Académie de Jette


The Jette academy has nearly 1,500 students in dance, music and theater. These three areas punctuate the life of the school, the major projects and the shows that make all of its students and teachers grow. Because the academy of Jette is also a team of dynamic and passionate teachers, eager to share what drives them. They do not spare themselves and are always ready to embark on the various projects that mark out a year. The academy is also involved in Jettois life. You will meet her at many municipal events such as the Christmas Market, Jette Stream, the Artist Trail or the Jette June Jazz.


Classical dance, Modern Jazz or contemporary dance target the qualities of movement and know how to adapt to recent choreographic research and discoveries to develop a pedagogy that evolves with the times. Adults are not left out: classical dance and contemporary dance classes as well as two floor barre classes – one oriented towards yoga and the other mixed techniques – are aimed at teenagers and adults, dancers or not, and combine flexibility and muscle strengthening exercises with work on balance and breathing. 


The speaking arts also follow the same educational course, giving pride of place to improvisations, the creation of scenes, scenic work and dramatic play. Then come the discovery and the confrontation with the texts of authors. Enough to allow everyone to find their own theatrical media.


In music, in addition to piano, guitar, violin, clarinet, saxophone, flute, percussion lessons, etc. students also have the opportunity to learn oboe, piano, jazz guitar or accompanying guitar. Different ensembles coexist: jazz ensemble, rock ensemble, with score or only by ear,… If you like to play in a group, you will certainly find the ensemble that suits you. If you like to sing, the two choirs – one for teenagers, the other for adults – will allow you to practice your passion or discover the pleasure of singing in choir.


Académie de Jette
Rue du Saule 1, 1090 Jette, Belgium