Groene Hart Hospital

The Groene Hart Hospital (GHZ) in Gouda is a modern and general hospital of and for residents of Central Holland. The GHZ offers high-quality care and is easily accessible at four locations: Gouda location, Bodegraven location, Schoonhoven location and Zuidplas location.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for the day-to-day running of the hospital. She is responsible for the proper implementation of objectives, strategy, policy and the resulting results. The Board of Directors is tested and supervised by the Supervisory Board. 


The Medical Staff takes part in the board of the GHZ, through two co-directors. This Co-board contributes knowledge of the medical profession and the primary process. It also plays an important role in gaining support within the Medical Staff for hospital policy. The Co-board consists of the chairman and the vice-chairman of the board of the Medical Staff Association (VMS) .

Board meeting

A decision-making board meeting takes place every two weeks. Decisions taken in this board meeting are, where necessary, submitted to various advisory bodies within the organization. This for information, advice and / or approval. In addition to the Board of Directors, the board meeting consists of:

  • the Co-board
  • the Manager Finance / Risk Compliance & Control
  • a cluster manager
  • the secretary of the Board of Directors
  • the Secretary of the Medical Staff.

Strategic Plan

In the coming years, the GHZ will also be committed to providing comprehensive healthcare for the residents of Central Holland. We are a decisive organization and work closely with suitable partners. This way we are always well prepared for future challenges.

Core data

The Groene Hart Hospital is a relatively large general hospital. The key figures below give an impression of the size of our hospital.

Outpatient visits317,000 per year
Recordings21,000 per year
Turnover in euros201,000,000
Staff members2,000
Medical specialists178


Groene Hart Hospital
Bleulandweg 10 2803 HH Gouda
0182 50 50 50