Naše delatnosti Kao uređen i infrastrukturno opremljen prostor, iako unutar granice zemlje, Slobodna zona predstavlja institut koji podstiče ulaganje kapitala, proizvodnju i razmenu i nudi čitav niz pogodnosti u oblasti spoljnotrgovinskog i deviznog poslovanja, a naročito u pogledu zaštite uloženih sredstava i imovine stranih korisnika. Šta je Slobodna zona? Slobodna zona pre svega podrazumeva liberalniji […]
Where to go

Osnivanje i pravni status Luka-Vukovar osnovana je kao samostalno poduzeće 1. siječnja 1960. izdvajanjem od nacionalnoga brodarskog poduzeća Dunavski Lloyd iz Siska. Od tog vremena poduzeće je nekoliko puta mijenjalo vlasnika i pravni oblik, a od travnja 2002. posluje kao samostalno društvo u 100% državnom vlasništvu „Luka-Vukovar“ d.o.o., nastalo odvajanjem od sadašnje matične kuće Vupik […]

Brčko se prvi puta spominje 1534.godine kao Kapetanija u Gračaničkom Kadiluku, Tuzlanskoj Nahiji, Zvorničkom Vilajetu. U to vrijeme Brčko je bilo jedina prelaznica preko rijeke Save, a koja se obavljala skelom. Trgovci bi iz Dubrovnika i Hercegovine dolazili na konjima i magarcima i prelazili Savu skelom. Od tog vremena se vrši prevoz splavarenjem za potrebe […]

BHŽJK djeluje kao zajednički međunarodni željeznički predstavnik Entiteta i novog željezničkog sektora u Bosni i Hercegovini, uz poštivanje posebnog članstva željezničkih kompanija u međunarodnim organizacijama BHŽJK je osnovana za zajedničku dobrobit Federacije BiH i Republike Srpske i njena svrha je da uspostavi institucionalizovanu saradnju među Entitetima i da omogući donošenje odluka kako bi se neometano, […]

O nama Šema organizacione strukture DOLASCI ODLASCI Web check-in Red letenja USLUGE Cjenovnici Usluga fastlane Reklamiranje Iznajmljivanje prostora Sponzorstva Punjenje električnih automobila Usluge opskrbe gorivom Cargo Catering Centar za obuku Slot request Zahtjev za dozvolu za kretanje Najava za Vozila Parking Duty Free Shop Aviokompanije O nama Otvorenost : 04:00 – […]

O nama Aerodrom kroz historiju Statistika Tickets prodaja karata Rent a car Kako do nas Ukoliko dolazite iz pravca Sarajeva, nema potrebe da idete u Tuzlu, već iz Živinica idete prema Kalesiji i dolazite do aerodroma, od skretanja udaljenost je oko 6 kilometara. Od Banje Luke 160 km udaljenost Iz Srbije Ukoliko dolazite iz pravca […]

O nama Manevarska površina DOLASCI | ODLASCI Web Check in Najbliži gradovi Zadar – 7 kmBiograd n/m – 21 kmŠibenik – 56 km Nadmorska visina 88m (289ft) Referentna temperatura 31°C (JUL) Magnetska deklinacija 3° E (2012) Kapacitet parkiralištaZa osobne automobile 425 mjestaZa rent-a-car 97 mjestaZa taxi 23 mjestaZa invalide 24 mjestaZa autobuse 8 mjestaPrijevoz do […]

Larnaca International Airport is the main international airport of Cyprus, located just 4 kilometers from Larnaca. Swissport provides airport ground services, operates one lounge, and manages one modern air cargo warehouse at Larnaca International Airport. The company has been serving airlines at Larnaca International Airport since 2008 OUR SERVICES Next to our presence at 287 […]

The company KONUS-S DOO was founded in 2004 in Belgrade by the company Konus Konex doo from Slovenske Konjice, Slovenia, dealing with the distribution of Konus Konex products and TIPI TOP household programs on the market of the Republic of Serbia. Until 2008, the headquarters of the company was in Belgrade, when the company was moved […]

Located in the UNESCO protected Bay of Kotor, Porto Montenegro combines a spectacular lifestyle destination with a world-class, full-service marina and luxury residential village offering premium real estate for sale and rental in this part of the Mediterranean. Complementing the waterfront residences and impressive 450-berth marina is an international retail and dining scene, with world-class […]

OMORIKA GROUP consists of several companies, interconnected in ownership. It has its roots in a family business that was founded in 1989. The companies have representative offices in Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia. They developed their business activity in the Balkans and in the countries of Western and Eastern Europe. OMORIKA GROUP members are engaged in […]

