St Aubin’s Cathedral


St Aubin’s Cathedral, NamurWallonia, the only cathedral in Belgium in academic Late Baroque style. It was the only church built in the Low Countries as a cathedral after 1559, when most of the dioceses of the Netherlands were reorganized. It is classified as part of Wallonia’s Major Heritage by the Walloon Region.

In the interior, there is an ornamented frieze, carved with swags of fruit and flowers between the Corinthian capitals runs in an unbroken band entirely round the church. All colour is avoided, replaced by architectural enrichments and the bas-reliefs in the pendentives of the dome. The interior contains works of art that include paintings by Anthony van DyckJacob Jordaens and Jacques Nicolaï, a Jesuit lay brother and student of Rubens. There is also an old, Romanesque baptismal font.


Visit Namur
Place de la Station, Namur, Belgique
+3281 24 64 49