Work units Hygiene and Waste CollectionWaste and Garbage DisposalSanitary and Similar Activities Public Cleanliness and GreeneryStreet cleaning, maintenance of parks, green and recreational areas, as well as other public and non-public green spaces. CemeteryFunerals and Other Activities Markets and FairsOrganization of Markets and Fairs Sector for Operational and Technical Affairs of Public and Unclassified RoadsManagement, […]

Centre for Ecotoxicological Research is recognized, in the region and broader, for its expertise and reliability of its analyses, always available in the market with competitive prices. On our new and modern website, you will find all the information related to our institution, as well as all the services offered by CETI. We have tried […]

The Public Utility Company “Standard” Šid was established to ensure the continuous performance of activities of general interest, as well as to regularly meet the needs of users of products and services, particularly for: Services City GreeneryThe maintenance of green spaces includes the upkeep of parks, tree-lined streets, green oases, flower beds, roadsides, courtyards, cemeteries, […]

Javno preduzeće „PUT“ Кrupanj osnovano je 29. 05. 1998.godine, a 30.06.1998.godine upisano u sudski registar Privrednog suda u Valjevu,uložak broj 1-15645-00. Odlukom o izmenama i dopunama Odluke o osnivanju od 01.03.2000.godine, izvršeno je usaglašavanje šifara delatnosti po do tada važećim propisima, a 19. 03. 2005.godine na osnovu Zakona o privrednim društvima izvršeno je prevođenje u […]

Јавно предузеће „Комуналац“ се прво формирао као установа „Чистоћа“, а од 1955. године као комунално предузеће за вршење чистоће, кафилерије и других комуналних услуга. У оквиру РО „Компред“ од 1970. године „Комуналац“ послује као једна од његових ООУР-а, а 1985. године издваја се из састава ове Радне организације и региструје се као посебна РО „Комуналац“. […]

Javno komunalno preduzeće „12 SEPTEMBAR“ Bajina Bašta nastalo je pripajanjem KP „12 Septembar“ i JKP „Komunalac“, odlukom Skupštine opštine Bajina Bašta, krajem 2005. godine. Preduzeće, kao javno počinje sa radom 1. avgusta 2006. godine. Dakle, JKP „12 SEPTEMBAR“ Bajina Bašta je pravni sledbenik KP „12 Septembar“ i KP „Komunalac“. JKP „12 SEPTEMBAR“ Bajina Bašta je […]

Komunalne delatnosti JP “Komunalac” su: odvoz, deponovanje i saniranje čvrstog komunalnog otpada, iznošenje, deponovanje i saniranje fekalija, održavanje higijene na javnim površinama, zoo-higijeničarska služba sa prihvatilištem za pse i mačke lutalice, staranje o gradskim grobljima i pružanje pogrebnih usluga, održavanje i podizanje zelenih površina u gradu, organizovanje mešovite (gradske) i stočne pijace i mesečnog vašara, […]

cilju što adekvatnijeg obavljanja komunalne službe, opština je 1948. godine osnovala Gradsko komunalno preduzeće, preteču današnjeg Javnog preduzeća „Standard“. Početak rada preduzeća bio je težak jer nije bilo materijalnih sredstava za rad, čišćenje i prevoz smeća. Tokom 1953. godine Gradsko komunalno preduzeće menja naziv u Privredno komunalnu ustanovu koja već naredne godine prerasta u Komunalno […]

Kao dio hrvatskog sustava gospodarenja otpadom svojim radom sudjelujemo u stvaranju ljepšeg okoliša i bolje budućnosti, te nudimo kreativna rješenja i primjere dobre prakse u skladu s načelima zaštite okoliša, društvene prihvatljivosti i ekonomičnosti. GOSPODARENJE OTPADOM Propisi u gospodarenju otpadom Redovni odvoz miješanog komunalnog otpada Odvoz razvrstanog otpada Gradsko odlagalište u Belom Manastiru Reciklažna dvorišta […]

Delatnost JKP “Zelenilo Beograd” je: – Projektovanje javnih zelenih površina– Uređivanje i održavanje javnih zelenih površina, obala i priobalja– Održavanje javnih sanitarnih objekata– Proizvodnja i popravka parkovskih, sportskih i drugih rekvizita– Proizvodnja cveća i ukrasnog bilja i popunjavanja sadnica u park-šumama


With a large range of pumps and valves, KSB specialises in providing all-in solutions for most applications. Throughout the life cycle of your system, you can depend on sound technical advice, smart automation and reliable service. In short, KSB not only sells pumps and valves, KSB goes above and beyond – far beyond.

