Brief Details:
Name: ‘Monument to Freedom’ or ‘Jasikovac Hill Monument’ (Споменик на брду Јасиковац)
Location: Berane (formerly Ivangrad), Montenegro
Year completed: 1977
Designer: Bogdan Bogdanović (profile page)
Coordinates: N42°51’01.2″, E19°52’48.7″
Dimensions: 18m tall conical monument
Materials used: Sandstone and gabbro blocks
Condition: Good
This monument at the spomenik complex in Berane, Montenegro commemorates the thousands of soldiers and civilians from this area who perished during the National Liberation War (WWII).
The memorial sculpture here at Berane, created by designer Bogdan Bogdanović, is characterized by a very geometic conical shape. While sources vary as to the specific symbolic meaning of this shape, some sources relate that it could possibly be meant to symbolize the sharp point of a bullet, asserting that such symbolism is designed to represent this region’s continual struggle for liberation from oppressors and invaders.