom preporuke Studije izvodljivosti za BiH. Formiranje Ureda je bio odgovor na potrebe građana za efikasnijom i odgovornijom javnom upravom na svim nivoima vlasti, sposobnom za preuzimanje obaveza u procesu eurointegracija BiH.Ured je pokretačka snaga reforme javne uprave […]

Centar za informiranje i priznavanje dokumenata iz oblasti visokog obrazovanja (u daljem tekstu: CIP) osnovan je na temelju Okvirnog zakona o visokom obrazovanju u Bosni i Hercegovini (“Službeni glasnik BiH”, broj 59/07), kao samostalna upravna organizacija. Vijeće ministara Bosne i Hercegovine je na 33. sjednici, održanoj 10.1.2008. godine, donijelo Odluku o početku rada i utvrđivanju […]

Историјат Настанак било које установе није могуће разумети без познавања социокултурног контекста у времену када је формирана. Завод за проучавање културног развитка улази у интелектуално поље /…/ без историјски створеног културног легитимитета, јер научне традиције у овом пољу истраживања није било. Избор назива установе сведочи о недоумици како означити њену основну делатност, њену програмску оријентацију. […]

Ured za zakonodavstvo Vijeća ministara Bosne i Hercegovine (u daljem tekstu: Ured) utemeljen je Zakonom o Vijeću ministara Bosne i Hercegovine („Službeni glasnik BiH“, br. 30/03, 42/03, 81/06, 76/07, 81/07, 94/07 i 24/08). Odlukom o Uredu za zakonodavstvo („Službeni glasnik BiH“, broj 45/04) uređen je djelokrug Ureda, način rada i upravljanja, kao i druga pitanja […]

Prva arhivska ustanova u BiH i član Međunarodnog arhivskog vijeća Arhiv Bosne i Hercegovine, prva moderna arhivska ustanova u Bosni i Hercegovini, osnovan je 1947. godine, rješenjem Vlade Narodne Republike Bosne i Hercegovine br. 1061 od 12. decembra 1947. Taj datum danas se obilježava kao Dan arhiva Bosne i Hercegovine. 1965. godine, na osnovi odredbi […]

Direkcija za civilno zrakoplovstvo Bosne i Hercegovine (BHDCA) je upravna organizacija nadležna i odgovorna za obavljanje funkcije regulatora i nadzora, te izdavanje dozvola, potvrda i certifikata u oblasti civilnog zrakoplovstva i kontrole letenja, osnovana 1997. godine sa ciljem da odgovori obavezama Bosne i Hercegovine kao države članice Međunarodne organizacije civilnog zrakoplovstva (International Civil Aviation Organization […]

Istorijat Donošenjem Zakona o Državnoj Arhivi Kraljevine Srbije 2/14. decembra 1898. godine osnovan je Državni arhiv Srbije. Osnivanje Državnog Arhiva Srbije Ideja o osnivanju ustanove koja bi prikupljala i čuvala dokumenta koja su nastala radom državnih organa, institucija i pojedinaca prvi put se javlja na sastancima Društva srpske slovesnosti 1846. godine. Već sledeće godine u […]

Agencija za državnu službu je državna institucija Bosne i Hercegovine zadužena da osigura realizaciju procesa zapošljavanja državnih službenika na zahtjev institucija; da pomaže institucijama u realizaciji njihove kadrovske politike, organizacionog razvoja kao i pri uspostavljanju jedinstvenog informacionog sistema za upravljanje ljudskim resursima u institucijama BiH; osigurava obuku i razvoj državne službe; te obavlja i druge […]

O RHMZ RHMZ Srbije je referentna ustanova sa punom odgovornošću za izradu i prezentovanje prognoza vremena i voda, davanje upozorenja i najava za vanredne i opasne meteorološke i hidrološke pojave. Organizaciona struktura Međunarodni panel za klimatske promene – IPCC Zadatak IPCC je da na osnovu rezultata monitoringa i istraživanja u okviru Globalnog klimatskog osmatračkog sistema […]

Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu je posebna organizacija u sistemu državne uprave Republike Srbije u čijoj su nadležnosti poslovi koji se odnose na prava industrijske svojine i autorsko i srodna prava. Delokrug rada Zavoda za intelektualnu svojinu propisan je članom 36. stav 1. Zakona o ministarstvima („Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije”, br. 128/20 i 116/22). Na osnovu […]

