Saint Peter’s Abbey


Saint Peter’s Abbey is a former Benedictine abbey in Ghent, Belgium, now a museum and exhibition centre. Saint Peter’s was founded in the late 7th century by Amandus, a missionary sent by the Frankish kings to Christianize the pagan inhabitants of the region, who founded two monasteries in the area, St. Bavo’s, and Saint Peter’s on the Blandijnberg. In the fifteenth century a large scale programme of construction created the abbey library and scriptorium, enlarged the refectory, and the abbey church and other buildings were considerably beautified.

The abbey is now used as a museum and exhibition centre, which in 2000 housed a major exhibition as part of the Year of Emperor Charles, and in October 2001 hosted the 88th meeting of the European Council.

Burials in the Abbey

  • Baldwin II, Margrave of Flanders
  • Ælfthryth, Countess of Flanders
  • Arnulf I, Count of Flanders
  • Adele of Vermandois
  • Baldwin III, Count of Flanders
  • Arnulf II, Count of Flanders
  • Rozala of Italy
  • Ogive of Luxembourg
  • Godfrey I, Count of Verdun
  • Lou Tseng-Tsiang


Stad Gent
09 210 10 10