GBS De Zeppelin Haasdonk


The Zeppelin is a warm, open learning environment where your child feels at home .

  • Newly built toddlers with spacious and bright classrooms, a covered play area and a direct connection to the garden
  • Initiation French from 3rd kindergarten and French lessons from 3rd grade.
  • Free choice of philosophy.
  • KIVA project to monitor the emotional well-being of our students.
  • Community school in collaboration with the municipal sports service.
  • Integrate ICT skills in the lessons through the use of chromebooks.
  • Possibility of childcare, also during the holidays.
  • Active parent council ‘Reynaert’

After school care:

primary school:
  • on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (after the study) from 4:35 PM> 6 PM
  • Friday from 3:35 PM> 6 PM
  • on Wednesday from 12.10> 17.00 by external reception service ‘t Boelleke. Registration in advance is mandatory via T 0468 48 73 48 or E ‘
  • on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:35 PM> 6 PM
  • on Wednesday from 12.10> 17.00 by external reception service ‘t Boelleke. Registration in advance is mandatory via T 0468 48 73 48 or E ‘
  • on Friday from 4.35 pm> 6 pm

Holiday care

On school-free days and holiday periods, you can make use of the childcare facility at ‘t Boelleke. You register in advance via T 0468 48 73 48 or E ‘


GBS De Zeppelin Haasdonk
Willem Van Doornyckstraat 69 9120 Haasdonk (Beveren-Waas)
03 / 750.10.85