Republički zavod za statistiku je posebna organizacija obrazovana u skladu sa članom 26. Zakona o ministarstvima („Službeni glasnik RS“, br. 44/14, 14/15, 54/15 i 96/15). Republički zavod za statistiku, u tom smislu, obavlja stručne poslove koji se odnose na donošenje programa, organizaciju i sprovođenje statističkih istraživanja, odnosno izradu metodologije, prikupljanje, obradu, statističku analizu i objavljivanje […]

We’re driving our increasingly connected digital society forward with innovative, award-winning technology. Our cloud-native, open and dynamic products and services will enable you to transform your business. Our purpose To enrich lives and progress society with creativity and technology A word from Shuky Sheffer, Amdocs president & CEO “I am proud of the way Amdocs […]

Starting from its foundation in year 1989, we are successfully organizing seminars, conferences and congresses, special arraignments and touristic travels. We are member of various international institutions, including IATA, ICCA, ASTA, YUTA, MCB, PCMA, ATG, SCB, Lufthansa City Center, EventArchitect group, etc. With more then 30 employees and numerous external cooperants, we are able to […]

Telenor Montenegro is a mobile phone operator in Montenegro. Organization Telenor Montenegro currently has 175 base stations which cover all main roads, the majority of tunnels and all the beaches and winter tourist centers in Montenegro. Telenor Montenegro’s signal covers 98% of the places where Montenegro’s inhabitants reside – much less than 50% of the territory of Montenegro. […]

m:tel is a telecommunications company in Montenegro. It is a 51-49% joint venture between Telekom Srbija and Telekom Srpske (Telekom Srbija owns 65% of Telekom Srpske).

The missions and tasks of the Serbian Armed Forces are defined by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the Constitution, and are based on the inalienable right of the Republic of Serbia on individual and collective defence, in accordance with Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations and […]

NETWORKS AND SERVICES: Operators of Electronic Communications <- Numbering Resources <- Number Portability <- Infrastructure for Shared Use <- Universal Service <- Monitoring of Network and Service Quality <- Monitoring of Operators’ Activities <- Conformity Assessment Procedure for the R&TTE <-

Skyworks Luxembourg S.à r.l. is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Management of Companies and Enterprises Industry. Skyworks Luxembourg S.à r.l. has 4 employees at this location and generates $1.92 billion in sales (USD). There are 45 companies in the Skyworks Luxembourg S.à r.l. corporate family.

AAM International S.à r.l. is located in Steinfort, Luxembourg and is part of the Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Industry. AAM International S.à r.l. has 1 employees at this location and generates $2.15 billion in sales (USD). There are 143 companies in the AAM International S.à r.l. corporate family.

Vodafone Procurement Company S. à r.l. is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services Industry. Vodafone Procurement Company S. à r.l. has 226 employees at this location and generates $8.82 billion in sales (USD). There are 2,855 companies in the Vodafone Procurement Company S. à r.l. corporate […]

Amazon Services Europe S.à r.l. is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services Industry. Amazon Services Europe S.à r.l. has 193 employees at this location and generates $20.95 billion in sales (USD). There are 2,525 companies in the Amazon Services Europe S.à r.l. corporate family.

Amazon Europe Core S.à r.l. is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services Industry. Amazon Europe Core S.à r.l. has 710 employees at this location and generates $8.51 billion in sales (USD). There are 2,525 companies in the Amazon Europe Core S.à r.l. corporate family

Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses Industry. Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. has 59 employees at this location and generates $945.95 million in sales (USD). There are 2,525 companies in the Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. corporate family.

Xylem Industries S.à.r.l. is located in Niederanven, Luxembourg and is part of the Management of Companies and Enterprises Industry. Xylem Industries S.à.r.l. has 1 employees at this location and generates $177,914 in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 432 companies in the Xylem Industries S.à.r.l. corporate family.

Mallinckrodt Lux IP S.à r.l. is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets (except Copyrighted Works) Industry. Mallinckrodt Lux IP S.à r.l. has 1 employees at this location and generates $1.49 billion in sales (USD). There are 152 companies in the Mallinckrodt Lux IP S.à r.l. corporate family.


Neopixl, a subsidiary of Smile’s group, an expert studio in mobile development. We design for and with our customers strategies and digital solutions with a simple focus on satisfying current and future users needs.