A WORLD LEADING SHIPPING AND LOGISTICS COMPANY. MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company is a global business engaged in the shipping and logistics sector. Present in 155 countries, MSC facilitates international trade between the world’s major economies, and among emerging markets across all continents. Founded in 1970 and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, since 1978, MSC is a […]

AboutCircuit Foil From its corporate headquarters in Luxembourg, Europe, the company distributes and markets its large range of products through a wide network of service centers and sales companies to customers worldwide. This comprehensive network ensures global availability of Circuit Foil’s products, while local geographic presence in key markets guarantees responsiveness to customer needs and […]

With a large range of pumps and valves, KSB specialises in providing all-in solutions for most applications. Throughout the life cycle of your system, you can depend on sound technical advice, smart automation and reliable service. In short, KSB not only sells pumps and valves, KSB goes above and beyond – far beyond.

C2 PHARMA is a pharmaceutical group established in 2014. It manufactures and distributes active pharmaceutical ingredients (APls) and complex chemical compounds obtained from natural and synthetic origins. The current API product portfolio includes atropine, digoxin, homatropine, pilocarpine, and N-butylbromide scopolamine/hyoscine (SNBB), and reaches more than 100 pharmaceutical companies across the United States, Western and Eastern Europe, […]

Cargolux, legally Cargolux Airlines International S.A., is a Luxembourgianflag carriercargo airline with its headquarters and hub at Luxembourg Airport. With a global network, it is one of the largest scheduled all-cargo airlines in Europe. Charter flights and third party maintenance are also operated. Cargolux has 85 offices in over 50 countries as of 2018, and operates a global trucking network to more than 250 destinations.

Jelgavas pakotajs rupnica MARSS Ltd. offers the manufacture of transportation PACKAGING FROM CORRUGATED CARDBOARD (this category does not include gift and representative packaging). Corrugated cardboard packaging is the most convenient and cheapest way to package and transport your products. Corrugated cardboard packaging of different sizes and shapes are used for food packaging, as well as packaging, transportation […]

Fully independent (privately held) liquid bulk tank terminal founded in 2000. Part of Liepaja Special Economic Zone (LSEZ status since 2002) in the ice-free port of Liepaja, Latvia. A fully licensed EU customs warehouse (since 2004). Status of an excise warehouse for the excise duty product groups. Operational all year round 24/7. Handling NFG (Non-Food […]

Initially, the Company carried out cargo transportation on closed trailers and semi-trailers of the euro-tent type; mega; 120 and 160 cc couplings, container carriers, as well as refrigerator trucks maintaining the set temperature from Europe to the CIS countries and Central Asia, and in the opposite direction. Later, the company completely reoriented the operational activity […]

Public Company Highways of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina d.o.o. Mostar (abbreviated: JP Autoceste FBiH or Autoceste FBiH) is a Bosnian-owned company owned by the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is in charge of building new highways and expressways, and maintaining existing ones in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. […]

Iberia is the flag carrier airline of Spain, founded in 1927. Based in Madrid, it operates an international network of services from its main base of Madrid–Barajas Airport. Iberia, with Iberia Regional (operated by an independent carrier Air Nostrum) and with Iberia Express, is a part of International Airlines Group. In addition to transporting passengers and freight, Iberia Group carries out related activities, such […]

Irizar Group is a Spanish-based manufacturer of luxury bus and coach. Established in 1889, the company is located in Ormaiztegi in the Basque Country, Spain. With a commercial presence in over 90 countries, its turnover exceeded 600 million euros in 2017. It is the market-leading builder of coach vehicle bodies in Spain (with a market share of over 40%), and ranks second in Europe, its coach bodies […]

Navantia is a Spanish state-owned shipbuilding company, which offers its services to both military and civil sector. It is the fifth-largest shipbuilder in Europe, and the ninth-largest in the world with shipyards around the globe. The company heir to the segregation of the military assets of the IZAR Group in 2005, Navantia designs, builds and supports all types of surface vessels, […]

Bingo (full name: Bingo export-import Tuzla d.o.o.) is a Bosnian supermarket chain with headquarters in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bingo was established in 1993 by Bosnian businessman Senad Džambić with headquarters in Tuzla. In 2010, Bingo received an EBRD loan to support energy efficiency – the first of many others loans from European development banks. In 2014, Bingo became the biggest domestic retail company in Bosnia and […]

Cintra, S.A. (Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, translated as Toll Transport Infrastructures) is one of the largest private developers of transport infrastructure in the world. Its assets are fundamentally toll roads and car parks, in which it has a total investment of €16billion. Formerly traded on the Madrid Stock Exchange and part of the Spanish benchmark IBEX 35 stock index, Cintra was reacquired […]

