

The first stop on a discovery of the homonymous Province should be Cuneo itself, surrounded by the snow-covered Alps and dominated by the Torre Civica. Piazza Galimberti, a vast, central square, is the point of departure for a visit to Cuneo Vecchia (or old Cuneo) with its arcades, lanes and monuments: the Cathedral, the former Church of St. Francis and the Civic Museum. 

Cuneo, northwestern Italy, on a plateau in the wedge (cuneo) formed by the confluence of the Stura di Demonte and Gesso rivers, south of Turin.


The Province of Cuneo extends to the southwestern tip of Piedmont, and borders France to the west and Liguria to the south. The Alps, with the Monviso massif and the hills of LangheRoero and Monferrato, covers most of the territory, while at the center lies a vast plain traversed by the PoTanaro, and other rivers. The beautiful landscapes offer great variety: valleys with luxuriant vegetation, hills with patchworks of vineyards broken up only by castles, and wildlife reserves of unique beauty.

Main sights

  • Villa Oldofredi Tadini, built in the 14th and 15th centuries as a watchtower. It is now a museum housing collections of the owners, the Mocchia and Oldofredi Tadini families.
  • Villa Tornaforte, surrounded by an English-style park.
  • Civic Museum
  • Railway Museum
  • Churches of Santa Croce, San Giovanni Decollato and Santissima Annunziata, housing paintings by Giovan Francesco Gaggini.
  • Panoramic funicular that connects plateau to Gesso river.
  • Monument of Stura and Gesso in Torino Square
  • The median way of the plateau (Rome Avenue, Galimberti Square and Nice Avenue): the commercial heart of Cuneo.
  • New Bridge (Ponte Nuovo) between the center of the city and Madonna dell’ Olmo
  • Monument at Peano’s curve
  • Palazzo Uffici Finanziari (PUF), highest edifice in the city at about 50 metres

The Maritime Alps Natural Park features high-altitude lakes that reflect the surrounding peaks with unforgettable views. The Parco Fluviale Gesso-Stura and the Parco Fluviale del Po Tratto Cuneese are of equal beauty and encompass unique landmarks, such as the Rio Martino Cave with its spectacular waterfall.

In addition to its natural beauty, the area offers many other attractions. Its positions made it an important point of contact between peoples and cultures. The most important routes of Medieval pilgrimage ran across it: the Way of San Giacomo and Via Francigena. Important families have fought for its control through the ages.
Its artistic and cultural heritage bears witness to centuries of history: castles and towers that have become an integral part of the landscape, villas and princely residences, and wonderful abbeys, like the Staffarda.

In Cuneo’s environs, various towns boast a wealth of historical and artistic works, such as AlbaFossanoMondovì and Saluzzo, one of the most fascinating towns in Piedmont. The area is also home to some of the best Italian wines, and has been enriched by Occitan cultural influences – religious, gastronomic and folkloristic traditions – that make it the perfect locality for a vacation steeped in culture and charm. 

What to see

From Frabosa Soprana to Limone Piemonte, from Vinadio to Argentera and Pontechianale, the mountains and valleys of the Province of Cuneo offer winter sports in modern resorts fully-equipped with facilities and slopes for skiing, cross-country ski and snowboarding, along with trails for snowshoeing and rinks for skating. Numerous mountaineering and trekking paths cater to all capacity levels, as does the Grande Traversata delle Alpi, a long-distance hiking trail running through the Alps and marked in part by lodges for pit-stops and overnight stays.

The Maritime Alps Natural Park also provides a number of hiking trails, while the Gesso-Stura River Park offers a wide range of walking/cycling routes; meanwhile the City of Cuneo accommodates swimmers and athletes in general with swimming and sports facilities.
Valdieri, Vinadio, Garessio, Roccolo di Busca, Camorei di Borgo San Dalmazzo, Lurisia, and Peveragno are thermal hot springs with spa centers inviting guests to rejuvenate and relax for as long as they want. 

Events and festivals to be highlighted are the National Exhibition of Antiques and Artisanry of Saluzzo; the International White Truffle Fair of Alba; and the traditional Palio degli Asini, a donkey race, also taking place in Alba. 
The historical re-enactments are especially evocative, from the Baio di Sampeyre that commemorates the victory of the inhabitants of the Cuneese vallyes against the Saracens in the Middle Ages to the Roumiage de Setembre in Coumboscuro and the Giostra dell’Oca, a tournament staged for archers, infantrymen and flag-bearers in Fossano. 


Municipality of Cuneo
ufficio.protocollo (at)
Via Roma, 28 - 12100 Cuneo