Karviná Mining Hospital


A look into the history of Karviná Mining Hospital as

  • The hospital building itself was built in the early 1950s and served as a military hospital.
  • On November 1, 1958, the hospital was handed over for use to the newly established Racing Institute of National Health in Karviná, whose task was to take care primarily of the health of workers employed by OKD.
  • The hospital had surgical, internal and neurological departments, including specialist outpatient clinics. As part of the complement, the department of clinical biochemistry and RDG was modernized. Soon, as one of the first in the district, an intensive care unit was built within the internal medicine department. During the following years, the hospital started operating in the rehabilitation and ARO department.
  • Between 1985 and 1988, the hospital building underwent extensive reconstruction. The basic building is connected to the hospital administration building and an outpatient section is added at the main entrance. On July 1, 1991, the hospital was renamed the Mining Hospital with a polyclinic. As part of the solution for the future of the hospital, there was also a variant of privatization.
  • After the completion of the privatization process,  on February 1, 1996, the newly established company “Karvinská hornická nemocnice as” (hereinafter referred to as KHN as) started its activities as a non-governmental medical facility, in the form of inpatient and outpatient care. At the beginning of 2001, on the basis of a cooperation agreement with the strategic partner OKD, as, which at that time was the owner of the hospital’s facilities, the project “Restructuring of KHN as” was accepted.
  • By a notarial deed dated 23 May 2019, Karvinská Hornická nemocnice as took over the business share of MUDr. Jankovičová Ivana sro, IČ 29463327. Upon taking over the share, the company was renamed to “KHN Praktik sro” and the company’s registered office was changed to Zakladatelská 975/22, 735 06 Karviná-Nové Město. Due to the fact that the ambulance is operated on the hospital premises, it provides patients with comprehensive care in connection with the hospital complement.


Karviná Mining Hospital
Zakladatelská 975/22 73506 Karviná - Nové Město
+420 596 380 111