Amadeus IT Group, S.A. is a major Spanish IT provider for the global travel and tourism industry. Company profile The company is structured around two areas: its global distribution system and its Information Technology business. Amadeus provides search, pricing, booking, ticketing and other processing services in real-time to travel providers and travel agencies through its Amadeus CRS distribution business area. It also offers computer software that […]

Predmet poslovanja Društva je: uklanjanje otpadnih voda, odvoz smeća i sl. djelatnosti, pogrebne i prateće djelatnosti, niskogradnja, prijevoz robe (tereta) cestom, trgovina na malo cvijećem, uslužne djelatnosti u biljnoj proizvodnji, poslovanje nekretninama tržnice na malo i ostale poslovne djelatnosti.

Radno vrijeme pon: 07:30 – 15:30 uto: 07:30 – 15:30 sri: 07:30 – 15:30 čet: 07:30 – 15:30 pet: 07:30 – 15:30 sub: Zatvoreno ned: Zatvoreno ECO-BLIK d.o.o. za medunarodno otpremnistvo, trgovinu i usluge

ZAŠTO IZABRATI NAS: VRIJEME ISPORUKE ISPORUKA PO CIJELOJ HRVATSKOJ KVALITETA PROIZVODA Imamo preko 20 godina kontinuiranog poslovanja, danas smo potpuno tehnički opremljeni i stručno osposobljeni za prijevoz i prodaju rasutog materijala. A.D. Promet je pouzdan,kvalitetan,točan poslovni partner, koji ostvaruje odlične rezultate u svom poslovanju. – Radno vrijeme: Pon – Pet:8:00 – 16:00,Sub: 08:00 – 13:00

UAB “Pakruojo ELSANA” – tai privataus kapitalo įmonė, savo gyvavimo metus skaičiuojanti nuo 1978m., 1996m. reorganizuota į uždarąją akcinę bendrovę. Įmonė suformuota buvusios Lietuvos TSR valstybinio techninio aprūpinimo komiteto Pakruojo rajono gamybinio susivienijimo kilnojamosios mechanizuotos kolonos pagrindu. Bėgant metams pildėsi bei keitėsi įmonės veiklos kryptys. Šiandien UAB “Pakruojo ELSANA” ne tik vykdo darbus, kuriuos pradėjo […]

Transpetrol is a Slovak company involved in the transportation and storage of crude oil. It provides both transit and domestic transport to the end customer. The Slovak Republic owns through the Slovak Economy Ministry 100% of the company. Transpetrol is the operator of the Slovak section of the Druzhba pipeline and it is the only operator of the oil pipeline system […]

Slovak Airlines (Slovenské aerolínie a.s.) was an airline based in Bratislava, Slovakia. It was the flag carrier of the Slovak Republic operating a scheduled service to Moscow and to Brussels. It also offered international charter flights to Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Russia, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey. The company also ran wet-lease operations. Its main base was M. R. Štefánik Airport, Bratislava. The airline ceased operations in February 2007.

Matador, a.s. (a joint-stock company) is a multinational car tire producer based in Púchov, Slovakia, as well as the corresponding group of companies. It exports above 87% of its production into 80 countries worldwide. It does not produce only tires, but also associated and similar products and services. It has several trading companies and a network of shops. The largest […]

SANITEX is the largest wholesale, distribution and logistics company in Lithuania and Latvia, also active in Estonia and Poland. Established in 1992, now SANITEX collaborates with more than 500 producers and directly serves more than 32 000 customers in all Baltic States. Since 1997 SANITEX has PROMO CASH&CARRY chain where smaller shops, stalls, cafes, bars […]

AS Tallink Grupp is one of the largest and most successful passenger ship companies in the Baltic Sea, serving more than 9 million passengers a year. The company offers passenger and freight transport on the Tallinn – Helsinki, Tallinn – Stockholm, Paldiski – Kapellskär, Helsinki – Stockholm, Turku – Stockholm / Kapellskär and Riga – […]

Bolt offers vehicle for hire, micromobility, and food delivery services. Bolt is headquartered in Tallinn, Estonia and operates in over 200 cities in 40 countries in Europe, Africa, Western Asia and Latin America. The company has 50 million customers globally and more than 1 million drivers use Bolt platform to offer rides.

