Homea Clinic


Homea Clinic is a private comprehensive center for the diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair, nail diseases and intimate problems in men and women.

We have modern technologies for diagnostics and therapy. We use artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of skin cancers and we are at the start of personalized medicine in genetic testing for hair diseases.

Our accreditations and certificates

Homea, Ltd. s ro is an accredited workplace by the Ministry of Health in the field of dermatovenerology for specialized education of physicians.

We obtained the “Quality Assurance Certificate of the Czech Lymphological Society of the Czech Medical Association JEP” and became this certified workplace for lymphatic drainage.

The workplace is the only one in the Czech Republic certified by ECAMS (European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery).

We are a specialized training workplace for the Czech Republic and SK Lutronic, FotoFinder, MedArt, Diers.


Homea Clinic
Popkovická 1340 530 06 Pardubice
+ 420 737 138 136