100% Luxembourg


100% Luxembourg, the first store specialized on Luxemburgish products

  • You buy Luxemburgish products because you consider it especially important to support Luxemburgish producers ?
  • You are acting in a sustainable manner and prefer the products of the region to those routed throw-out  thousands of kilometers?
  • To express your solidarity with those who have certainly a lot of talent, but often less of means, you look for products from sheltered workshops?
  • You want to support a project which offers to 45+ job seekers  a temporary employment and opportunities for continuing training in the field of trade?

At 100% Luxembourg in Grevenmacher you’ll find Luxemburgish products  from every field of activity (beverage, food, art&deco,…) at fair prices. Our mobile point of sale is regularly present on the markets and festivals across the country.

Buying 100% Luxembourg is offering  100% sustainable gifts


100% Luxembourg
23, route de Trèves L-6793 Grevenmacher
+352 26 72 92 73