Hogeschool Gent


University College Ghent is the largest university college in Flanders, with three faculties, one School of Arts and 13,000 students. Its establishment in 1995 is the outcome of two successful mergers that involved sixteen Belgian institutions of higher education. Many had been influential leaders in higher education for several decades. The current faculties are spread over the city center of Ghent and Aalst.


University College Ghent consists of three faculties and one School of Arts. Each of these entities is led by a dean, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of his or her faculty.Faculty of Teacher Training

  • Education, Health & Social Work
  • Science & Technology
  • Business & Information Management
  • School of Arts


University College Ghent is a modern urban university college located throughout the city of Ghent. There are also campuses in the neighbouring cities of Aalst and Melle.

Student facilities and services

Student facilities include libraries, concert halls, learning centres, research and study centres, a 3,000 m² sports centre and much more. Additionally, University College Ghent offers its students a complete range of student services, from housing and catering to student jobs, cultural events and medical assistance. All these services are centrally organized by the Office for Student Services and Student Life.

Study programmes

University College Ghent offers a wide range of bachelor and master programmes in the following fields of study:

  • Applied Engineering & Technology
  • Applied Linguistics
  • Architecture
  • Audio-Visual & Visual Arts
  • Biotechnology
  • Business Administration
  • Education
  • Health Care
  • Music & Performing Arts
  • Social & Community Work

Some of the study programmes are taught exclusively in English. These programmes are specifically organized for foreign exchange students, but they are also open to Belgian students.

  • Master of Audiovisual Arts
  • Master of Fine Arts
  • Master of Music
  • Audiology
  • Applied
  • Information Technology
  • Business, Retail and Languages
  • Nursing
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Social Educational Care Work
  • Social Work
  • Speech and Language Pathology

Furthermore, University College Ghent also offers a wide variety of follow-up programmes.


Registered Office HOGENT
Geraard de Duivelstraat 5 9000 Gent
+32 9 243 33 33