Astron is the European leader in pre-engineered steel buildings for industrial applications, commercial and retail outlets, storage, logistics, sports, leisure and parking. The complete steel buildings comprise the outer shell with the main structure, wall, roof and accessories. In the three production plants in Luxembourg, the Czech Republic and Russia some 70 buildings are individually […]

Artec 3D is a developer and manufacturer of 3D scanning hardware and software. The company is headquartered in Luxembourg, with offices also in the United States (Santa Clara, California), China (Shanghai), and Russia (Moscow). Artec 3D’s products and services are used in various industries, including engineering, healthcare, media and design, entertainment, education, fashion and historic preservation. In 2013, Artec 3D launched […]

RIX Technologies was established on 1 June 2001 and is one of the leading software development companies in Latvia. We offer development of high quality custom software thus helping our clients to ensure long-term growth and competitiveness. Our key lines of business Namejs is an ECM system allowing several institutions of one organisation to work […]

PRISA Televisión, S.A.U (PRISA TV) is a pay TV company in Spain. History and profile PRISA TV was established in 1989 and controlled (as of 2007) by PRISA. It was the first company to introduce interactive systems and specially digital television in Spain. In October 2010 the company changed its name from Sogecable to PRISA TV. The company mainly manages and […]

Pyro Mobile was a video game developer based in Madrid, Spain, established in 2012 as a merger between Play Wireless and Pyro Studios and eventually ceasing operations in the second half of 2017. It is mostly known for its real-time tactics games series, Commandos. Pyro Studios Pyro Studios was founded in 1996 with the purpose of developing quality video games. The result […]

Vodafone España, S.A.U. is a mobile telecommunications operator in Spain headquartered in Madrid. The company was founded in 2000, as a result of the merger of the shares held by Vodafone Group and British Telecommunications plc, and Airtel Móviles, S.A. Vodafone España offers GSM900/1800 MHz (2G), UMTS (3G), HSDPA (3.5G) and 4G LTE services in Spain.

IDAPT is a privately held Spanish company founded and headquartered in Barcelona with branches in US and Hong Kong. The company designs and manufactures mobile phone accessories, the first product being primarily a universal desktop charger based on a system of interchangeable tips. IDAPT was the first company to develop this interchangeable tip system for which it owns […]

NSoft d.o.o. Mostar is a B2B software development company settled in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina with clients from over 35 countries. NSoft is also a member of Bit Alliance, a non-government organization that gathers IT companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The company employs over 200 people. The main activity is software development and custom software solution for bookmakers and gaming industry including inhouse […]

HT Eronet, doing business as JP Hrvatske telekomunikacije d.d. Mostar, is a telecommunications company in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The company was created on after separating Hrvatska pošta Mostar (HP Mostar) and Hrvatske telekomunikacije (HT). HT Mostar was founded on 1 January 2003. Based on Company reorganization on 24 November 2006, HT Mobilne d.o.o. merged with HT Mostar thus becoming an integral […]

Dnevni avaz is the most influential and best-selling daily newspaper in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is published in Sarajevo. Their web is the third most visited website in Bosnia and Herzegovina, after Google and YouTube. Dnevni avaz evolved from a weekly publication Bošnjački avaz which was first published in September 1993. In 1994 it became known simply as Avaz and was published weekly in Bosnia and Herzegovina […]

RTV BN (Cyrillic: PTB БH) is a Bosnian radio-television company based in Bijeljina. The company was founded on 5 May 1998. RTV BN is currently the highest rated TV channel in Republika Srpska entity of BiH.[1] RTV BN has over 200 employees with news correspondents in BiH, Belgrade, London, US and Vienna, as well as other cities. RTV BN is currently available in Europe, North America (USA and […]

BH Telecom is a Bosnian telecommunication company, headquartered in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Company Profile The General Directorate of the company is located in Sarajevo. The seven regional BH Telecom directorates are located on the territory of the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina, having their main offices in Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zenica, Mostar, Bihać, Travnik, Brčko and Goražde. The company also includes the tenth biggest organizational unit in Bosnia and Herzegovina […]

Grundig Mobile was a brand licensed by Koç Holding of Turkey to Vitelcom of Spain for mobile phones and accessories. It was established in 2005. Grundig Mobile products were developed in conjunction with Purple Labs and SkySpring. The product portfolio covered a wide spectrum of mobile technology, beginning with the low cost a-series of phones and ending with UMTS and other high-end […]

CATUAV S.L. is a technology-based private company that offers aerial services using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Its headquarters are located in the Moià airfield in the BCN Drone Center, 40 km north of Barcelona, Spain. History CATUAV is a company involved in developing UAV technologies for aerial image acquisition purposes in Europe. The first UAV prototype was built in 2003, as a new business line […]

BRB Internacional S.A.U is a Spanish licensing and production company of animated television series as Around the World with Willy Fog, Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds and The World of David the Gnome. On 31st of January, 2018, WildBrain, a leading digital kids’ network & studio, has been appointed the exclusive global manager of BRB Internacional’s extensive catalogue of kids’ content on YouTube.