Firma Długosz Andrzej „Eko-Anwa” Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe działa na rynku lokalnym od 2000 roku. Posiadamy wieloletnie doświadczenie w branży grzewczej i klimatyzacyjnej, co również przekłada się na bogato zdobyte doświadczenie jak i również szeroko pojętą wiedze. Cyklicznie bierzemy udział w szkoleniach organizowanych przez producentów. Korzystamy z nowoczesnych urządzeń diagnostycznych i profesjonalnych narzędzi serwisowych. Zajmujemy się doborem, […]

Abengoa, S.A. is a Spanish multinational company in the green infrastructure, energy and water sectors. The company was founded in 1941 by Javier Benjumea Puigcerver and José Manuel Abaurre Fernández-Pasalagua, and is based in Seville, Spain. Its current chairman is Gonzalo Urquijo Fernández de Araoz. After repeated bankruptcies and rescues, it declared insolvency in February 2021 amid various regulatory and financial charges […]

Djelatnosti: komunalne, ostale tržišne djelatnosti. Radno vrijeme za rad sa strankama: Ponedjeljak, Srijeda, Četvrtak 07:30 – 10:30, Utorak 13:00 – 16:00, Petak ne radimo sa strankama

Gradsko komunalno poduzeće PRE-KOM osnovano je 05.03.2002. godine od strane Grada Preloga kao jedinog osnivača, početkom 2014. godine izvršena je dokapitalizacija PRE-KOM od strane donjo Međimurskih Općina (Goričan, D. Kraljevec, Sv. Marija, D. Vidovec, D. Dubrava, Kotoriba). Krajem 2016. Općine Belica i Dekanovec, te  krajem 2017. godine Općina Domašinec kupile su udjele u PRE-KOM-u od […]

Radno vrijeme Blagajna od 01. lipnja 2020. godine radi:  Radnim danom 08:00 – 14:00 sati  Subotom, nedjeljom i blagdanom zatvoreno. Molimo korisnike da se i dalje pridržavaju epidemioloških mjera propisanih od strane Zavoda za javno zdravstvo. Reciklažno dvorište Ponedjeljak: 09:00 – 12:00 sati Srijeda: 15:00 – 18:00 sati Petak: 09:00 – 12:00 sati Subota: 09:00 – 11:00 sati

Usluge: Gospodarenje otpadom, groblje i pogrebne usluge, javne i zelene površine, parkiralište, trgovina, tržnica, sajmište, mehaničarsko bravarska radiona, kamenoklesarske usluge.

Usluge: groblje, higijena, reciklažno dvorište, zelenilo i čistoća, tržnica i autobusni kolodvor.

Naša tvrtka je malo poduzeće koje se bavi kako trgovinom tako i proizvodnjom i dizajniranjem namještaja po mjeri ( kuhinje, spavaće i dječije sobe, uredski namještaj, stolovi i stolići, ugradbeni ormari…..), te uslužnim rezanjem pločastih iverala.

Primarne djelatnosti Vranjeva su komunalne naravi, odnosno održavanje javnih površina, odvoz komunalnog otpada, održavanje gradskog groblja i pogreba, izgradnja kanalizacijske i vodovodne mreže, javne rasvjete, kao i razni građevinski poslovi koji se obavljaju po potrebi. U svojoj  djelatnosti „Vranjevo d.o.o.“ svakodnevno surađuje sa županijskim i  lokalnim upravnim organima, nadležnim za poslove komunalnog  gospodarstva kako bi […]

Kom-Ilok d.o.o. nastao je razdvajanjem društva Komunalije d.o.o. za obavljanje komunalnih djelatnosti. Novo društvo pravni je sljednik društva Komunalije d.o.o. temeljem provedenog postupka  podjele s osnivanjem i sa svojim radom započelo je 19.prosinca 2013.godine. Grad Ilok je jedini osnivač društva Kom-Ilok d.o.o. i stopostotni vlasnik. U poslovanju društva Kom-Ilok d.o.o. obuhvaćene su sljedeće djelatnosti: gospodarenje […]

