Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću „Monteput“ Podgorica je osnovano Odlukom Vlade Crne Gore 8. decembra 2005. godine. „Monteput“ d.o.o. je osnovan u svojstvu poslovnog nasljednika Direkcije za izgradnju autoputeva Crne Gore, koja je prestala sa radom 31.12.2005. godine, shodno Zakonu o putevima Službeni list broj 42/04. Monteput, kao privredno društvo, na osnovu odluke Vlade, zaduženo je za upravljanje […]
Where to go

Прво предузеће у Граду Чачку (ранији назив: општина Чачак), које се бавило пословима првобитних система грејања, Предузеће за комунално-стамбену привреду ”Чачак” Чачак, основано је 01. 04. 1965. године од пословне службе фонда и стамбених заједница Чачак. Трансформација предузећа извршена је 01. 01. 1966. године у Стамбено предузеће ”Чачак” Чачак, а 01. 07. 1974. године настала […]

Preduzeće je otpočelo sa radom u sklopu stambenog preduzeća 1972. godine. Tokom godina pretrpelo je niz transformacija, a pod imenom JKP ,,Gradska toplana” Novi Pazar postoji od 1999. godine. Pretežna delatnost toplane je snadbevanje parom i klimatizacija (šifra delatnosti 35.30), druge delatnosti kao što su: izgradnja cevovoda (šifra delatnosti 42.21), postavljanje vodovodnih, kanalizacionih, grejnih i […]

Odlukom Opštine Valjevo iz 1971.godine Zavod za stambenu izgradnju i komunalno vođenje gradskog zemljišta preregistrovano je u Stambeno komunalno preduzeće i pod tim nazivom posluje do 1972. godine, da bi se nakon toga transformisalo u Stambeno preduzeće i pod tim nazivom funkcioniše sve do 1985. godine. Osnovnim aktom Opštine Valjevo iz 1985. godine osnovano je […]

Vinarija Spajanjem obiteljskih poljoprivrednih gospodarstava Bošnjak i Faletar, 2006. godine osnovana je Poljoprivredna zadruga TRS. Pod imenom TRS plasiramo vino od berbe 2007. godine. Naša suradnja, međutim, datira od 2003. godine kada započinjemo vinsku proizvodnju s ukupnim kapacitetom podruma od oko 30.000 litara vina. Danas on iznosi 550.000 litara vina. Proizvodnja vina od 2003. MisijaNaša […]

Zavod obavlja i druge poslove od interesa za Republiku Srbiju, kao što su: izrada i štampanje geoloških karata razmere 1:25000 i sitnije razmere, izrada specijalističkih i tematskih geoloških karata (metalogenetskih, odnosno mineragenetskih, geomagnetskih, gravimetrijskih, radiometrijskih geohemijskih, hidrogeoloških,inženjerskgeoloških, strukturno-tektonskih, seizmičkih, geoekoloških i drugih), uključujući i izradu geoloških podloga za potrebe prostornog planiranja, vrši istraživanja i monitoring […]

Садашње Јавно предузеће “Нови Дом” Врање, први пут је формирано под овим именом од стране општине Врање 01. јануара 1966. године. У састав овог предузећа ушао је Општински фонд за изградњу станова и комунално предузеће.Делатност предузећа је била изградња друштвених станова и одржавање истих. Стамбени корисници Уговор о снабдевању топлотном енергијом за физичка лица по […]

Trgovačko društvo Vodomaterijal d.d. Vukovar osnovano je 1974. godine kao OOUR (osnovna organizacija udruženog rada) u tadašnjoj R.O. (radnoj organizaciji) Vodvovod grada Vukovara 01.01.1989. godine izdvaja se iz matične firme i od tada posluje samostalno. Zakonom o privatizaciji 1996. godine poduzeće prelazi u vlasništvo Hrvatskog fonda za privatizaciju, a tijekom 2000. godine bivši i tada […]

