Psychiatric Nursing Home Sint-Kamillus


Zorggroep Sint-Kamillus is a facility for mental health care within the Brothers of Charity with 3 campuses: campus Krijkelberg in Bierbeek, campus PVT Salvenbos in Heverlee and campus Oudebaan in Leuven.

PVT Salvenbos is a form of housing for residents with a long-term stabilized psychiatric disorder and offers continuous guidance that should allow residents to regain their autonomy and, if possible, even return to normal social life. A PVT is a link in the care process of a resident.

The resident and his individual growth opportunities are always central. People in the PVT also have wishes and desires that they still want to fulfill. The PVT is not a final stage, but a period in a life. Some people still want to return to society. They want to live in a sheltered form of living. They only want to live with the guidance of mobile teams, for example. They opt for a longer stay in a PVT environment. Others prefer to go to a residential care center when they get older and still others, with psychiatric difficulties who already live outside, sometimes want to find temporary peace in a PVT environment. That is why we give a number of the 60 people who live in the PVT Salvenbos the opportunity to work towards their goal in smaller living groups.


Campus PVT Salvenbos
Naamsesteenweg 492, 3001 Leuven, België
016 45 29 56