Haute École Bruxelles-Brabant


The Haute École Bruxelles-Brabant (HE2B) is a Belgian high school belonging to the network of the French Community of Belgium. It includes 7 structural units spread over 10 campuses (9 campuses in Brussels and 1 in Nivelles ).

  • Defré Unit – Field of Pedagogical Sciences and Education and Field of Political and Social Sciences
  • ESI Unit – Science Field
  • IESSID Unit – Information and Communication Domain and Political and Social Sciences Domain
  • ISEK Unit – Domain Sciences of Public Health and Domain Sciences of Motor Skills
    • Schaller Campus
    • Erasmus Campus
    • Forest Campus
  • ISES Unit – Field of Legal Sciences and Field of Economics and Management
  • ISIB Unit – Field of Engineering Sciences and Technology
    • Royal Campus
    • Campus Studs
  • Nivelles Unit – Field of Pedagogical Sciences and Education

Educational science and education 

Primary schoolteacher Primary schoolteacher moral option

  • Agrégé de l’Enseignement Lower Secondary (AESI): French-FLE – French-Moral – Mathematics – Economics and applied economics – Dutch-English – English-German – Dutch-German – Biology, Chemistry, Physics – History, Geography, Social Sciences – Home and Social Economy
  • Educator specializing in psycho-educational support
  • Specialization in Orthopedagogy
  • Specialization in Integration of new technologies in the service of education
  • Sports coaching
  • Specialization in physical preparation and training


  • IT management
  • IT and systems:
    • industrial orientation
    • networks and telecommunications focus
  • Specialized Bachelor in Network and Computer Systems Security
  • Master in Cybersecurity

Social and Political Sciences 

  • Social worker
  • Specialization in game science and techniques
  • Specialization in Psychosocial Work in Mental Health
  • Master in Engineering and Social Action

Science of Public Health 

  • Bandagisterie-Orthesiology-Prosthesiology
  • Geriatrics and Psychogeriatrics

Motricity Sciences 

  • Occupational therapy
  • Master in Physiotherapy

Legal sciences 

  • Law

Economics and management

  • Management assistant:
    • medical option
    • languages ​​and management option
  • Trade and development

Engineering sciences and technology 

  • Master in Industrial Engineering Sciences:
    • chemistry orientation
    • electicity orientation
    • electronic orientation
    • physics and nuclear engineering orientation
    • IT orientation
    • mechanical orientation:
      • Mechanical and aeronautical engineering option
      • Electromechanical option


Contact administrative headquarters HE2B
Chaussée de Waterloo, 749, 1180 Brussels
+32 (0) 2 340 12 95