The marine area of 1.4 ha has 30 pontoons made according to the state-of-the-art Swedish technology of lightweight concrete. In the marina complex there is a home for water sports, an administrative building, apartments, a gas station, a restaurant. Building of this complex started in 2006. The project of marina made “Hidroinvest”, Novi Sad. The […]
Where to go

Hotel Budva is set in the center of Budva, right on the seaside promenade and just steps away from the sandy Slovenska Beach and Marina. It features an on-site restaurant, bar and a wellness center. Free WiFi is available throughout the hotel. City ViewHotel Budva is 550 m from the centre of Budva and everything […]

Hotel Fontana is the only hotel in Vrnjacka Banja located at the crossroad of nature and love. Right next to the park, which spreads over 60 ha of land, and yet 68 steps from the famous ’’Bride of Love’’ and the main pedestrian street Promenada. With its catering tradition of over 55 years, it has […]

Indulge yourself at the 4-star Casino Hotel Paris in the centre of beautiful Opatija. Relax in the spa oasis. Try your luck in the casino. Taste the culinary specialities at the Butter & Salt Restaurant Bar with a glass of quality wine! The hotel features a large, modern beauty center with a hair salon, which […]

Boravak u našim objektima okruženim zelenilom garantuje Vam odmor i beg od svakodnevnog stresa. Obala jezera Palić idealna je za duge šetnje, a dan možete upotpuniti jedinstvenim gastronomskim doživljajem u našim restoranima ili posetom akva parku i spa centru. U samom srcu Palića, kao i njegove istorijeSvi naši objekti nalaze se neposredno uz obalu jezera […]

Спортски центар је изграђен 1979. године, и свој рад је започео у оквиру СИЗ-а за спортску културу. Већ следеће, 1980. године се издваја и самостално почиње да ради као Установа Спортски центар, Смедерево. У то време, је пуштено у рад отворено клизалиште, а преко лета се исти простор (терен) користио за мали фудба, рукомет и […]

Welcome to the best five-star deluxe hotel in Belgrade. It has a perfect location which is only a couple of minutes away from the National Theater, Knez Mihailova Street, the National Museum, Botanical Garden Jevremovac, the bohemian quarter Skadarlija and the medieval Kalemegdan Fortress. Like no other hotel in Serbia, Prezident Palace Belgrade Hotel represents […]

Na izlazu iz Bijeljine, na trećem kilometru prema Pavlovića mostu, nalazi se Etno Selo Stanišići. Etno selo Stanišići, izvan sadašnjeg vremena i prostora, vraća nas precima i prirodi, i budi u nama divljenje prema jednostavnosti nekadašnjeg načina života. Ovdje se odmaraju oči i duša, čovjek postaje plemenitiji, ali i mudriji slušajući žuborenje potoka i rad […]

DOŽIVI AVANTURU KRALJEVSKI VIKEND TIHI WELLNESS O nama Kompleks “Terme Ozren” nalazi se u Kakmužu, planinskom naselju u opštini Petrovo na 25 kilometara udaljenosti od grada Doboja. Na ovom prostoru je još davne 1978. godine akademik Josip Bać otkrio nalazišta termomineralne hidrokarbonatne vode koja su kasnije pretvorena u banju. Sposobnost ove vode da ljekovito utiče […]

ZA UŽITAK BEZ KRAJA Banja Ždrelo nalazi se u Istočnoj Srbiji u podnožju Homoljskih planina, u dolini reke Mlave. Slobodno možemo reći da je Banja Ždrelo banja novih generacija i svojim jedinstvenim izgledom polako dobija titulu lidera među banjama u našoj zemlji a i šire. Standard soba Superior soba Detaljnije Lux soba O nama Banja […]

