Medisch Spectrum Twente

Medisch Spectrum Twente (MST) is one of the largest top clinical training hospitals. Our trauma center has a regional trauma function and MST is chairman of one of the eleven national ROAZ (Regional Consultation Acute Care). In MST, 3,500 employees are committed to promoting health in the Twente region in close collaboration with its regional care partners. We are extra proud of the exceptional top care provided by our centers. In some areas, patients from all over the Netherlands are referred to us.

Customized care

In 2016, a completely new hospital with a state-of-the-art OR complex was opened in the main location in Enschede. With this new infrastructure we can further develop highly complex healthcare in Twente. In addition, our patients are welcome in the outpatient clinics in Oldenzaal and Haaksbergen, so that good care is always close by. We offer tailor-made care that fits the patient’s care needs and that we determine together with the patient and other care providers.


Medisch Spectrum Twente
PO Box 50 000
7500 KA Enschede

Tel: (053) 487 20 00

Brochures about MST

Better together – Santeon

MST is part of Santeon, the hospital group of seven top clinical hospitals that aims to improve medical care through continuous innovation. Via the Santeon Value Based Health Care (VBHC) program, we compare outcomes and processes of more than fifteen care paths. In this way we learn from each other and improve the care for our patients. We also work closely with care providers in the region, such as general practitioners; Nursing, Care and Home Care (VVT); specialists from other hospitals and midwives.


Good care for our patients starts with good care for our employees. We invest in our professionals by, among other things, offering a safe and inspiring work environment, in which continuous training and development are central. We strive for a culture in which professionals are motivated to continuously learn from and with each other.


Our medical specialists work closely with the University of Twente on education, training and research and develop technological innovations together. A number of specialists are professors at the UT, which offers unique opportunities in the field of (technological) medical research for MST. In this way we want to improve healthcare every day.

As a member of the Collaborative Top Clinical Training Hospitals (STZ), we work together on the best hospital care, now and in the future. We distinguish ourselves as an STZ hospital with patient-oriented fundamental and applied scientific research through technological healthcare innovations.


Medisch Spectrum Twente
PO Box 50000 7500 KA Enschede
(053) 487 20 00