Delatnost i istorijat Institut za kukuruz „Zemun Polje“ sa 80 godina postojanja i uspešnog rada daje svoj značajan doprinos unapređenju poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Veliki broj stvorenih i priznatih ZP hibrida i sorti u zemlji i inostranstvu su rezultat uspešnog naučnoistraživačkog rada iz oblasti oplemenjivanja. U zemlji je priznato 822 ZP hibrida kukuruza, 9 sorti soje i […]

О удружењуПословно удружење “Топлане Србије” основано је 4. априла 1997. године, на Скупштини одржаној у Краљеву. Оснивачки акт потписало је 14 топлана. Удружење је основано ради унапређења међусобне сарадње, усаглашавања планова рада топлана, размене стручних искустава, усаглашавање цене грејања преко заједничких критеријума, заједничког наступа према министарствима, коморама, удружењима и другим институцијама. Топлане су основале удружење […]

PROIZVODNJA Osnovna djelatnost proizvodnje je izrada dijelova i modula za turbomlazne motore. Proizvodni kapaciteti, vrhunske tehnologije i obučeno stručno osoblje omogućavaju izradu najsloženijih dijelova, posebno onih od nerđajućih vatrootpornih čelika, titanovih, niklovih i drugih legura. Zahvaljujući prevashodno sopstvenim mogućnostima u oblasti mašinske obrade, “ORAO” proizvodi i najkompleksnije dijelove turbomlaznih motora. Do sada je osvojeno preko […]

Podrška klijenata je najbolja nagrada vrtni centar Instagram Your one stop place to shop for seedling flora, various plants, organic soil, organic fertilizer just out of town of Metković in the Neretva region of Dalmatia. 30 Kristian Usic Našu budućnost vidimo u održavanju postojeće kvantitete proizvodnje, povećanju kvalitete kroz uvođenje u proizvodnju sadnog materijala kategorije […]

Pažljivo stvaramo vrhunska vina iz Hercegovine Naša pričaNaša priča započela je davne 1958. godine, sadnjom prvog vinograda autohtonih hercegovačkih sorti Žilavka i Blatina na lokalitetu Dubrave pored Međugorja. Danas smo najveća vinarija u Bosni i Hercegovini s više od 300 ha vlastitih vinograda raspoređenih na nekoliko lokaliteta, točnije na području između Mostara, Međugorja i Čitluka. […]

Poznavati vina nije stvar elitizma ili imidža nego je stvar ličnog zadovoljstva i interesovanja. Strast prema vinu ne dijele samo vinogradari, enolozi i somelijeri nego i obični obožavaoci različitih vina. Vino se ne pije da bi se popilo, niti da se njime ugasi žeđ, vino se pije da bi se osjetilo i da bi se […]

The facilities of GPM Metal Ltd. are the most modern in the industry and they are continuously being modernized. The facilities in the production sector are designed for the quickest processing of all the operations and they are equipped with the most modern and automated machines in the sector. FACTORY EQUIPMENT:

We support industries that are environmentally conscious and improve quality of life through innovative products and services. As a tier-one interconnect solution company, BizLink has state-of-the-art facilities, advanced manufacturing processes, and professional research and development capabilities. Our vertically integrated business model includes manufacturing sites in the United States, Mexico, Slovakia, Serbia, China and Malaysia for […]

Preduzeće JARD d.o.o. je osnovano 2003. godine i u porodičnom je vlasništvu. Osnovna delatnost je proizvodnja nameštaja od pločastih materijala i prepravka i adaptacija tapaciranog nameštaja. Proizvodnja se odvija u sopstvenoj proizvodnoj hali koja se nalazi u Prokuplju.

