Church of Our Lady


The Church of Our Lady in a former Collegiate church in Kortrijk. The church was built in 1199 established by Baldwin IX, Count of Flanders. The church is situated in the historic city centre of Kortrijk.

The church is currently still used as a parish church, most of the interior dates from the late Baroque period. The mean organ is sculpted in Rococo style, built by Van Peteghem. The church also contains other important treasures such as the altarpiece of Anthony van Dyck’s Raising of the Cross. This painting was commanded by the reverend canon Roger Braye, dating 1631. In the choir chapels we can find important graves and memorials. In the south a small door gives access to the gothic “Gravenkapel”. After the Second World War some parts needed to be restored.


Toerisme Kortrijk
Begijnhofpark (Parking Houtmarkt) 8500 Kortrijk
+32(0)56 27 78 40