
Semcon is a Swedish multinational technology company, specialized in product development. Semcon collaborates mainly with companies in the automotive industryenergy and life science sectors. It has 2,000 specialised employees, and conducts the entire product development cycle, from strategy and technology development to design and product information.

Core business

Semcon offers engineering services and product information services for the entire product development chain, from requirement studies to finished product.

Engineering Services: The three main areas of expertise are product development, production development and plant design. These include:

→Automotive engineering →Mechanics →Electrics & electronics →Plant design →Design →Automation →Test & verification →Design→ →User experience →Project management →Quality →Production & process development →Calculation & simulation

Product Information: The three main areas of expertise are online marketing communication, after market information and distribution of information. These include:

→Information strategy →Information design →Serviceability →Online marketing communication →Information management →Training →Product and user information →Service information →Parts & accessories information →Illustration & graphics →Digital distribution.

Business areas

Semcon is grouped in three business areas:

Engineering Services Nordic

Engineering services in the Nordic region. This encompasses varied sectors of activity including: automotive engineering, industrial design, mechanical design, production technology, prototypes, electricity and automation, embedded systems, both hardware and software.

Engineering Services International

Engineering services in Brazil, India, UK and Russia. This encompasses varied sectors of activity including: automotive engineering, industrial design, mechanical design, production technology, prototypes, electricity and automation, embedded systems, both hardware and software.

Product Information

Business area product information delivers services and information solutions ranging from online marketing communication to aftermarket information for complex products, software and plants. The business area has activities in Sweden, Germany, China, UK, and Hungary.


Göteborg (Semcon HQ)
Via contact form
Lindholmsallén 2 417 80 Göteborg
+46 (0)31-721 00 00