Kenessey Albert Kórház

Thanks to the geographical location of the Dr. Kenessey Albert Hospital and Clinic in Balassagyarmat, it can be approached from any settlement of Nógrád county in a short time and, thanks in no small part, the XIX. century, a hospital operated. In addition to the renowned Dr. Kenessey Albert, Dr. Kálmán Sántha, a prominent pioneer of neurosurgery and stroke care in Hungary, as well as Elemér Bartha, an ophthalmologist. based on a doctor’s award to a colleague.

A new main building was built on Rákóczi út, merging the diagnostics, operating rooms, surgical and internal medicine departments into a common building block instead of the previous pavilion system. A new, state-of-the-art reconstruction of the internal medicine and infectious departments is currently underway, which we hope will soon be followed by the establishment of a new emergency department with the support of the Municipality and the European Union.


Kenessey Albert Kórház
2660 Balassagyarmat Rákóczi út 125-127.
35 / 505-000