Akumplast AD is a private company founded in the early eighties of the 20th century. The main purpose of the Company is the production of plastic battery boxes made of polypropylene. Acumplast AD manufactures the first Polypropylene battery box in Bulgaria, replacing the previously used ebonite boxes. From then until today the company specializes in the […]

With our process experience, we build installations for different industries. The focus of RDW Processing is on industries where aggressive and contaminated liquidsare applied.  Our goal is to play an active role in the circulation, transportation, storage and recycling of these liquids. The industries we focus on often use aggressive mixes for which plastic material is ideally suited […]

Aurubis is a leading worldwide provider of non-ferrous metals. We process complex metal concentrates and diverse recycling raw materials. Aurubis is the global leader for copper recycling. Aurubis produces high-purity, high-quality copper from copper concentrates and recycling materials and processes it into intermediate products. Copper scrap and a variety of other recycling materials are reintroduced to […]

Strong in fireproof work Refractory linings in waste incinerators, oil crackers, gasifiers and melting furnaces, among others, must not only be installed, but also rebuilt and maintained. In all cases of complete projects, failures, maintenance or a day job, the specialists of Gouda Vuurvast Services are ready. A network of field staff spread across the country ensures […]

We at Smurfit Kappa Roermond Papier want nothing more than to be meaningful. For each other, for others and for our environment. We produce new paper from old paper; the basis for sustainable packaging made of corrugated board. We are driven, result-oriented and know how to tackle things. At the same time, we go a step further and dare […]

We recycle ferro and non-ferro materials. So we keep valuable raw materials in the chain. Every year we process around 500,000 tons of material, originating from collectors, scrap companies and metalworking industries throughout Western Europe. Recycling is the core activity of Jansen Recycling Group. We are market leader in recycling various kinds of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. We also possess […]

In our beautiful business premises on the Flevopoort IV industrial estate in Lelystad, we are engaged in the production and supply of flexible polyurethane foams. This centrally located location is easily accessible from all over the country, including from Belgium and Germany. We also have plenty of room here to expand and focus on the future. UXEM currently […]

With a passion for technology and composites, we often develop and produce larger, technically advanced composite constructions. We think in terms of total solutions and unburden the client. We were founded in 1992 and have a varied track record of composite projects. From high-quality single pieces as a special project, to serial solutions, especially for the offshore […]

We are the Zuiderzeeland Water Board. Our working area is located at the bottom of the former Zuiderzee. At the bottom of our low land. From Lemstervaart to Almere and from Urk to Drontermeerdijk. Here you will find our treatment plants, pumping stations and dikes. With this we work on clean and sufficient water. And we ensure that people can […]

Ardagh​​ Group is a global supplier of infinitely recyclable, metal and glass packaging for the world’s leading brands. The consistent pursuit of market-leading innovation, quality and customer service, backed by investment in our people and processes, underpins everything we do. We remain focused on continuous improvement in all aspects of our business to deliver long-term, sustainable success […]


N and T Construction (NNT) was established in 2011 and is a 100% Black Owned Company. We specialize in the maintenance, refurbishment and fabrication of industrial / mechanical components for the power generation and mining industries. Our field of specialization in maintenance is Milling Plant, PF Pipes, PF Burners, Flue Gas Ducting’s as well as […]

The Good Plastic Company is a mission-driven organisation that is determined to contribute to solving the problem of the 400 million tonnes of plastic waste that are generated annually. Plastic waste pollutes our oceans and affects our food chain and more; we want to address one of humanity’s greatest challenges We produce environmentally friendly recycled […]

At Tvilight, our mission is to contribute to the creation of sustainable and connected cities. We support this mission by offering best-in-class sensor-based smart street lighting solutions that allow cutting down the energy costs and creating a livable and safe environment for urban citizens. We seek to unleash the full potential of sensor technology and wireless […]

Inspiring science, enhancing life As a global leader in sustainable technologies, we apply our cutting-edge science to create solutions with our customers that make a real difference to the world around us. We’ve been leaders in our field for more than 200 years, applying unrivalled scientific expertise to enable cleaner air, improved health and the […]

Packaging with Emotions Glass is enchanting and versatile. So when we collaborate with our customers, astounding things emerge. We’re passionate about sharing our love for glass to build brands through enticing and iconic packaging. Driven by Transformation “It can be done” was the personal motto of our founder, Michael J Owens. More than a century […]

