Institut Sankt Joseph

Welcome to Institut Sankt Joseph

An international school with more than 160 years of tradition for humanistic education in an ambitious and caring school environment.

Catholic and international school

Institut Sankt Joseph is a Catholic primary school with both Danish and international departments.

We have approx. 800 students from kindergarten class to 10th grade. Approx. 15% of the school’s students are Catholics and approx. 65% are members of the Danish National Church. The last 20% belong to other denominations (Muslims, Buddhists, Jews) or are not members of a denomination.

85% of the school’s students live in Østerbro or in the Inner City.

The school was founded in 1858 by the Sankt Joseph Søstrene and was initially housed on Sankt Annæ square in inner Copenhagen.

In 1914 we moved to our current address on Dag Hammarskjölds Allé in Østerbro.

The school has been continuously modernized; in recent years with great attention to pedagogy, learning environment and IT / media.

In the daily teaching, there must be plenty of time for dialogue, contemplation and decision-making; also in relation to existential / religious issues. Thus, it is our goal that students’ intellectual, creative and spiritual development go hand in hand.

We offer a vibrant and diverse international environment with a broad group of students – both culturally, religiously, socio-economically and nationally. Our students come from approx. 80 different countries (mother and / or father) and speak more than 40 different languages.

We see ourselves as a broad-based humanistic educational institution, and offer an ambitious and caring school environment with a focus on high professionalism, community and humanity.


Institut Sankt Joseph
Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 17 2100 København
35 38 47 35