Saint-Joseph Institute for Technical Education – General, Technical and Professional Secondary


The Institut Saint-Joseph is an establishment located in Etterbeek which is part of the free Catholic network subsidized by the French Community of Belgium. The school provides full general, technical and vocational secondary education .

Options and training

  • In the 2nd and 3rd degrees (3rd to 6th years)

General Education (G)
5-6G: English II 4p – Mathematics 4p – Dutch I 2p – Sciences 3p – Social sciences 4p

Transitional Technical Education (TT)
3-4TT: English II 4p – Dutch I 2p – Computer science 8p
5-TT: English II 4p – Mathematics 4p or 6 p – Dutch I 2p – Computer science 8p

Qualification Technical Education (TQ)
3-4TQ: Electromechanics
4TQreo: Electromechanical reorientation
4 -5-6 TQ: Versatile automotive
mechanic 5-6TQ: Automation electrician – Automation mechanic – Chemical technician – Electronics technician – Computer
technician 7TQ: Motorcycle technician

Professional Education (P)
3-4P: Wood
3 P: Multipurpose mechanics
4-5-6 P: Automotive maintenance mechanic
5-6P: Cabinetmaker
7PB: Complement in creation and restoration of furniture – Complement in automobile electricity – Diesel engine and hydraulic machinery mechanic


Saint-Joseph Institute
Rue Félix Hap 14, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium
+32 (0) 2 735 81 10