BLRT Grupp is a shipbuilding company headquartered in Tallinn, Estonia. In addition to Estonia, the company owns shipyards in Lithuania, Finland and Norway. Its shipbuilding and ship repair subsidiaries are Tallinn Shipyard, Vakarų laivų gamykla, Baltijos laivų statykla, Turku Repair Yard, and BLRT Fiskerstrand. On 14 December 2011, Fiskerstrand BLRT delivered the world’s largest LNG-powered ferry, MF Boknafjord, to Norwegian company Fjord1. Another LNG-fired ferry, MF Edøyfjord, was […]

Airest (AS Airest) is an Estonian-owned airline that started in January 2002, operating regular cargo and charter passenger flights. Company Airest (Airest Inc) is an Estonian private aviation company engaged in commercial cargo air transportation in accordance with EU-OPS Part 1. With the head office in Tallinn Airest provides service to cargo partners in Northern Europe. In early 2012 […]

SVISHTOV INTERNATIONAL PORT is located on the right bank of the Danube, at the southernmost point of the river (430 and 37 ‘north latitude) – at the 554th km. from the mouth of the Danube and at 1,825 km. from the Port of Regensburg.Historical data show that as early as the beginning of the 16th century, the port […]

The Varna Shipyard is one of the oldest shipyards in Bulgaria. It is located in Varna in the south-eastern part of the town. It is one of three active shipyards in Bulgaria.Reconstruction of Varna shipyard History The shipyard was founded in 1907. Originally, the owner built boats and motor boats from six to nine meters in length. In 1937, the passenger […]

Navibulgar is a Bulgarian shipping company, the largest in the country, with a fleet of 70 vessels: 46 bulk carriers, 9 container vessels, 5 tanker and chemical vessels, and 10 combined tonnage vessels, including their new 30,700-tonne ship, which became a part of their fleet in June 2012. Acquisitions In 2002, the company acquired Varna shipyard for $16.1 million. In May 2014, Navibulgar completed […]

Air VIA was a charter airline with its head office in Sofia, Bulgaria, that operated charter flights on behalf of European tour operators. Most Air VIA flights operated from European destinations into Varna Airport and Burgas Airport, the airline also offered wet lease subservices.

The premier league in transport & logistics Transsmart has a driven and passionate in-house logistics team. We have all disciplines in-house for you: consultants, project managers, IT developers & support staff. We put all experiences into qualitative software modules that are quickly made available from the cloud. Our motto? Customer enthusiastic, you enthusiastic, we enthusiastic! Day in, day […]

It’s a Way of Life We get out of bed every day ready to protect what’s important to you. As e-commerce becomes a more influential business driver, we’re proud to help connect the online world with the real one. We make sure your products are safe when travelling across the country or just across the […]

With our process experience, we build installations for different industries. The focus of RDW Processing is on industries where aggressive and contaminated liquidsare applied. Our goal is to play an active role in the circulation, transportation, storage and recycling of these liquids. The industries we focus on often use aggressive mixes for which plastic material is ideally suited […]

Patrick Poot is founder of Moving Company Gelderland. Together with his brother and a team of professional, experienced and strong removals, he takes care of both private and corporate removals. Patrick: “ One day we move a family with small children and the other day seniors. Recently we were even allowed to move the contents of a castle. Every day […]

Kroonint Coating develops and produces high-quality coatings for industry, shipping and offshore. High performance coatings that provide durable protection for your products and objects. As a manufacturer of industrial coatings, we supply both high-quality, innovative standard solutions and customized systems. Kroonint Cleaning develops and produces cleaning products and systems for total hygiene and maintenance. In addition to our […]

We recycle ferro and non-ferro materials. So we keep valuable raw materials in the chain. Every year we process around 500,000 tons of material, originating from collectors, scrap companies and metalworking industries throughout Western Europe. Recycling is the core activity of Jansen Recycling Group. We are market leader in recycling various kinds of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. We also possess […]

DS group is a large plastic supplier with more than 25 years of experience. We supply both plastic semi-finished and finished products for various companies in various sectors . DS-Groep operates from three locations in the country. As a group we are a powerful and large-scale player, whereby you as a customer also have the advantage of a regional […]

Breda Inpak & Distribution is the specialist in packing and packaging. With more than 30 years of experience, we are specialized in carrying out various packaging assignments. This includes manual and machine packing and packaging, sealing and shrinking, sticking and folding, stickers, but also stock management and distribution. Thanks to our many years of experience, expert employees and […]

Stena Line is a Swedishshipping line company and one of the largest ferry operators in the world. It services Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom, Stena Line is a major unit of Stena AB, itself a part of the Stena Sphere. Stena Line also owns the Swedish vessels of the otherwise German and Danish owned Scandlines. Routes Irish Sea Fishguard – Rosslare: Stena Europe Holyhead – Dublin Port: Stena Adventurer, Stena Estrid (Weekdays) Belfast – Cairnryan: Stena […]

