Estonian Maritime Academy


Estonian Maritime Academy of TUT (Estonian: TTÜ Eesti Mereakadeemia) is a vocational university in Estonia. It is one of the schools of Tallinn University of Technology and it is the only educational institution in Estonia that offers professional higher education and Master’s level education in the maritime field. The university is located in the capital Tallinn but also has two centres in Saaremaa. In addition to higher education, the school contributes to research, provides training and offers services. The Academy also holds a one of a kind Simulator Centre and has a whole dedicated floor of hi-tech laboratories.

Study programmes

  • Navigation
  • Ship Engineering
  • Port and Shipping Management
  • Waterways Safety Management
  • Fisheries Technologies Management and Administration
  • Marine Engineering
  • Business and experience management
  • Master’s Studies


Estonian Maritime Academy
Ehitajate tee 5,
620 2002