Hasselt University


Hasselt University is a public research university with campuses in Hasselt and DiepenbeekBelgium. Hasselt University is an innovative university which has a pronounced international orientation. It stands for excellence in education, top research in spearhead fields and active commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship.


Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences

Bachelor’s programmes

  • Medicine
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Physiotherapy

Master’s programmes

  • Biomedical Sciences
    • Molecular Mechanisms in Health and Disease
    • Clinical Biomedical Sciences
    • Environmental Health Sciences
    • Bioelectronics and Nanotechnology
  • Physiotherapy

Faculty of Sciences

Bachelor’s programmes

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Computer Sciences
  • Statistics
  • Mathematics

Master’s programmes

  • Computer Sciences
  • Statistics
  • Engineering

Faculty of Engineering Technology

Bachelor’s programmes

  • Industrial Sciences

Master’s programmes

  • Construction
  • Biochemistry
  • Chemistry
  • Electromechanics
  • Energy
  • Electronics-ICT
  • Nuclear technology
  • Packaging technology

Faculty of Business Economics

Bachelor’s programmes

  • Applied Economics
  • Business Economics
  • Business Engineering
  • Business Engineering in Management Information Systems

Master’s programmes

  • Applied Economics
  • Business Engineering
  • Business Engineering in Management Information Systems
  • Master of management

Faculty of Law

Bachelor’s programmes

  • Law

Master’s programmes

  • Administration of justice
  • Government and law

Faculty of Architecture and Arts

Bachelor’s programmes

  • Architecture
  • Interior architecture

Master’s programmes

  • Architecture
  • Interior architecture

School for Transportation Sciences

Bachelor’s programmes

  • Transportation Sciences

Master’s programmes

  • Road Traffic Safety
  • Mobility Management


Hasselt University
Martelarenlaan 42 3500 Hasselt
011 268 111