Elementary school Na rovině

The founder of the non-state kindergarten and primary school Na rovině in Chrudim are two natural persons: Jana Hrázská and Slavomíra Petrová.

We currently have a kindergarten definitively approved by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports with a lunch service, a school and school club in Chrudim, as well as a branch of a primary school in Česká Třebová. In the future, we would like to satisfy those interested in establishing more branches – as our capacities and legislation allow.

Principles on which we build

  • partnership and respect in relationships (see  Respect and be respected. )
  • individual approach to the child (Montessori work with didactic materials, a wider range of activities, several levels of complexity of processing, respecting one’s own pace, various ways to solve it, the child’s needs…)
  • development of the child’s responsibility and independence – planning the curriculum, accepting natural and logical consequences for one’s actions, strengthening internal motivation (stimulating environment, selection of meaningful activities)
  • learning in context (project teaching), finding different approaches to the problem and seeing problems from different angles, activating teaching methods (eg  critical thinking  – independent search, sorting and critical evaluation of information, cooperation, group work)
  • frequent opportunity for open communication
  • safe environment without testing, competition, comparison, marking – instead of continuous individual diagnostics at work and presentations, self-assessment (oral and written), portfolios, descriptive feedback, verbal assessment
  • school as a community center – unlimited access of parents to teaching, educational, leisure, creative, cognitive and sports activities with parents, involvement of parents in the form of an open civic association
  • harmony between family and school
  • environmentally friendly behavior (waste sorting and the use of environmentally friendly cleaning products throughout the building, environmental education with children, etc.)
  • sharing and dissemination of information on alternative forms of education (organization of workshops, operation of the website  http://www.alternativniskoly.cz , cooperation with other similar schools)

Requirements for teachers

In addition to the relevant pedagogical education, teachers must complete the Respect and Be Respected course, the Montessori Pedagogy course and (primary school teachers also the Critical Thinking course). They must be systematically and systematically educated and interested in the cooperation or supervision of other professionals.


The financial intensity depends mainly on the number of children in the classroom. The main sources of funding will be:

  • subsidy of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports according to Act 306/1999 Coll. on the provision of subsidies to private schools, preschools and school facilities,
  • donations, grants, cooperation with other organizations
  • use of space for educational events, workshops
  • financial participation of parents: because as a non-state school we do not receive subsidies for operation, these costs (rent, energy, internet, insurance, etc.) are calculated among the parents of children in the form of tuition fees, in the amount of 18000 CZK / year.


Elementary school Na rovině
Pod Jelenicí 657, 560 02 Česká Třebová
+420 736 535 229