
Educational model year 1-2 (-3)

What do we think is important?

That you quickly feel at home within our school, that students and teachers have an eye for and know each other and that you are intensively guided in your development with the help of your teachers and your study coach.

This development means much more than just learning and gaining knowledge. For example, it is also very important to develop skills, to learn who you are and what you are good and less good at, or to learn to interact with others.

The program in the first year and year 2 havo, atheneum and gymnasium

In year 1 and 2 you take lessons in subjects within the so-called domains. Courses always work together within a domain. The domains are:

  • Dutch (and classical languages & culture at gymnasium 1)
  • Mathematics & Arithmetic
  • Exercise & Sport (physical education)
  • English & Modern foreign languages (English, French and German)
  • People & Society (history and geography)
  • People & Nature (physics technology, biology and chemistry)
  • Art & Culture (visual arts and music)
  • Digital Literacy (media literacy)

Educational model year 4-5-6 (upper years)

Grade 4, 5 of the havo and grade 4, 5 and 6 of the atheneum and gymnasium is called “the second phase”. In the course of the third year, each pupil, together with his / her parents / caregiver (s) and study coach, chooses a profile that matches his / her qualities. You can choose from four profiles and combinations of profiles are possible within the nature profiles and the society profiles. A profile consists of various subjects; common subjects, profile subjects and the elective profile subject.We will work with you to determine which customization suits you. For example, you can choose an extra subject, take an early exam or take one or more subjects at VWO level and close for HAVO students. If necessary, for example due to illness or personal circumstances, you can also take a staggered exam. This means that you divide your exams (school exams and central exams) over two years.


  • Culture
  • Economics and society
  • Nature health
  • Nature & Technology


Akerstraat 95 6417 BK Heerlen
045 - 574 0150