Corporal Trésignies Barracks


The Trésignies barracks is a former military installation in Charleroi built in 1887, now housing the Musée des Chasseurs à pied , the Open University and spaces for entrepreneurship services.


The barracks was built in 1887 to house the military troops of the 13 th regiment of line and st regiment Hunters walk .

The name of “Trésignies” was given to it in memory of Corporal Léon Trésignies , a Belgian hero of the First World War , militiaman of the nd  regiment of Chasseurs à pied , killed during a counter-offensive of the Belgian army at Pont burned in Vilvorde in August 1914. His regiment will be quartered there from 1919.

Around 1938-1939, the barracks were enlarged by a vast modernist complex erected along rue Émile Tumelaire 


The building forms a vast quadrilateral built mainly in brick under slate roofs accessible by a neo-medieval-style porch.

Military artifacts 

In the courtyard are displayed an American personnel carrier M75 and a German tank destroyer JPK. On the north side of the west wall are road signs dating from the wars in Yugoslavia .


Charleroi Town Hall
Place Charles II 14 - 15 6000 Charleroi
071 86 00 00