Scania AB is a major Swedish manufacturer headquartered in Södertälje, focusing on commercial vehicles—specifically heavy lorries, trucks and buses. It also manufactures diesel engines for heavy vehicles as well as marine and general industrial applications. Products Trucks and special vehicles Scania develops, manufactures and sells trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of more than 16 tonnes (Class 8), intended for long-distance haulage, regional, and local distribution […]

Ovako AB is a European manufacturer of engineering steel for customers e.g. in the bearing, transportation and manufacturing industries. Since 2018, Ovako has been owned by Nippon Steel Corporation. The production is based on recycled scrap and includes steel in the form of bar, tube, ring and pre-components. Ovako is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of […]

Nobina AB (former Concordia Bus AB) is the largest bus transport group in the Nordic region, serving markets in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden with a total of 3,347 buses (2014). Since 2005 the group is based in Stockholm. Operations Nobina Danmark A/S Danish operating subsidiary. Operates city buses in Copenhagen, Herlev, Hillerød, Næstved and Randers, and regional buses in Hillerød area. Operating since 2008 with headquarters in Glostrup. Nobina Finland Oy Ab […]

Elfa is a storage solution company that is headquartered in Malmö, Sweden. The company was founded in 1948 by the Swedish engineer Arne Lydmar. The Elfa corporate group consists of three manufacturing entities and seven sales companies in Europe. The group employs about 501 people and the turnover is approximately SEK 1 203 M (FY2019). Products Elfa markets its products under […]

Destination Gotland is a Swedish ferry-line that runs state-subsidised domestic ferries from Nynäshamn and Oskarshamn to Visby on the island of Gotland. It is a wholly owned daughter company of Rederi AB Gotland. The fleet consists of four high-speed Ro-Pax ferries. The transport volumes to the island of Gotland is more than 1.4 million passengers and 640,000 lane meters of freight per year. During the high season the frequency is […]

Braathens Regional Aviation is a Norwegian-owned Swedish airline headquartered in Malmö operating aircraft wet-leasing services together with its sister airline Braathens Regional Airways for BRA Braathens Regional Airlines. BRA operates 26 routes to 17 destinations and carries more than 2.2 million passengers annually.

Voerman has more than 30 years of experience in the moving and relocation industry. Though we still feel like a young company, we have been around the block. In 1986, Ed Voerman founded Voerman International. Ed soon discovered that globalization had a huge influence on the moving industry. Due to the continual process of worldwide […]

Feadship (First Export Association of Dutch Shipbuilders) is a cooperative venture between two shipyards Royal Van Lent Shipyard and Koninklijke De Vries Scheepsbouw. Feadship designs and constructs high-end luxury yachts and is one of the leading builders of custom superyachts such as Aquarius, Symphony, Savannah and Venus. History Feadship can trace its roots back to 1849, when the Akerboom family bought a small shipyard off the coast of […]

Airbus SE is a European multinational aerospace corporation. As of 2019, Airbus is the world’s largest airliner manufacturer and took the most airliner orders, surpassing rival Boeing. It designs, manufactures and sells civil and military aerospace products worldwide and manufactures aircraft in the European Union and various other countries. The company has three divisions: Commercial Aircraft (Airbus S.A.S.), Defence and Space, and Helicopters, the third being the […]

Established over 55 years ago, Nolan Transport has grown to be one of Europe’s leading transport companies, by understanding our customers’ different just-in-time transportation needs. Our record of reliability stems from the daily, hands-on running of the business by the people who know the business best, the owners and operators! We coordinate and monitor our entire fleet […]

Established in 1986, by Tom Crowley, Mallow Transport Ltd. has become a trusted provider of general haulage. Our Team, bring a combined wealth of experience and expertise in the haulage industry, offering a range of services from aggregate / tar trailers, cement tankers, flat beds and rigid tippers.

Arklow Marine Services offers expert services to the marine industry inIreland and abroad, from boat building, repair and refurbishment, to offshore operation and maintenance (O&M). We are a family run business that has been in operation in Arklow, Co. Wicklow, for over 150 years. Now the company is headed up by brothers John Tyrrell, an […]

The Wind of Change The 1960’s saw a new dawn in the Irish Shipping Industry. One by one the few remaining auxiliary schooners were replaced by more modern craft. The age of sail had finally come to an end and in some quarters it was felt that the whole approach to shipping needed to be […]