The Municipal Sports Centre was created in 1991 next to the Ayios Demetrios park, between the Makarios Hospital and the English School, in 20 Koritsas street, 2012 Strovolos. It has four futsal pitches, four tennis courts, a track (ceramic powder), eight outdoor fitness instruments, washrooms-changing rooms, one administration office, etc. In the context of the […]

Valmiera Olympic Centre promote the development of sport in Valmiera and Vidzeme region. We have created a qualitative sports centre for educational and training activities available for inhabitants of the region. Also we provide best conditions for professional athletes and sports teams. Universal hall Universal sports hall is a multifunctional sports and entertainment arena. The […]

SERVICES: MAIN SWIMMING POOL “Valmiera Large Swimming Pool with its 8 swimming lanes is suitable both for aduls and for children. The size of it is 21 x 25 m, its depth is 1.20-2.20 m. Here you can have both a professional training and a pleasant relaxation after a long working day. The grandstand of […]

The health sports club VIP aims to promote a healthy lifestyle, educating people about healthy lifestyle issues and offering regular physical activities. VIP Health sports club offers the following classes: TRX, bodyART, PILATES, deepWork, ZUMBA, therapeutic exercises, strength training. Private classes are also available.

Magic Wellness & fitness – a place ruled by healthy beauty! The lymphatic stimulation massage offered by Magic Wellness & fitness enhances the natural purification processes in the body, and helps strengthen the immune system. This is a quick, easy and healthy way to lose excess weight and reduce body fat. By prior appointment.

The Water attractions and SPA complex of Ventspils Water Amusement Park comprises two parts: the part of water attractions; the SPA part. Air temperature in the complex is about + 28˚C, in the waving pool that is connected with the slides it is about + 26˚C, but in the children’s swimming pool, massage baths and […]

Owners of the equity captal of the Olympic Centre “Ventspils” are Ventspils City Municipality and Latvian Olympic Committee. The idea bout creation of Olympic centres in Latvia first appeared at the end of the year 1994 when first Olympic centres in Ventspils and Daugavpils were created. In 2009, such centres were working as independent sports […]

We work SeasonMAY – SEPTEMBERevery day from 8:00 – 22:00 Off seasonOCTOBER – APRIL Drive by car From Riga center to Jurmala direction by K. Ulmaņa street / A10. Before Jurmala bridge turn right to Priedaine direction. Come on Babite street 1 km till the railway crossroad. Exactly after railway crossroad turn left on gravel road. […]

Working time (Opening times may vary depending on weather conditions!) From Riga to Līvu Akvaparks you can get:

Open from 10:00 to 20:00 Champions obstacles World champion Martins Dukurs skeleton at Red track Two-fold Olympic champions Maris Strombergs BMX bike at Black track World and Olympic medalists brothers Šics sleigh at Power track Most trustful safety system Obstacle park is equipped with a new generation safety system of Swiss company Kanopeo providing that each visitor of the park is […]

W 2015 roku zainicjowaliśmy pomysł na wykorzystanie i zachowanie dziedzictwa przemysłowego w postaci linii kolejowej nr 103 wraz z infrastrukturą kolejową. Piękna historia, z którą związana jest przeważająca część mieszkańców okolicznych miejscowości mogła bezpowrotnie utracić swój status z powodu planów przekształcenia linii na ścieżkę rowerową. Dostrzegając potencjał linii kolejowej, walorów przyrodniczych, geologicznych i kulturowych nie […]

RADNO VRIJEME08-18h Centar se sastoji od 6 otvorenih zemljanih terena na kojima se odvijaju treninzi i natjecanja po svim dobnim skupinama u periodu od početka ožujka pa do početka studenog. Na terenima se odvijaju programi rekreacije, škole tenisa, natjecanja kroz turnire u svim uzrastima (djeca, rekreativci, veterani..), veteranska liga Slavonije i Baranje. U dugoročnom planu je osiguravanje […]

