Brussels Enterprises Commerce and Industry


The Brussels Enterprises Commerce and Industry is a private independent organisation composed of the Chamber of Commerce founded in 1703 and the Brussels Business Federation. BECI represents and defends the interests of over 35 000 Brussels companies, small and big alike, and provides a large number of services, ranging from administrative and legal advice to third-party support.

BECI’s services include advice from experts and members, a large internal network of potential clients, buyers and investors, training sessions specifically designed for startups, and masterclasses in law, digital marketing, finances, human resources, strategy…

BECI especially supports and helps startups with their business development in Europe and worldwide. As Brussels is a bilingual city (French and Dutch) in which business people largely also master English, the use of a variety of languages offers easier access to the local community of entrepreneurs and greater visibility to startup founders via the content that they produce and push on their websites, blogs, newsletters, magazines and podcasts.


Avenue Louise 500 1050 - Brussels - Belgium