The Foundry “METALURG” (processing and sales company) from Prokuplje was founded originally as a foundry shop “METALURG” in 1989, and in 1996 became a legal entity in the present day form. The technological casting processes applied in the production process are:– Casting in sand mixture on the basis of pattern– Gravity casting in metal moulds– […]

Kompaniju čine četiri fabrike strateški locirane na jugu Srbije: 1. IGM MLADOST d.o.o. Leskovac Proizvodnja keramičkog crepa 2. IGM MLADOST d.o.o. Leskovac – ogranak Mala Plana Proizvodnja bloka 3. IGM MLADOST d.o.o. Leskovac – ogranak Stalać Proizvodnja bloka 4. IGM MLADOST d.o.o. Leskovac – ogranak Vlasotince Proizvodnja bloka

PANELI GOLDA D.O.O. is located in PODGORICA, Montenegro and is part of the Paint, Coating, and Adhesive Manufacturing Industry. PANELI GOLDA D.O.O. has 13 total employees across all of its locations and generates $2.97 million in sales (USD). (Employees and Sales figures are modelled). There are 8 companies in the PANELI GOLDA D.O.O. corporate family.

STRATUS is located in PODGORICA, Montenegro and is part of the Converted Paper Product Manufacturing Industry. STRATUS has 43 employees at this location and generates $3.77 million in sales (USD). There are 6 companies in the STRATUS corporate family.

NOVI DUVANSKI KOMBINAT is located in PODGORICA, Montenegro and is part of the Tobacco Manufacturing Industry. NOVI DUVANSKI KOMBINAT has 62 employees at this location and generates $3.92 million in sales (USD).

HEMOMONT D.O.O. is located in PODGORICA, Montenegro and is part of the Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing Industry. HEMOMONT D.O.O. has 145 employees at this location and generates $26.80 million in sales (USD). There are 160 companies in the HEMOMONT D.O.O. corporate family.

COCA-COLA HELLENIC BOTTLING COMPANY-CRNA GORA is located in PODGORICA, Montenegro and is part of the Beverage Manufacturing Industry. COCA-COLA HELLENIC BOTTLING COMPANY-CRNA GORA has 26 employees at this location and generates $35.21 million in sales (USD). There are 236 companies in the COCA-COLA HELLENIC BOTTLING COMPANY-CRNA GORA corporate family.

WATER GROUP is located in KOLASIN, Montenegro and is part of the Beverage Manufacturing Industry. WATER GROUP has 38 employees at this location and generates $3.87 million in sales (USD).

IMPERIJAL D.O.O. is located in BIJELO POLJE, Montenegro and is part of the Other Wood Product Manufacturing Industry. IMPERIJAL D.O.O. has 48 employees at this location and generates $5.64 million in sales (USD).

UNIPROM is located in NIKSIC, Montenegro and is part of the Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processing Industry. UNIPROM has 94 employees at this location and generates $75.78 million in sales (USD). There are 3 companies in the UNIPROM corporate family.

BEMAX is located in PODGORICA, Montenegro and is part of the Cement and Concrete Product Manufacturing Industry. BEMAX has 212 employees at this location and generates $149.29 million in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the BEMAX corporate family.

Here you will find the door, window and shutters that suit you perfectly. Choose from an almost unlimited variety of different models and design options. We are a family business with an experienced team of experts. The success of the past few years has allowed us to expand our business. We know that strong customer […]

Domestic cured meat products of the company Zrnožit from Cetinje have occupied an important place on the tables of Montenegrin families since 1992. In addition to the long-standing tradition and recipe of the Kaludjerovic family, the unique climate of the slopes of the Lovcen mountain above the Cetinje field helps us in the production of […]

Private company Ltd. “MESO-PROMET” was founded on December 10, 1990 in Bijelo Polje. The main activity of the company is the purchase, production, processing and sale of meat and meat products. The company’s headquarters are in the north of Montenegro, favorable for the development of agriculture, in the industrial zone of Bijelo Polje, on an […]

Established in 1998 in Niksic, Montenegro, VH-Montenegro d.o.o. achieved steady organic growth while continually adapting to the demands of the market. Our heritage has been built on a vision of a successful modern company, having the desire for progress and development making best use of a wide selection of materials and design possibilities. We pride […]

OMORIKA GROUP consists of several companies, interconnected in ownership. It has its roots in a family business that was founded in 1989. The companies have representative offices in Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia. They developed their business activity in the Balkans and in the countries of Western and Eastern Europe. OMORIKA GROUP members are engaged in […]

CARLSBERG MONTENEGRO D.O.O. is located in PODGORICA, Montenegro and is part of the Beverage Manufacturing Industry. CARLSBERG MONTENEGRO D.O.O. has 11 employees at this location and generates $17.36 million in sales (USD). There are 333 companies in the CARLSBERG MONTENEGRO D.O.O. corporate family.