RADNO VRIJEME8:00 – 22:00 h Sportsko rekreacijski centar Lijeva bara smješten je u Vukovaru na adresi Ul. Stanka Vraza 19B. Sastoji se od vanjskih terena za košarku, nogomet tenis i odbojku, zgrade u kojoj se nalaze uređen prostor za borilačke sportove, društvene prostorije sa sanitarnim čvorom koje koriste udruge i klubovi grada Vukovara. Na samom ulazu nalazi […]

RADNO VRIJEME08-22h Objekt na lokaciji u Vukovaru, Trg Dražena Petrovića 2, po namjeni je sportsko-komercijalni prostor veličine 6.679,65 m2 bruto razvijene površine te je po karakteristikama sportsko-rekreacijske namjene. Sportska dvorana je zgrada pravokutnog oblika ukupnih tlocrtnih gabarita 85,32×66,33 m. Sastoji se od velike dvorane, male dvorane, dvije teretane, gimnastičke dvorane, dvorane za boks, kuglane, svlačionica, sanitarnih […]

RADNO VRIJEME Svaki dan: 8.00 – 22.00 h Bazeni su sagrađeni od strane investitora Fonada za obnovu i razvoj grada Vukovar FORGV. Investicija je započela početkom 2011. godine te se planirani početak rada je studeni 2016 godine. Tlocrtna površina objekta je 5.128,2m2 uz izgrađenost parcele 59% (maksimum je 60% prema uvjetima građenja). Glavni prilaz objektu je […]

The EVEXIA Rehabilitation Center is the leading medical rehabilitation center in Greece that operates under the strict standards of the Integrated Quality Management System, international certifications (Temos: Quality in International Rehabilitation Care – ISO 9001 – ISO 22000) and international awards. Evexia Clinic treats patients with the following diagnoses: spinal injuries; cerebral palsy and malformations; […]

Mehiläinen Neo Sports Hospital – Orthopedic and Sports Clinic – is one of the leading centers in Finland and Scandinavia for the treatment and diagnosis of sports injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders. The hospital has been internationally ranked by the Monocle magazine to be one the best of its kind in Finland and in the […]

The most prestigious marathon in Central Europe with the IAAF golden mark of quality! The start and finish of the race, which ranks among the top ten marathons in the world, is on Old Town Square in the historic center of Prague. Perhaps no runner will forget the first few strides of the marathon to […]

This international track and field competition in Ostrava creates a great sporting spectacle every year. Ostrava, which won the prestigious title of European City of Sport in 2014, holds the annual IAAF Super Grand Prix track and field meeting Golden Spike. All the stars of track and field, including the best Czech athletes, come to […]

The World Cup stops in Nové Město in Moravia. As in the past years, fans will again see the world’s best in cross-country in the Czech Republic. The MTB World Cup race will be hosted at the Vysočina Arena in Nové Město in Moravia. In addition to the main races, it offers a rich program […]

Havlickuv Brod – Okrouhlicka – Vysoka – Havlickuv Brod (28 km)From Havlíčkův Brod we take the cycle route No. 4153 towards Lípa. We pass through the village of Petrkov, where there is a spa building from 1777 (off the route) and a Baroque chateau from the second half of the 18th century, the birthplace of the […]

Robinson Family Park is the largest indoor amusement park in the Vysočina Region. On an area of 2500 m 2 there are dozens of original children’s attractions. And not only that. Robinson offers entertainment for everyone from 0 to 99 years. While the children have fun in the playroom, you can chat over coffee, surf […]

The mining company OKD has completed the reclamation of large areas between the Karviná and Darkov mines. In an area formerly affected by mining, which until recently bore traces of mining activity, a natural area with an eighteen-hole golf course suitable for both professional and amateur players has sprung up. While experienced golfers will discover the […]

Climb on the green roof of Europe in the Šumava National Park! Few places in Central Europe offer such a harmonious landscape as the Šumava National Park. The deep forests on the Czech-Bavarian border are so vast as to form the largest forested area on the continent. A combination of centuries-old primaeval forests, crystal-clear glacial […]