We all live in a beautiful and well-organized country and we would like to keep it that way. Better still, we want to make our living environment more beautiful, healthier and more accessible than it already is. For ourselves, but certainly also for the generations after us. See the challenge here: our cities are growing closed. The pressure […]

Mondi is a leading global packaging and paper group with a focus on being sustainable by design. We are contributing to a better world by making innovative solutions using paper where possible, plastic when useful. See our approach and how our purpose, strategy and culture all connect in The Mondi Way. What we do We […]

Eskilstuna Energy and Environment was established in 1993 as a municipality owned company with responsibility for the sales and distribution of electricity, district heating and cooling, water, sewage, waste handling, biogas and broadband in the municipal district of Eskilstuna, Sweden. Production Electricity, heating and cooling in the CHP plant in Eskilstuna Biogas production and wastewater treatment plants in Ekeby, Eskilstuna […]

The Camfil Group is a producer and developer of air filters and clean air products. Camfil is also a global air filtration specialist with 24 production units and R&D centres in four countries in the Americas, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. The Group, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, has approximately 4,500 employees and sales in the range of SEK 8 billion. International […]


ATA is a leading manufacturer of precision engineering products for companies requiring a comprehensive range of material removal and finishing solutions. ATA operates in all major global markets, in over 70 countries and with a network of over 1400 distributors. We are the only precision engineering company in the world to provide both tools and consumables for a variety of deburring, material removal and finishing needs – across […]

The Public Power Corporation S.A. is the biggest electric power company in Greece. It is controlled by the Greek government, which owns a majority of the issued shares (51,12%). Renewable energy In 1982, PPC developed the first Wind Farm in the world, combined with a Photo-voltaic Station to supply electricity to the isolated power system of the island of Kythnos. The PPC has committed […]

The construction of a complete central heating system, plumbing, the installation of your mechanical ventilation or sustainable solutions: these are just a few of the range of activities for which you can call on us. As a flexible installer and plumber with over 30 years of experience, Rudon is the party that ensures an excellent […]

Terna Energy is a Greek renewable energy company that is listed on the Athens Exchange. Terna Energy however exclusively produces energy from renewable energy sources, including wind farms and small hydroelectric plants. It also constructs renewable energy plants and integrated process units for the overall management and energy utilization of wastes and biomass. ACTIVITIES WIND ENERGYHY DROELECTRIC PROJECTS PUMPED STORAGE PROJECTS HYBRID PROJECTS SOLAR […]

Ecoslops, player in the circular economy, is implementing innovative technology to regenerate oil residues into new fuels and light bitumen. The first industrial processing unit of Ecoslops, with an annual production capacity of 30,000 tons / year, is located in the port of Sines (Portugal).Other projects are being developed in Marseilles – La Mède (France), […]


The GLS – Portalegre, Lda results from an accumulation of experience in the installation of solar systems, HVAC systems in its various forms, heat exchangers, repair and servicing of boilers since the early 80s. With the company   Portenergia – Controlo de Energia, Lda, know-how was improved in all the areas mentioned, having been granted by the Bosch Group […]

AREANATejo – Regional Energy and Environment Agency of the North Alentejo and Tejo has the mission of contributing to energy efficiency and better use of endogenous energy resources, developing projects and methods and disseminating the best techniques and procedures with a view to the rational use of energy and of resources and the preservation of […]

We exist so that nothing fails in your production unit. We sell highly specialized products and services. We transform complex Communication Network systems in an Industrial Environment into simple, intuitive solutions. FOCUSED ON WHAT WE KNOW Communication Protocols in an Industrial Environment. At IndustrialSYS, we have offered the Portuguese market, since the beginning of our activity, in 2012, […]

Vaisala Oyj is a Finnish company that develops, manufactures and markets products and services for environmental and industrial measurement. The major customer groups and markets are national meteorological and hydrological services, aviation authorities, defense forces, road authorities, the weather critical energy sector, life science and high-technology industries and building automation. Vaisala had over 1,900 employees and net sales […]