VOLI (full legal name: Voli Trade d.o.o.) is a Montenegrin retailer, with primary activity in operation of supermarkets. With over 2,000 employees, it is the largest employer in Montenegro. Overview The company was founded in 1995, and begun its operations with a single supermarket in Blok 5 neighbourhood of Podgorica. The company has been expanding its retail network ever since, […]

The Aluminium Plant Podgorica also known latterly as Uniprom KAP, is a Montenegrin aluminium smelter company located in Podgorica, Montenegro. Construction of an aluminium smelter in Montenegro was first proposed in the 1960s, when significant quantities of high quality bauxite ore were discovered near Nikšić. With support from Pechiney construction of KAP began in 1969, while production of aluminium began in 1971. The KAP produces its […]

A modest flagship of the Luxembourg brewing world, Brasserie Simon is as much a guardian of the soul of a good beer as it is a creative rebel. Rich in its independence, the company emphasizes the quality of its products and customer service to strengthen its Luxembourg roots.

DELATNOST Komunalna delatnost održavanja ulica i puteva na teritoriji grada Beograda obuhvata:– redovno održavanje ulica i opštinskih puteva i saniranje oštećenja nastalih intervencijama drugih komunalnih preduzeća.– održavanje putnog pojasa– održavanje ulica i opštinsikih puteva u zimskim uslovima – čišćenje od snega i leda– redovno održavanje putnih objekata – mostova, nadzemnih pešačkih pasarela, podzemnih pešačkih prolaza […]

Black & Decker Asia Manufacturing Holdings 1 S.àr.l. is located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg and is part of the Management of Companies and Enterprises Industry. Black & Decker Asia Manufacturing Holdings 1 S.àr.l. has 4 total employees across all of its locations and generates $1.56 billion in sales (USD). (Employees figure is modelled). There are 1,376 […]

GOODYEAR DUNLOP TIRES OPERATIONS S.A. is located in Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg and is part of the Rubber Product Manufacturing Industry. GOODYEAR DUNLOP TIRES OPERATIONS S.A. has 1,657 employees at this location and generates $3.77 billion in sales (USD). There are 1,969 companies in the GOODYEAR DUNLOP TIRES OPERATIONS S.A. corporate family.

All ALIPA companies manufacture quality products that ensure the safety of goods and people, whether they are plywood folding boxes, industrial packaging, articulated lifting rings or lifting accessories. Every Group employee knows that non-compliance can damage the goods that customers ask to protect and, more seriously, endanger people. Everyone is aware that each stage of production and sales […]

UNITED CAPS (formerly PROCAP) is a visionary international pioneer in the packaging industry. Our closures and teams enable Total Packaging Solutions with the help of superior innovation, differentiated design, pioneering use of technology and exceptional services. Powered by our unique operating system that rests upon the strategic pillars of RELATE, PERFORM and SUSTAIN, UNITED CAPS […]

The high quality of our wines comes from the producers’ intrinsic understanding of nature, grape varieties perfectly suited to the terroir, and an unrivalled technical know-how, born out of years of regional tradition. These qualities are reflected in every one of our wines.

