Port governance agency – Agencija za upravljanje lukama

In order to establish more efficient operation of water transport, especially inland ports and harbors, Government of the Republic of Serbia in the year of 2013. Formed Port Governance Agency (PGA) as a state administrative body that has multiple roles in the development of water transport.

In addition to the clearly defined development goals for ports and docks, PGA also has a regulatory , developmental and strategic competencies.


The Agency performs the following regulatory, professional and development tasks:

issues and revokes the license for performing port activities;

concludes a contract on performing port activities on the basis of the obtained approval;

concludes the contract of port activities on the basis of the obtained approvals; keep a register of port operators to whom the clearance was issued. charges port dues;

adopts and publicly announces port tariffs;

monitors the work of port operators who are performing port activities in accordance with the nature of their business and obligations undertaken towards the Agency;

provides conditions for the realization of inter-port and internal port competition;

promotes ports and terminals on the domestic and international market;

in accordance with the revenues generated from the collection of port fees, invests in the construction, modernization and maintenance of port infrastructure that is in public ownership, except when it is the obligation of the port operator based on the issued approval, i.e. given port concession, as well as control over maintenance of port facilities and facilities;

maintains order in the port, except for the tasks that are under the jurisdiction of the harbour’s masters offices;

protection of the port area and waters from pollution;

keeps records of beneficiaries of state aid of small value (de minimis state aid) in accordance with the regulations governing state aid of small value;

keeps records on port infrastructure facilities owned by the Republic of Serbia on which the Agency has a registered right of use, as well as cadastral parcels that make up port land;

Within its activities, the Agency also performs the following tasks:

performs other tasks in accordance with this law.

organizing the work of the port coordination body for one or more ports, in order to prevent discrimination against any port user, as well as control the collection of port fees;

ensuring the provision of services of general interest if there is no interest in such services by port operators;


    Regulations governing the constitution of the jurisdiction and the Agency are:


    Nemanjina 4 11000 Belgrade, Serbia