Martifer SGPS, S.A. is a family group based in Oliveira de Frades, Portugal, with over 3,000 employees, focusing its activity on the metal construction and renewable energy areas. The company launched its first operations in 1990 in the metal structure industry. In 2004, it entered the renewables business, leveraging know-how from the metal construction operation to develop the energy equipment division. Martifer […]

Galp Energia, SGPS, S.A. is a Portuguese corporation which consists of more than 100 companies engaged in activities such as natural gas supply, regasification, transport, storage, and distribution; petroleum products exploration, production, refining, trading, logistics and retailing; co-generation and renewable energy. Its stock was partially listed on the Euronext Lisbon stock exchange in the second half of 2006. History SACOR, CIDLA, SONAP, PETROSUL, and PETROGAL were the main Portuguese […]

Organica Technologies is an organization that builds wastewater treatment plants that can be used in agriculture, irrigation or municipal areas using patented technology. The company’s goal is to treat, recycle, and conserve wastewater.  Technology Organica’s wastewater treatment processes the water with the use of living organisms, specifically a ‘Fixed-Bed Biofilm Activated Sludge’ process. The organism’s ability to self-organize maximizes biological degradation […]

Trennen Mit unserer Waschanlage trennen wir im Schwimm-Senk-Verfahren verschiedene Kunststoffarten. Zerkleinern Schredder und Mühlen ermöglichen es uns, Kunststoffe zur Weiterverarbeitung auf die gewünschte Größe zu zerkleinern. Filtrieren Mit unserem Laserfilter trennen wir Kunststoffe vor Fremdkontaminationen wie Aluminium, Papier, Holz, Gummi uvm.  Regranulieren Im letzten Schritt verarbeiten wir den nun filtrierten Kunststoff zu Regranulaten und geben Plastik […]

Die Gründung des Unternehmens erfolgte im Spätsommer 1992. Anfänglich befassten wir uns mit der Planung, Montage und den Verkauf von DAIKIN Klimasystemen.  Dank unserer treuen Kunden, konnten wir unseren Geschäftsbereich schon bald auch auf die Montage von Lüftungsgeräten und Individuellen Schalt- und Regelungsbau ausweiten. Wir übernehmen sämtliche Servicearbeiten, Störungsbehebung im Bereich – Lüftungs- und Klimatechnik […]

Plegé Cosmetics wurde im Jahr 1967 mit Sitz in Bischofshofen gegründet.Als kompetenter und zuverlässiger Outsourcing-Partner wird das Familienunternehmen von Herrn Mag. Gerald Scharler geführt. Angepasst an unser schönes Salzburger Land entwickeln wir für Sie perfekte Individuallösungen und legen größten Wert auf Natur und Umweltbewusstsein.

Solvay is a Belgian chemical company founded in 1863, with its head office in Neder-Over-Heembeek, Brussels, Belgium. Products Solvay is a main partner of Solar Impulse and has contributed research and development resources to their solar powered airplane project. That aircraft conducted its first test flight on 3 December 2009, and since then has made solar-powered flights from Switzerland to Spain and Morocco in […]

Legrand is a French industrial group historically based in Limoges in the Limousin region. In 2011, the firm was the largest global producer of switches and sockets, with 20% of the global market, and in cable management (15% of the global market), generating 75% of its turnover internationally. The group is also expanding its product range in sustainable development and energy saving technologies, an has […]

Nicon Industries A/S is an order producing company, specialized in large and complex projects with short terms of delivery, stringent requirements for working Environment, quality, traceability, and documentation. We are mainly working in the industries of Offshore Wind, Offshore Oil and Gas, Maritime and Construction, but with our experienced, committed, dedicated, and certified, workforce we […]

We are a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, home- and personal-care, and other products. Amcor provides packaging solutions for: Beverages, Food, Healthcare, Home Care, Personal Care, Pet Care and Technical Applications.

Solum Gruppen is Denmark’s largest supplier of compost, growth media and lawn care products. We create value by integrating waste management, biogas production as well as the production of and advice on a wide range of soil improvers.

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy S.A., formerly Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica S.A. (Spanish pronunciation: [ɡaˈmesa koɾpoɾaˈθjon teɣnoˈloxika]) and Grupo Auxiliar Metalúrgico S.A., is a Spanish-German wind engineering company based in Zamudio, Biscay, Spain. It manufactures wind turbines and provides onshore and offshore wind services. It is the world’s second largest wind turbine manufacturer.