At Carlex, we know serving a car owner ultimately means better serving car manufacturers and designers and those who service and repair cars. It also means providing the proper tools to our glassmakers, the people at the heart of our reputation for technology, quality and timely delivery. Our aim is to improve every interaction to […]

From its inception in 1956, when company founder Dr. Seiuemon Inaba first pioneered the concept of numerical control (NC), FANUC has been at the forefront of a worldwide manufacturing revolution. Evolving from the automation of a single piece of machinery in the late 1950s to the automation of entire production lines in the following decades, […]

Since 1988 SISTO Armaturen S.A is an associated company of the KSB Group, a globally active manufacturer and provider of pumps, valves and service, as well as of SNCI, a Luxembourgian public-law banking institution. SISTO has about 150 employees developing and producing diaphragm valves at Echternach, Luxembourg. Based on advanced simulation methods and the experience […]

With a large range of pumps and valves, KSB specialises in providing all-in solutions for most applications. Throughout the life cycle of your system, you can depend on sound technical advice, smart automation and reliable service. In short, KSB not only sells pumps and valves, KSB goes above and beyond – far beyond.

We are radically changing how steel is made for the 21st century. We manufacture a product critical for human progress. We are committed to long-term, responsible and positive action. Enabling a green transition will benefit wider society and future generations. GFG’s guiding values make LIBERTY Steel unique in our approach to business.

Inceptua Group (formerly Multipharma) – pharmaceutical company and service partner – works with life sciences companies of all sizes, drawing on over 20 years of industry experience. The group was founded in 1997, initially focused on providing medication for named patient programs, and delivering products and services for clinical trials. Later the company was expanded […]

C2 PHARMA is a pharmaceutical group established in 2014. It manufactures and distributes active pharmaceutical ingredients (APls) and complex chemical compounds obtained from natural and synthetic origins. The current API product portfolio includes atropine, digoxin, homatropine, pilocarpine, and N-butylbromide scopolamine/hyoscine (SNBB), and reaches more than 100 pharmaceutical companies across the United States, Western and Eastern Europe, […]

Gold & Wood is a manufacturer of high-end hand-crafted eyeglasses and sunglasses. The company was founded in 1995 by Maurice Leonard and has its production facilities in Luxembourg. Gold & Wood uses precious materials like diamonds, gold, wood taken from authorised and supervised plantations, and buffalo horn from animals that are not harmed in the process, with their horns growing […]

Brasserie Nationale is the largest brewery in Luxembourg, based in Bascharage. They also export to Belgium, France, China, and since 2014 in the United States. They brew beer under the brand name Bofferding and since taking over in 2004 Battin. The Brasserie Nationale was born in 1975 from the fusion of two breweries: The Brasserie Bofferding, founded by Jean-Baptiste Bofferding in 1842, and the Brasserie Funck-Bricher founded in 1764.

ArcelorMittal S.A. is a Luxembourgish multinationalsteel manufacturing corporation headquartered in Luxembourg City. It was formed in 2006 from the takeover and merger of Arcelor by Indian-owned Mittal Steel. ArcelorMittal is the second largest steel producer in the world, with an annual crude steel production of 78.5 million metric tonnes as of 2018. It is ranked 120th in the 2019 Fortune Global 500 ranking of the world’s largest corporations. […]

Main Menu Search for: Search The name of Valmiermuiža has been etched into the annals of history since the turn of the 14th century, due to the existence of an impressive tavern that belonged to Valmiera Castle, where patrons could buy beer brewed by the Lord of the Manor. Originally, Valmiera Manor was located near […]

3 sites in the group: Babite, Latvia:SIA Swiss flavours – headquarters Pskov, Russia:OOO Swiss flavours – Russian subsidiary Lodz, Poland:Polish sales office

iCotton is an international company manufacturing high-quality hygiene and cosmetic products. iCotton was founded in Liepaja, Latvia in 2012 Key facts: Total area of the warehouse facilities is over 15,000 m2. Staff – 200 employees Main clients based in the EU, Scandinavia, and the CIS countries. Supported by: Ministry of Economy of Latvia; Investments and […]

Joint Stock Company “Liepājas Papīrs” is one of the leading production companies in the printing industry in the Baltics. The main activity of the company is printing of various stickers and labels, which includes full range of services – development of the design and layout, production of films and printing plates, post-processing of the printed material, […]