Clinique Sainte-Élisabeth


The Sainte-Élisabeth clinic is a palliative care establishment founded in 1881. It also includes a specialized reception center which permanently accommodates adults with multiple physical and mental disabilities .

The clinic has several units:

  • a palliative care service (22 beds, with 15 other beds planned for the end of 2020) ;
  • a follow-up care service (13 beds), where patients can rest, for example between two anti-cancer treatments ;
  • a living unit for people with impaired consciousness (also known as “persistent vegetative state”) (12 beds) ;
  • a Specialized Reception Center , where 25 severely disabled people reside. This service allows certain patients to benefit from special equipment (such as the Snoezelen room or therapeutic baths) ;
  • a mobile palliative care unit, which follows around fifty patients at their homes, in the Bouches-du-Rhône. This team is a member of the RéSP13 network.

Medical activites:

  • Care teams
  • Care management 
  • Rehabilitation team 
  • Spiritual activities 


Sainte Elisabeth Clinic and Specialized Reception Center
72 rue Chape 13004 Marseille
04 91 18 91 99