AZ Groeninge


AZ Groeninge is a large teaching hospital, affiliated with the Flemish KU Leuven Hospital network, in the Belgian city Kortrijk. The hospital is the result of a merger of four hospitals in Kortrijk and is in number of beds -in its current form- the fifth largest hospital system in Belgium. The -in 2017 opened- new 1000+ hospital bed facility at the Kennedylaan is one of the largest hospital sites in Belgium.

This hospital site is one the largest in the country. The Kennedylaan site is located close to the campuses of the Catholic University of Leuven Campus Kortrijk (KULAK) and VIVES University College. The hospital accommodates several specialized facilities and services such as the:

  • Kortrijk Cancer Centre,
  • an accredited OECI-designated clinical cancer centre,
  • robotic surgery (da Vinci Surgical System), 
  • Radiofrequency ablation,
  • a Eusoma-accredited Breast Clinic,
  • a Fertility center,
  • a Radiotherapy unit (also offering intra-hepatic radiotherapy or TheraSphere treatment and Intraoperative radiation therapy or IORT),
  • a Clinical Cancer Center with several multidisciplinary oncology clinics and access to Hypothermia caps,
  • MRIs including one 3.0 tesla MRI,
  • the West-Flanders PET-CT center,
  • a clinical trials and research units that allow participation in many phases 1 to 4 clinical trials and with capacity to design clinical trials and ability to serve as national leading ethical committee. 


Campus kennedylaan
President Kennedylaan 4, 8500 Kortrijk
056 63 63 63