Haute École en Hainaut


The HEH is made up of four departments spread over four different locations in the cities of Mons and Tournai. The HEH mainly provides short-type vocational education (Bachelor) and also offers some long-type higher education training (Master).

Department of Educational Sciences and Education (Mons and Tournai) 

Training offer 
  • Bachelor of primary school teacher;
  • Bachelor of pre-school teacher (Tournai);
  • Bachelor of educator specializing in psycho-educational support;
  • Bachelor’s degree in lower secondary education (AESI) in:
    • Plastic arts
    • French – Foreign languages
    • French – Moral
    • Germanic languages
    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • Social science

Department of Social Sciences (Mons and Tournai) 

Training offer

Department of Law, Economics and Management (Tournai)

  • Bachelor in Executive Assistant
  • Bachelor in Law
  • Bachelor in Tourism and Leisure Management

Department of Science and Technology (Mons)

Training offer
  • Bachelor in biotechnology;
  • Bachelor in electronics;
  • Bachelor in Computer Science;
  • Bachelor in Computer Graphics.
Long-type training (5 years) 
  • Master of Science in Industrial Engineering in Construction;
  • Master in industrial engineering sciences, surveyor focus;
  • Master of Science in Industrial Engineering in Computer Science.


Haute École en Hainaut
4, rue Pierre-Joseph Duménil 7000 Mons
+32 (0) 65 34 79 83