
Bartoszyce | Cittaslow International

This town of 27,000 people is in northeast Poland, Warmia and Mazury district, on the plain of Sepopol, throug h which runs the River Łyna. Located 16 km from the town of Bezledy on the Russian border, Bartoszyce is a familiar sight to people on their way to Kaliningrad Province. Learn more on the subject of book of ra deluxe tipps. Within 100km of Bartoszyce are the cities of Elblag, Olsztyn and Kaliningrad. Route 51 is a regional and international highway linking Olsztynek-Olsztyn-Bezledy with Kaliningrad.

Bartoszyce was founded in 1326 when the region was populated by Prussians. Prior to this the site featured a wooden stronghold built in 1240 and the Prussian Barcja Castle.

Bartoszyce’s coat of arms is distinctive for its two white axes on a black field. Another symbol of the town is a profile of Lidzbark’s Gate, the oldest secular structure remaining today dating from the middle of the 14th Century when the town’s walls were reinforced. Little else of the great structures of that period has survived.
The oldest maintained building is a Gothic church dedicated to St. Jan Evangelist. It is thought to have been erected in the second quarter of the 16th Century. Its current appearance dates from a rebuilding in 1678, and a tower was added in 1732.

Another church dedicated to St. John the Baptist was probably built in the 15th Century.
A belfry was added to the façade in the 19th Century. A third church dedicated to St. Bruno was built in the neo-Gothic style in 1882-83. The style carries over to the interior decorations, stained glass windows and presbytery.

The town’s oldest relics are two statues and a stone bowl. The statues are referred to as “Bartki” or Bartek and Gustebalda. They date from around 1700. Legends are still told of the two people the statues represent.
Old granaries stand as a reminder of Bartoszyce’s importance to the corn trade. More recently these granaries have been converted for use in restaurants.

Today an historic conservator oversees Bartoszyce’s town planning, with its patchy road system, as well as the Old Town market place. Monuments and tenement housing are being restored to help return the market place to its former charm. The town center’s new fountain was built by residents and symbolizes the town’s new sense of community. The area is favored for walks by all citizens.
Bartoszyce has a municipal lake and swimming pool. Lake Kinkajmy is several kilometers from town. (Other Masurian cities boast still more popular lakes). Still, the River Łyna is ideal for tourism, offering fine boat rides. Visitors also like the beautifully arranged walking areas in the middle of town, where ponds remain of what used to be moats under the town’s walls. Lime trees line the old streets. When these bloom, pedestrians feel as if they were in the honey fields of Barcja.

The cultural life

n such a small town is remarkable. Centers sponsoring events include the BDK Community Center, the MDK Youth Community Center and the public library, which offers 91,991 books and 1,018 volumes of bound magazines. These centers provide the activities sought by young people, notably music. The BDK Community Center takes the lead in Bartoszyce’s cultural life, organizing events on a regional as well as local level. The calendar is marked with events cherished for many years.

The most notable of Bartoszyce’s events are the International Days of Bartoszyce Region, the Provincial Review of School Theaters called “Bakcyl,” intimate concerts called “Muzyka o zmierzchu,” Polish pop star concerts called “Żegnaj Lato na Rock,” all-Polish religious music “Exultate Deo,” “Międzynarodowy Kiermasz Sztuki Ludowej,” “Wojewodzki Przegląd Tkaniny,” and “Koronki I Haftu Ludowego.”
Culture takes on novelty when participants go beyond accustomed styles. To mention a few:
-The women’s folkloristic group “Przyśpiewka z zapaski” performing regularly at the Community Center. Troups of young actors (called “Dialog”) appearing before the local community around the northeast region bringing splendid fame for the city.
-A social dance club The students’ sports club “Przyjaźń” which offers among its activities mountain cycling, weightlifting, and “ringo” or orientation running.
The local sports club Victoria
A motorcyle club
-The town numbers more than 30 civic organizations in varied social activities, as well as local government cultural and sports-promotional offices. Local authorities are active in backing programs of popular interest. Local media meanwhile help to get the word out, notably the Association of Cable TV Bart-Sat and Vectra, Radio Bartoszyce and the newspaper Goniec Bartoszyce.


ul. Bohaterów Monte Cassino 1 11-200 Bartoszyce
89 762 98 04
Fax: 89 762 98 05