Atresmedia Corporación de Medios de Comunicación, S.A., previously Grupo Antena 3, is a Spanish media group, present in the television, radio and cinema industries. Significant shareholders include Planeta DeAgostini and RTL Group. On 6 March 2013 Grupo Antena 3 was renamed Atresmedia, thereby Antena 3 de Televisión changed to Atresmedia Televisión. Divisions Television Atresmedia operates several channels through Atresmedia […]

Akamon Entertainment is a developer and operator of social network games focused on the Latin-American and South European markets. The company offers multi-platform, multiplayer casino and traditional games with via portals, Facebook and mobile devices. Funding In May 2013 Akamon closed its first round of investment at $3.6 million, with which Bonsai Venture Capital and Axon Partners Group became shareholders, […]

3scale is an internet technology company that develops API management software. History 3scale was co-founded by Steven Willmott and Martin Tantow in 2007. A public beta began in November 2008. The company’s commercial product was released in March 2009. It sells API Management software called 3scale Connect and a premium version that comes with support and an SLA. A set of three additional APIs […]

Company Description At Infobip we dream big. We value creativity, persistence and innovation, passionately believing that it is through teamwork that we can all reach greater heights. Since 2006, we have been innovating at the edge of technological possibilities and are now shaping global communications of the future. Through 60+ offices on six continents, Infobip’s […]

Knjigovodstveni-računovodstveni servis Erva d.o.o. iz Murskog Središća utemeljeno je i započelo sa radom 1992.godine,te je u 2017.godini obilježio 25 godina rada. Sve te godine servis je na dispoziciji našim strankama,komitentima i poslovnim partnerima. U sklopu poduzeća djeluje i poslovnica sa sjedištem u Nedelišću koja također posluje već duže od 15 godina. Temeljni kapital društva uplaćen je […]

Esame interneto dizaino studija įsikūrusi Panevėžyje. Mūsų tikslas yra kurti inovatyvius, modernius ir šiuolaikiškus internetinius projektus. Turime patirties kuriant interneto svetaines, el. komercijos sprendimus, nestandartinius projektus, bei pritaikant egzistuojančias interneto svetaines mobiliesiems įrenginiams. Visuomet esame lojalūs ir lankstūs savo klientams, kadangi žinome, kad be šių savybių galima greitai atsilikti šiandieniniame verslo greitkelyje.

SERVICES We use our software design and development expertise to achieve quantifiable business goals.

Asseco Lithuania is a software development company belonging to Asseco Group. Asseco Group is a federation of companies engaged in information technology leaded by the Polish IT company Asseco Poland SA. According to the Truffle 100 ranking Asseco Group is among the top ten software vendors in Europe. The Group has over 28,000 employees. Asseco […]

We are a client-facing dynamic digital solution provider. With a focus of B2B & B2C marketing, our vision has shifted to a larger scale. Now, we work for B2E i.e. Business to Everyone. Cingant is a brainchild of a bunch of industry leaders who have exerted excellence in digital genre for over decades. With our […]

Sygic is a Slovak IT company of global automotive navigation systems for mobile phones and tablets. The company was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Bratislava, Slovakia. It became the first company to offer navigation for iPhone and second for Android. In 2015 Sygic reached milestone of 100 million downloads of its consumer Sygic GPS Navigation navigation app, today it has more […]

Slovenská pošta, a. s. (literally Slovak Post) is a state-owned company responsible for providing postal service in Slovakia established on 1 January 1993 when Slovakia became an independent state and became a public limited company owned by the state on 1 October 2004. It operates over 1,500 post offices throughout the country. It is also the third largest employer in […]

Slovak Telekom is the convergent telco provider with the largest internet, fixed-line, digital TV, ICT and mobile services portfolio. The company is 100% owned by Deutsche Telekom AG. The Slovak Telekom Group consists of the parent company Slovak Telekom a.s. and its subsidiaries Zoznam s.r.o., Zoznam Mobile s.r.o., Telekom Sec s.r.o., PosAm s.r.o., and DIGI SLOVAKIA […]