Miskolc Holding Zrt.


Miskolc Holding Zrt. Participates in the process of local economic recovery and brings investors to Miskolc. But this is just one of its most important roles. In the member companies of Miskolc Holding Zrt., The continuous development of the service segment and the provision of customer- and population-friendly services are also key issues.

In addition to its role in economic development, Miskolc Holding Zrt. Provides services to its residents through its member companies. Both are decisive in the life of Miskolc. If we mention public transport, drinking water supply or district heating, cleaning the city, we are talking about the member companies of Miskolc Holding. Several of these member companies are among the leading companies in the region. These member companies are service providers, acting and developing for the benefit of the population, which also means that they strive to keep prices under control while raising the standard of service, which is only possible with modern, streamlined operations.

The mission of Miskolc Holding Zrt. Is to develop the city’s economy in accordance with the city’s strategic objectives. The mission of Miskolc Holding Zrt. Is basically determined by three activities:

  • Urban development
  • Economic development
  • Company development


Miskolc Holding Zrt.
H-3530 Miskolc, Petőfi Sándor utca 1-3.
+36 46 516-450 |