In 2020, the swimming pool underwent extensive reconstruction. You can use a large pool with a slide and other attractions, and for small visitors there is a small pool.In preparing the project, handicapped fellow citizens were also considered. There are special jacks and steps to make it easier for them to enter the pool. The camp adjacent […]

The Thermalium is a part of the Beethoven Spa House, it is located in the heart of the town and its complex includes a total of 12 historic and 1 modern building, and it is surrounded by The Chateau Garden and the Spa Park. You will find a complex of thermal pools, which are open […]

The Terezín Fortress has had several riding stables since the 18th century. However, they were all outdoor. It was only 80 years later that a new indoor riding school was built near the Equestrian (now Magdeburg) barracks. Its construction was designed in the years 1860 – 1861 and a year later it was completed. Probably in connection with […]

The Třeboň Basin is one of the richest deposits of peat and bog in our country. Peat belongs to the so-called peloids, which are natural substances created by geological processes. Peat has beneficial effects on the human body and its properties have been used in spas for many years. It is on this natural resource that the local […]

Znojmo – Králův stolec – Znojmo Length: 13 km (8 miles) The route to one of the most popular vantage points in the vicinity of Znojmo begins at a crossroads sign Znojmo – hrad (Znojmo – castle) at the end of Přemyslovců street. From here you will follow the blue trail marks and go along the […]

The Krkonoše Beer Trail is 35 kilometres long. It connects four microbreweries. The trail leads through the most beautiful parts of the Krkonoše Mountains and you can combine it with a hike to the highest mountain, Sněžka, however, the breweries are the main destinations. And if you manage to drink at least two beers at […]

Treat yourself to perfect skiing in Špindlerův Mlýn! Just as France has its Chamonix and the United States its Aspen, the Czech Republic has Špindlerův Mlýn. If you visit the most famous Czech mountain resort you will find 25 kilometres of groomed ski slopes, 3 snow parks, a U-ramp, 5 chairlifts, 11 ski lifts, 2 […]

Baja Bikes is the biggest tour operator worldwide for bike tours, offering guided tours and bike rental in nearly 200 cities and destinations. Tours are led in English with local guides, and are designed to show the highlights of the city in around three hours in a relaxed and entertaining way. Take a tour at […]

The Muttersberg single trail is a great mountain bike experience. With more than 700 vertical meters covering almost 5 km its an almost endless gravity experience. The trail starts at the cable car mountain station at 1,401 m and was created as a multi-trail, where each section has its own character, A bike experience of […]

At this bike point of De Fietsambassade in the city centre, you can rent a bicycle. There are five wheelchairs available for people with reduced mobility and you can also rent a buggy.

The Hospital of Albi is an establishment of modern care to c œ heart of the city: all inpatient services are renovated or new, the technical platform is complete (MRI, scanner, operating theater …), technical medical devices are also among the most innovative (video capsules, hybrid gamma camera, etc.). The patients of the Center Hospitalier d’Albi benefit […]

Hess Medical Ltd. was established in 2017 as a startup for the development of smarter healthcare solutions. Three years into running some highly competent people joined the team which marked the start of a project codenamed Human Performance Centre.

At Šmarješke Toplice, the beauty of the Lower Carniola region and its mild climate perfectly complement the healing effects of the thermal spring water. You can complete a popular weight loss programme or fast under professional supervision programme complete with medical supervision. Šmarješke Toplice is a pioneering health and wellness resort. Indulge in the rejuvenating […]

A Health Spa with a 400-year-old tradition carries out comprehensive medical treatment of a patient, and an individually tailored treatment programme. With its 400-year old tradition, the Rogaška Medical Centre is one of the leading health spas in Slovenia and a popular European health spa. Specialization for the treatment and relief of chronic gastroenterological, metabolic, managers’ and other diseases is made easy […]